There are also many houses in Zhuangzi, with more than twenty in front and back, all equipped with wing rooms and warehouses. There is also a large livestock shed in the backyard. The house is a bit old. Although the layout of the yard is not exquisite, there are endless green spaces and plants planted in the yard. The large expanses of flowers and fruit trees made Zhuangzi look like a paradise, making Caiwei fall in love with it. Even if Nangong Yi had nothing to do with it, she would buy it without hesitation.

Shen Juhua took Caiwei to meet her maternal grandfather and uncle. Both her uncle and maternal grandfather were very conscientious farmers. They did not bully Caiwei because she was a young girl. Instead, they followed their previous agreement. For two thousand five hundred taels of silver, the entire village was sold.

The two parties negotiated the price, and Caiwei paid a deposit of one hundred taels of silver in advance. The two parties agreed to deliver the goods tomorrow and asked Mrs. Cui to be a witness.

After the conversation, Caiwei and Juhua rejected their uncle and grandfather's kindness to leave a meal, and went back with the carriage.

Originally, Juhua would stay for a few days every time she came to her grandfather's house, but because she was worried about going back to see what would happen to her second aunt's family, she hurried back with Caiwei without even eating.

Back in the county town, it was completely dark. Caiwei got off the car in front of the inn and made an appointment with Juhua to go to Shen Mansion tomorrow and go to Zhuangzi with Mrs. Cui to handle the delivery procedures.

After Juhua left, Caiwei was too lazy to cook for herself, so she wandered on the street, looking for a restaurant to have something to make up for her pain.

Qingxian County is very lively at night.

Outside the shops on both sides of the street, there are bright red lanterns and bright banners hanging high. The street is full of people, bustling with people, and occasionally there is the sound of silk and bamboo and the sound of prostitutes singing from the brothel, which blends in gracefully. There is a unique feeling in that bustling place.

It is now May, and the weather is not too cold. Many people making snacks have set up stalls on the roadside, offering various snacks such as hand-rolled noodles, scallion pancakes, dumplings, steamed buns, and Chaos, as well as some snacks to go with wine. Peanuts, small fried fish, meat sauce, etc., there are many people sitting at each stall, with oil lamps lit next to them, eating and talking loudly.

When the diners are together, there are always various topics. Among them, the most heated discussion is that the Jin Dynasty sent troops to attack the Mengnu. Some people believe that Lingbei has been owned by the Mengnu for a hundred years. , and the Mengnu people have always kept their peace. The Jin Kingdom should not raise troops to cause war and cause chaos to the people and soldiers.

Others believe that Lingbei is a part of the Jin Kingdom, and sooner or later it will be returned to the Jin Dynasty. It is like borrowing someone else's money and returning it no matter how long it takes. If they can have self-awareness and take the initiative to surrender. , pay tribute every year, this war can be avoided; if they are arrogant and have no heaven, they should be destroyed and driven back to their original place.

Caiwei found a relatively lively stall and sat down, selling Qing County's characteristic iron plate fried noodles.

Caiwei ordered a portion of fried noodles with shredded pork, a portion of shredded tripe with red oil, a plate of peanuts, and a glass of fruit wine. The store owner was very good at doing business, and while she was waiting, she thoughtfully brought melon seeds and tea, so that everyone could chat while eating. Because business was so good, the food she ordered had to wait for a while.

Not all of the chatting guests talked about state affairs, but also gossip. For example, the guests at the table next to Caiwei were chatting about a recent disturbing incident while eating and drinking.

"Have you heard that a flower-picking thief recently appeared in Yushu County. He is highly skilled in martial arts, can fly over walls and walls, and comes and goes without a trace. He specializes in harming other people's yellow-flowered girls. More than twenty girls have been killed!"

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