Fei'er and Wen'er stood behind their father, stretching their necks and looking hard at the letter. When they saw their familiar handwriting, their eyes became sore; Wu'er wiped his eyes and said in a whimpering voice: "I Miss my sister..."

After reading the letter, Mu Zhongqing folded it carefully, put it back in his arms, coughed, straightened his back and said to his family: "Everyone knows what's going on. There's no need to be afraid anymore. From now on." From tomorrow onwards, we should all do whatever we are supposed to do. Don't wait for Wei'er to come back. She will be unhappy if we all slack off.

Caifei said: "What dad said is that I will go to Buzhuang early tomorrow morning. Cai Lian has been managing the business for me these past few days. I will go and manage it myself tomorrow."

The scholar said: "I will go to school with Wu'er tomorrow. I haven't been to class for three days. Master must have taught a lot of new lessons. If I don't go, I will be left behind."

"I have nothing to do, so I just eat and sleep. I treat myself as a pig." Du Shi joked.

Her daughter's letter was like a panacea, making her mood instantly better. She had been crying so hard all day long, but now she could laugh and joke.

"Yes, we are all doing well, and I am also taking the eye medicine Sister Wei gave me. I will be happy when Wei'er comes back!" Mrs. Mei also expressed her happiness.

The whole family was very happy, completely immersed in the great joy of Caiwei's resurrection...

In the evening, Caiwei went into the space and made all the remaining beef into beef jerky. She also collected all the mature grains and replanted some with Changmei. Spring plowing was coming soon. Caiwei planned to Use the food harvested in the space as seeds to sow the seeds for the village she is going to buy tomorrow. The seeds produced in the space must be much better than the seeds outside. I hope she can use these seeds to bring a big harvest to her new village!

After finishing her work, it was past midnight outside. She took a bath in the hot spring, massaged her breasts for a while like a medical girl, and then fell into a deep sleep.

In the morning, she was awakened by the noisy sound of parrots.

"Master, I'm back!"

"Great, you're finally back!"

As soon as Caiwei heard the voice of the parrot, she suddenly lost all sleep. She got up from the bed, took out the letter she had written last night, and solemnly tied it to the parrot's leg.

"Brother Ying, I'll thank you for the hard work this time. It's a very important matter. Please get the letter into my father's hands as soon as possible. Don't make any mistakes..."

"Master, don't worry!"

The parrot didn't even have time to take a breath before he flew away without stopping.

Caiwei clasped her palms together and said silently in her heart: "Amitabha, I hope I am too worried..."

Last night, Caiwei made an appointment with Shen Juhua. This morning, she went to Shen's Mansion to find their mother and daughter. Then they all took a car to Uncle Juhua's village to go through the procedures for the sale of the village. Caiwei got up early for this purpose and ate. After buying the soup dumplings bought by the Dunzhu sisters, I took Dunzhu and Danzhu and went to Shen's house.

When they arrived at Shen's Mansion, Caiwei was about to call the door when she saw a little girl sneaking over. When she saw Caiwei, she whispered: "Miss Mu, my young lady said that I'm afraid I can't go with you today." My uncle is here. Something happened at home. Let’s go another day."

Caiwei said: "What happened? Is it related to the eldest lady and madam?"

The little girl looked around and saw that no one was paying attention here, so she whispered: "The second lady took the second young lady and the two young masters to the theater yesterday, but the horse was frightened and dragged them away for seven seconds. After more than ten miles, the car overturned on a mountain. The second lady, second young lady and two young men in the car were all injured. The second lady's legs were crushed, and the eldest young man broke two ribs and is in pain now. It's life and death, and the second lady was also injured, with a little scratch on her face. I wonder if it can leave a scar. The young master was injured the most, he fell on his head, and he hasn't woken up yet... ...."

When Caiwei heard this, she laughed and whispered: "Go back and ask your lady if she wants to completely bring down the second house. If she wants to, let her try to find a chance to see me. Remember, the chance is only This time, if you miss this time, there will be no next time!"

The little girl looked at Caiwei in astonishment, not knowing what to say.

Caiwei took out a piece of broken silver and stuffed it into her hand, and whispered: "Don't just sit around in a daze, go quickly, after you finish this errand, your lady will definitely promote you!"

"Yes Yes!"

The little girl woke up from a dream and saw a puff of smoke.

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