After coaxing the parrot, Caiwei felt relieved. Although the parrot was just a bird, to her, it had long been her relative, so she cared about its mood. When it was unhappy or sad, she would Feeling uneasy and guilty, if she can coax it and make it happy, she will be happy no matter how hard she puts in it.

After having dinner happily, Caiwei went to the hot spring and took a comfortable bath. Suddenly she found that her breasts were a little bulging. Although they were just like two steamed buns, compared to The old millet grains are much better, and when pressed, there are still the pains that a girl should have when she is growing up.

Caiwei is so happy!

Ever since she traveled here, her biggest worry was that her breasts had not yet developed. Even though she was fourteen years old, they were still as smooth and smooth as a washboard. Even that person couldn't stand it. Now, she specially hired a doctor to massage her, just to get her out of the washboard image as soon as possible and join the surging world.

God has not failed me. God finally heard her prayers and finally allowed her to start growing. This discovery made her absolutely ecstatic. I believe that it won’t be long before she can stand up to her proud figure and become a real Jin. The most beautiful woman in the country!

With this surprising discovery, Caiwei was even more careful when sleeping, lest she lie down while asleep and crush her growing breasts, so she slept very lightly and only got up after three or four hours.

At this time, it was already late at night outside, and Caiwei was riding on the back of a white-haired tiger, galloping in the fields in the suburbs.

In front is the family of Li Tieji, who borrowed pork as a sacrifice to his ancestors and was reluctant to wrap his grandson's body in a straw mat when he died.

Ying Ge found the granary of Li Tieji's house and led Caiwei to bypass the patrolling servants and sneak in. Once inside the granary, Caiwei was immediately shocked by the hoards of food in his house.

In Nuo Da's granary, there are dozens of grain hoards that are more than two meters high and can be surrounded by more than a dozen people. They are full of full grains. The sum of these grains is more than what she bought in one afternoon. Ten times more!

"Hehehe, take it!"

Caiwei walked excitedly beside these grain hoards. As she walked, she shouted, "Collect! Collect! Collect!"

It wasn't until she finished collecting the last grain hoard that she sneaked out with satisfaction, rode on the white-haired tiger, and went straight to the second house...

Although the old pervert's family who wanted to have dinner with her was not as wealthy as Li Tieji's family, they still had thousands of kilograms of food in the granary, and she put all of it into the space.

The Zhuangzi she robbed were all those Zhuangzi who wanted to take advantage of her by raising prices during the day. Caiwei was not polite at all to these black-hearted landlords and wealthy people, and directly emptied their granaries. However, she did not She didn't kill them all. Except for the food, she didn't touch any other property. After all, these village owners were just greedy for money and had a black heart, and they didn't do anything heinous or unjust...

This night, many Zhuangzi in Lin'an Prefecture were stolen! A large amount of food hoarded by village owners was looted. The strange thing is, how did the thieves transport so much food? There was no movement at all, especially at Li Tieji's house. Dozens of hoards of food disappeared overnight. Not only did the thieves not make any noise, they didn't even leave a single footprint!

The village owners' hearts were so painful that they were broken into pieces. Those grains could be exchanged for lots of money!

What made them vomit blood even more was that they could not report to the magistrate, because a few days ago, when King Qin passed by here to purchase grain for the army, the magistrate had approached them and wanted to purchase their grain at the official price. , but they used the excuse that they had already escaped and had no food left. At this moment, who has the courage to go to the magistrate to report for official status?

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