Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 590 He’s Roast Duck (6)

Dunzhu and Danzhu were flattered and declined, but Caiwei couldn't resist and insisted on letting them order. So Dunzhu ordered a piece of duck intestines and Danzhu ordered a piece of baked duck liver.

While waiting for the food, Caiwei chatted with the sisters Dunzhu and Danzhu, and talked about the life experiences of the two sisters. Dunzhu and Danzhu are both straightforward girls. After getting along with each other for these two days, Caiwei had a good relationship with Caiwei. He had developed a strong sense of attachment, so he told his life story without any concealment.

It turned out that the two sisters ran away to escape the 'daughter ceremony' just as Nangong Yi guessed.

Their father was a minor official responsible for raising horses under Mengnu Khan. Although the family was not rich, it was much better than ordinary people. At least the sisters had their own slaves since they were young, and they had never gone hungry, and they often Can wear brocade clothes that can only be worn by aristocratic women of the Jin Dynasty.

Unfortunately, although they have no worries about food and clothing, they are not happy with their lives, because they once had an older sister who held a 'daughter ceremony' when she was eight years old. The cruel daughter ceremony required the presence of all the women in the family. Watch the ceremony to prove the girl's innocence and chastity.

The cruelty of the 'daughter ceremony' is unimaginable. The elder sister completed her 'daughter ceremony' in a state of panic, and was carried back to her tent while she was dying. The three of them lived in the same tent. So the relationship is very good, and their sister is also very kind to them, but they can only watch their sister being hurt in the most cruel way, but they can't stop or help her.

After her sister was carried back, she fell into a coma. At night, she developed a high fever that lasted until dawn. When the great wizard in the royal court came to see her, he said that the Karen God on the grassland had taken a fancy to her and asked her parents to bring her to her. Sister dedicated to the god Karen.

So, the sister was carried to Karen Mountain and placed on the top of Karen Mountain, which was dedicated to the Karen God.

Dundup wanted to know how the God of Karen picked up his sister, so he secretly ran back at night to take a look. As a result, he only saw the remains of a skeleton that had been eaten by an eagle. The arms of the remains were raised high. She was standing still, and her pain could still be vaguely seen on her bloody face. Obviously, her sister had woken up when she was eaten by an eagle, and what kind of pain and torture she had experienced in her last days...

Because a daughter had died before, their parents could not bear to hold a 'daughter ceremony' for their second daughter. Therefore, Dundup grew up in fear until she was fifteen years old, and her body was still intact.

However, if a girl on the grassland has not had a "daughter ceremony", she will be regarded as unchaste and shameless, and will be insulted as a prostitute. No one wants to marry such a girl, and even if she does, she will be forcibly circumcised by her husband. Because Meng slave men often go out to herd and hunt. If the wife who has not performed the 'daughter ceremony' stays at home, even if she steals someone, the husband cannot find out; but if the wife has performed the 'daughter ceremony', If you steal someone, it will leave a very obvious mark on your body.

In the end, Dundup's parents could not bear the pressure and finally decided to hold a 'daughter ceremony' for the two women. Dundup and Danzhu made their choice immediately after learning about their parents' decision.

They took advantage of the darkness and risked being eaten by wild wolves to escape from Mengnu to Dajin. They decided to escape from the evil Mengnu and stay in Dajin.

When they came out, they originally brought some jewelry with them, but they didn't know anything except Dajin. As a result, they were deceived by scammers. They could only live by doing odd jobs. However, a few days ago, there was a sudden news about Dajin. With the news that they were about to go to war with Meng Nu, no one dared to hire them anymore, for fear of being suspected of being too close to Xizuo.

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