Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 428 Garden Tour (1)

At this moment, Caiwei also saw Huo Yuan and saw that he was raising a glass to her across the curved railing to say hello. She couldn't help but curl her lips, smile softly, and nod slightly in greeting to him.

However, that charming look back with a smile made the young men who were peeking at her suddenly be stunned as if they were restrained. The girl's smile was as dazzling as a hundred flowers blooming in an instant.

Even Huo Yuan, who had always been gentle and calm, was in a daze.

He always thought that she was already beautiful enough, and any deliberate dressing up would destroy her original beauty, so she was most suitable for elegant dressing up, which could not only show her elegance and refinement, but also not cover up her orchid beauty. The charm is like bamboo.

However, today, she is dressed up in a full dress. She is so bright and beautiful. She has a natural charm and charm that is unforgettable. This kind of dress is not inferior to her with light makeup!

Probably, this is the so-called ‘heavy makeup and light makeup are always suitable’!

"Hey! Mr. Huo, do you know that girl?"

During the banquet, someone with sharp eyes saw that the beauty was smiling at Huo Yuan, and asked a sour question.

Huo Yuan didn't shy away from it and said in a smooth voice, "I know it!"

"Oh? That girl is from that mansion?"

"Have you ever been engaged?"

Huo Yuan's words of recognition aroused the interest of all the young masters. They gathered around and asked questions.

Huo Yuan glanced at the eager faces of the young masters and laughed lightly. After laughing enough, he spoke.

"Don't bother asking anymore, that girl is already married!"

"What? You have a master so soon? Who is it? Which company hired her?"

Everyone was very discouraged when they heard that the beauty had already been married. Some people asked reluctantly, as if the person who hired the beauty was from a low family, they would rob her of her.

However, Mr. Huo did not want to say any more and only said: "Everyone will know later."

He stopped talking, holding the tea cup with a blue and white cover, and drank tea leisurely, feeling extremely good...

The other side of Linshui Pavilion

The flowers were red and the willows were green, and the fragrance was thick. The ladies who were invited to attend the Queen's Shangsi Festival were all dressed up and attended in good spirits. They wanted to make a blockbuster and stun the whole audience, but unexpectedly, an extremely beautiful woman suddenly appeared. , instantly reducing them all to mere foils!

Someone has said that the best way to make a group of beautiful women unhappy at the same time is to find a woman who is more beautiful than them all.

Caiwei's appearance was undoubtedly the factor that made everyone feel unhappy at the same time. Because of her arrival, the originally confident ladies were hit hard, and the lively and harmonious scene suddenly became cold.

However, although the ladies may have resentments, they are all trained by members of the aristocratic family, and each of them is as smart as a monkey. Seeing that Caiwei is dressed in a very noble manner, just a few pieces of jewelry on her head are worth a lot of money. Thousands of gold, so he didn't know her details and didn't dare to offend her rashly.

There are even smarter ones. Seeing that Caiwei's appearance is too outstanding, they think that she will have some opportunities in the future, so they make friends with her in advance.

"Miss, the carving of the pair of white jade rope pattern bracelets on your wrist is so exquisite. Is it the craftsmanship of Jiangxinlou?"

A round-faced lady at the same table came over and had a friendly chat with Caiwei.

Caiwei looked at the kind-hearted young lady, then looked at the mutton-fat white jade bracelet on her wrist, and said with a smile: "Miss, you really have good eyesight. This thing is from the Craftsman House."

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