Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 777 The matchmaker comes (6)

"It's absolutely true, Master. Do you want me to make arrangements now? If I keep it tonight, I can make all my wishes come true."

Of course Nangong Jin wants to make things happen tonight, but he just proposed marriage today and was rejected. If he does it tonight, it will easily arouse others' suspicion. What if Huo Yuan wants someone from him or has a grudge against him from now on? It's fun.

Therefore, he suppressed his full of desire and said unwillingly and helplessly: "No need for now, let's wait for a few days to calm down..."

Caifei didn't know that she had been tricked. She was still studying the craftsmanship seriously with Grandma Xiu in the cloth shop. In the blink of an eye, it was closing time. Caifei said with a smile: "I feel like I haven't learned much every day." , it’s getting dark. If this continues, when will I be able to learn my grandma’s unique skills?"

Aunt Tong said: "Only when you are serious about doing something, you will not notice the passage of time. The girl learns very well and very quickly, although it will take some time to learn what I am capable of." , but with the girl’s seriousness, it’s only a matter of time, so the girl doesn’t have to be impatient.  "

After several days of contact, Grandma Tong became more and more fond of Cai Fei, her female apprentice. Cai Fei not only had a good temper and was serious about her work, but also respected and admired her very much, which made her especially fond of this girl.

Huan Qiu said: "The master is already waiting outside. Girl, you'd better hurry up."

Aunt Tong also said: "I didn't let the elders wait for you, go quickly." After hearing this, Caifei blessed Nanny Tong and turned around to go out.

Huanqiu helped Fei'er get into the carriage. Uncle Zhang raised his whip and drove the horse away like a village in the suburbs.

At this moment, the sun has set, and the remaining sunlight shines on the carriage, casting a layer of soft light on the carriage.

As soon as Caiwei got on the carriage, she started chattering to her father about the cloth shop. She mainly talked about the stitching techniques she learned today, what she embroidered, and how grandma Tong praised her, etc... .

Mu Zhongqing rarely spoke, only looked at her with a loving smile, and occasionally responded with a word or two. However, when she didn't look at him, his eyes showed faint uneasiness and pain.

Fei'er was only eleven years old, but someone was already interested in him. The other person was the eldest son of the powerful Prince Guangling. Although he had flatly rejected the marriage, he didn't know if the eldest son would just give up. If he refuses to give up, how can he, a small commoner, compete with the Guangling Palace? What should his wife do?

While he was thinking deeply, there was suddenly a sound of suona and mourning coming from outside. It was so loud that it sounded like someone from a powerful family had died.

Outside the car, Uncle Zhang was driving his horse and happened to meet the funeral procession. He hurriedly parked the car aside and waited for the huge funeral procession to pass by.

The car stopped on the side of the road, mingling with a group of passers-by and watching the fun. From time to time, the words of some people watching the fun reached the car.

"Tsk, tsk, how could the eldest grandson's family of Duke Anguo be bitten to death by a snake? It's really strange!"

"You don't know this, right? I heard that it was an old aunt who died in their house a few days ago who is causing trouble. I heard that the old aunt was tortured by them a lot in the past, and her eyes were even blinded by them. She was beaten to death, and there was no good place on her body. Later, she was tortured to death by them. Therefore, the old aunt was not willing to give up after her death, so she turned into countless poisonous snakes and returned to Anguo Duke's Mansion to take revenge. ...."

"It's nonsense. If the old aunt came back to seek revenge, she should seek revenge on the person who harmed her. Why would she seek revenge on the eldest grandson and his family?"

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