Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 510 Malatang 1 update (3)


The parrot nodded repeatedly, looking at Huo Yuan with his round mung bean eyes full of expectation.

It brought news about Caiwei, so Huo Yuan naturally wouldn't treat it lightly and immediately called for his servant.

"Rejoice!" Go, bring a few people to catch some bugs, and give this parrot a good reward! "


The parrot's vision went dark and he almost fell off the table. Two wide tears of noodles flowed out of his shiny mung bean eyes.

Sir, have you ever seen a mythical beast that eats insects?

Seeing the parrot's painful and troubled expression, Huo Yuan asked curiously: "What's wrong? Don't you like eating bugs?"

The parrot nodded and looked at him pitifully.

"Well, if you want to eat anything, just ask me and I will definitely satisfy you!"

The parrot brought the news about picking up Wei, and he seemed to be the number one contributor, and he could eat everything as he deserved!

Ever since, when the sun set over the west mountain, Caiwei finally waited for the parrot to return to its staggering flight.

"Master, the letter has been delivered!"

The parrot flew low all the way and reluctantly returned to Qingfang Garden. The dangers along the way made it still frightened to this day. Because of its low flying, it was almost knocked down by pedestrians several times.

This world is too dangerous!

When Caiwei saw the spherical parrot, she was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth.

When the parrot saw Caiwei's surprised look, his face turned red with embarrassment. He quickly handed the letter on his lap to Caiwei and slipped into the space!

Caiwei twitched her lips, withdrew her surprised gaze, walked to the bamboo forest in the yard, and began to read the reply written by her father to her.

In the letter, her father repeatedly told her to take good care of herself and not to worry about family matters. He also hinted to her that as long as the green hills were there, she would not have to worry about running out of firewood! I don’t know what her father meant by saying that. He probably advised her to live well no matter what happened. After all, only by living can people have hope!

Caiwei felt much relieved after receiving her father's reply. She decided to ask Parrot to deliver the letter every day from now on, so that her father could rest assured and keep abreast of the situation in the shop outside.

After a good dinner, Caiwei was placed in the west room of Du Meiren's palace to rest, and was served by a palace maid who seemed to be quite smart.

The west room is very simple, with only a hot bed, a pair of rosewood low cabinets with copper locks, a half-old dressing table and a round table with peeling paint.

Fortunately, Caiwei was not picky about food, clothing, and housing. When she arrived in the west room, she looked around for a while, then climbed onto the kang carelessly, lay down and fell asleep.

She needs to keep her spirits up, there are still a lot of things waiting for her to deal with!

She woke up in the middle of the night and heard the silence everywhere, as if everyone in the palace was asleep. She muttered silently and stepped into the space.

After entering the space, she was pleasantly surprised to find that all the plants that had disappeared in the space had grown back. However, the original thousand-year-old ginseng now looked only a hundred years old, while the original precious golden nanmu, sandalwood and other rare plants had grown. The trees are also much thinner than before, and the things she planted are still there, unchanged. Even the flowers blooming in the courtyard are exactly the same as before, and they are eye-catching.

There are many fish and shrimps swimming in the clear stream again, and her small hot spring has become clean and warm.

The air in the space is very fresh, like the smell you smell in the forest in the morning, refreshing and refreshing, and everything is almost the same as before...

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