Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 752 The Princess Arrives (3)

Although Du Wanqiu was not bitten by a snake, her family suffered such a big change, and she heard the scandal that Wuchang Hou was castrated. She was worried and sighing every day, fearing that her family would take her to Wuchang Hou again!

Although there were no casualties in the second room, Du Wanyue was frightened by a python that got into the bed in the middle of the night. She hid in a corner and screamed all day long. No one could get close to her. She kept shouting: "Snake, snake, snake..." "

The imperial doctors who treated her said that she was scared out of her mind and feared that she would never recover. Therefore, Erfang and his family fell into a state of misery.

Du Yongchun, who lived in the third room, was also bitten by a snake. Fortunately, he had a strong psychological endurance and was not frightened. However, the bite site happened to be his face and he would not be able to go out to see people for a few days...

Du Ruhai escaped because he stayed in Aunt Liao's yard that day, but he was not happy about it. The tragic death of his eldest grandson and eldest grandson made his already depressed heart even more depressed. What's more, why was there inexplicable death in his family? Why are there so many extra snakes?

Who could have done it? Although the disciples of Duke An Guo are incompetent, they are all timid and afraid of getting into trouble. They never offend others outside and never make enemies with others themselves. Who could be so vicious to Duke An Guo? Who can have such great ability? How can we release so many snakes into the house without being discovered?

The same atmosphere as Anguo's mansion is the Huo mansion, the home of the richest man in the Jin Dynasty.

Huo Yuan's front foot was invited to leave by Ying Tianfu, and the Huo family's back foot knew it.

Mrs. Huo was so frightened that she prepared a sedan chair and drove her into the palace to see Concubine Huo Xian.

However, the sedan was stopped at the palace gate, and a eunuch from the Ministry of Internal Affairs told her in a strange way that Concubine Huo Xian had been ordered to be grounded by Concubine Jin because of her disobedience to Concubine Jin. Receive foreigners without permission.

The old lady couldn't bear the blow, and she fainted immediately. She was carried back by her family in a sedan chair, and she was carried directly to the Cishou Hall Imperial Hospital where the old lady lived. Many aunts and concubines gathered in the courtyard of Cishou Hall, preparing to attend to the illness.

All members of the Huo family came and gathered together to discuss ways to rescue Huo Yuan.

Now that Huo Yuan is away, the old lady has fallen ill again. The eldest son in the family is the second master Huo Qi. He is sitting on the main seat and with a solemn expression, he asks the housekeeper who was sent to Yingtian Mansion to see Huo Yuan for news.

The housekeeper didn't see Huo Yuan, but brought back some not-so-optimistic news.

It is said that Mr. Huo was interrogated once in the lobby, but no reason was found. Now he is in prison. I wonder what the situation is like?

The Huo family had a lot of money, and the housekeeper spent a lot of money. Finally, he learned the truth about Huo Yuan's arrest from the clerk of Yingtian Mansion. He did not dare to slack off and came back to report it immediately.

When the second master Huo Qi heard about this, he immediately became furious: "It's the Mu family that has brought trouble to our Huo family. Such scoundrels should be kicked out as soon as possible. How can we let them live in our Huo family?"

Everyone was silent. Everyone knew that Huo Yuan personally brought the Mu family into Bishui Villa. After that family moved in, Huo Yuan never returned home. He has been living with that family in Bishui Villa. It can be seen that they attach great importance to that family. If they take advantage of Huo Yuan's absence and attack that family, wouldn't they be blamed when Huo Yuan comes back?

However, if the second master Huo Qi wants to replace his nephew Huo Yuan and become the head of the family, he must do something against Huo Yuan to establish his authority and show that he is not afraid of him.

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