Wen'er and Wu'er are both very good people and work very hard in school. Although Mei has made few friends, the two brothers take care of each other and will not be lonely even if they don't have friends.

The dim sum shop was run very well by Mo Liancheng, and it was no worse than when she was there. Every day, Mo Liancheng recorded the day's sales in detail and handed it over to Bafu Restaurant early the next morning. Bafu Restaurant had already left. We are on the right track, and with dad and Chaoyun here, Caiwei doesn't need to worry at all.

The business situation of the cloth shop is also very good. Cai Lian goes to the cloth shop every day and learns embroidery skills from an old embroiderer in the cloth shop with Cai Fei.

Uncle Mu Liu's family was temporarily accommodated by his father in a small house near Mo Liancheng's home. He and Aunt Mu Liu resumed their old business. They bought peanuts and melon seeds at the market, processed them into spiced peanuts and spiced melon seeds, and sold them. , the business is still very prosperous, with an income of four to five hundred yuan every day.

Uncle Mu Liu's family is very content and is now actively saving money to buy a small house in the capital and settle down here.

Wu Xiangyun, whom she met on the Shangsi Festival, is currently being detained by her mother at home to study female beauty. It is said that she has already been married to a legitimate son of Duke Li Guo. The two of them are considered to be a good match, and the most important thing is Yes, they have known each other since childhood and can be considered childhood sweethearts. They should not worry about getting along with each other in the future.

Caiwei was very happy for Xiangyun to find such a good home. Although they only met once, fate is a wonderful thing. Just like she and Xiangyun, even though they only got along for a short day, they still felt happy. They have become close friends, as if they have known each other for more than ten years.

Caiwei didn't let go of those she hated, and soon got news about them from Yingge.

Queen Mo is either gardening flowers or going to the Buddhist hall to chant sutras every day, praying that the Buddha can bless Nangong Yi for his early triumphant return. Princess Chaoyang is actually plotting with the wet nurse to harm her during hunting. If she dies, Saknu will not let it go. In order to settle the matter, the father had no choice but to marry her to Saknu to calm Saknu's grievances.

After learning this information, Caiwei laughed angrily.

She had always regarded Chaoyang as a spoiled child. For Nangong Yi's sake, she didn't do anything to her. She didn't expect that her tolerance would lead to her becoming more aggressive, and now he actually wants her life. It’s really overestimating one’s abilities!

Princess Helana has turned her attention to Li Ruizhu since she talked to Caiwei last time. She wants to deal with this bitch who stole a man from her. If she is stupid, she will definitely do something stupid during this hunt. Son.

Although Li Ruizhu hated Caiwei, Caiwei was about to become Saknu's wife, so she temporarily put aside her prejudice against Caiwei and dealt with Helana's unruly behavior wholeheartedly.

As for Saknu, the pervert, when the parrot told Caiwei what he saw, Caiwei almost collapsed.

"Parrot, if you see such a scene again, leave immediately to avoid dirtying your eyes."

The parrot was puzzled: "It's not dirty, but it's a little weird? Why does he want to pluck out his own bird and keep calling the owner's name?"

"Shut up!"

Caiwei threw a pillow over, and the parrot flew away. Caiwei ran rampant in the room, her eyes splitting with anger, her face flushed with embarrassment. She knew that she had been lusted after by a beast. No matter how she thought about it, she felt like it was a beast. What a shameless and frustrating thing.

Well, since he likes this thing, and she happens to have a few people here who want to crawl into bed, why not use her brains to help them?

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