Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 568 Taking in Slaves (6)

Caiwei pointed to the steamed buns on the table and said, "Eat quickly. Only when you have enough strength can you think about training clothes. Otherwise, even the most powerful moves will be ruined by your body!"

"Yes, Goudaner listens to my sister!"

Goudan'er chuckled and ran over to eat the buns.

Caiwei pointed at the female beggar and said to a clerk at a medical clinic: "Find a doctor to bandage her, and the cost of the medicine will be mine!"


When he heard that there was money to be made, the clerk didn't care whether the visitor was a Mengnu or a Jin, a good citizen or a beggar, he just went to make arrangements.


There was a sudden sound of swallowing, and the girl who came in with the female beggar swallowed with greed when she saw the buns Goudaner and his grandfather were eating.

The female beggar clenched her fists, with a distressed look in her eyes, and said to the girl: "Danzhu, when my sister bandages the wound, I will go out to find a job. When my sister finds a job, I can buy you meat buns too." have eaten!"

Danzhu bit her lip and lowered her head, whispering: "We are Mengnu, no one will use us. Didn't my sister look for a job for many days? How can anyone be willing to hire us?"

When her sister said this, the female beggar lowered her head sadly. After a while, she raised her head and said with stern eyes: "Danzhu, don't be sad. My sister will go out to beg soon. Maybe she will meet a kind person who can give her a few pennies." , my sister can buy you steamed buns to eat.  "

"My sister hasn't been begging for food these days, and she's often beaten. Why don't we go to the countryside to dig wild vegetables to eat..."

Danzhu picked his fingers and said sadly.

The female beggar was speechless and sat silently on the chair. Her small eyes seemed to be wet again.

"Five hundred articles----"

Caiwei looked at the sisters and said, "Each of you will be given five hundred coins per month to be my maid, are you willing?"

When the female beggar heard this, she immediately stood up excitedly and asked loudly: "Is what the lady said true? You can't lie to us?"

Caiwei took out a piece of silver worth about two or three coins, put it on the case, and said, "Take your sister to have a good meal, then find a place to take a bath, and then buy clean clothes for each of you. After you've packed up, come find me at the Jufumen Inn."

"Yes, miss!"

The female beggar knelt down excitedly and said loudly as if she was swearing: "Dunzhu and Danzhu will serve the lady well and treat her like their ancestors." After saying that, she kowtowed to Caiwei vigorously.

"Hey, no----"

Before she could say the word 'use', Dunzhu's head had already hit the ground hard. With a 'bang' sound, it hit the newly bandaged wound. The pain made her say 'ouch' and she bared her teeth. Everyone in the medical center burst into laughter.

Dunzhu himself smiled "hehehe", scratched his scalp in embarrassment, got up and led Danzhu away.

"Sister, this new maid of yours seems to be a bit heartless!" Goudaner said like a brat.

Caiwei tapped his little nose and said: "It doesn't matter if you are a maid, but you are thoughtful. What matters is whether you are loyal or not. If you use a maid who is full of evil intentions, it is better to use a loyal one." So heartless!"

"Then how does sister know whether she is loyal or traitorous?"

"Intuition!" Caiwei pointed at her chest and said.

In fact, Caiwei also had doubts about the identities of Dunzhu and Danzhu. Although Dunzhu and Danzhu looked very ordinary, they were both fair and tender, and their fingers were not rough. It was obvious at first sight that they did not come from poor families. , but since he did not come from a poor family, why did he come to Dajin to beg for food, get beaten, and starve? Why would he rather live such a homeless life than return to Lingbei?

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