Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 384 Convergence (4)

With so many more people at once, Caiwei no longer had to worry about not enough meat skewers to sell. She relaxed and asked Head Guard Zhang to go out and find a reliable middleman to put the purchase of Zhuangzi into practice.

The Zhang brothers were all escorts, and they were in the business of licking blood from the edge of a knife. Caiwei didn't want them to be stuck in the kitchen, stringing meat skewers, so she ordered the other four brothers to take their old mother with them. He and his wife and children will temporarily go outside to find a medium-sized house where they can settle down.

After the Zhang brothers left, Caiwei sat down with everyone to thread the meat skewers, chatting while doing so.

Chunliu said mysteriously: "Miss, you don't know. After you left, our old home became very lively!"

The original home was the Bafu Restaurant in Qingyun Town, the home occupied by the big house. Caiwei laughed. She already knew what was going to happen next without Chunliu saying anything, because everything was arranged by her in advance.

Chunliu didn't know that Caiwei had known about it for a long time, so she thought it was news and kept talking to herself.

"The family that moved in later tidied up our original home. Just repairing it cost a lot of money. Later, they added a lot of things. In total, there is not even a hundred and eighty taels that can't be spent. Unexpectedly, after repairing the house and buying all the belongings, less than two days after moving in, the original owner of Bafu Restaurant came back and asked them to move out with the contract they signed with you."

"The family was willing, and they kept making noises for most of the day. Shopkeeper Cui got impatient, found a few gangsters, and threw them out with their belongings. As a result, haha, guess what? ?"

Chunliu deliberately let it slip and stopped at the key point, blinking his big eyes and looking at Caiwei with a smile.

Caiwei smiled and asked, "What's wrong?"

Chunliu covered her mouth and started laughing, her face flushed, and she refused to continue talking.

Sister-in-law Liu took over and said, "It turns out that among the things thrown out, there were many that were lost by the Lu family a few days ago, and there were also a few quilts, and those things embroidered on them, oh my god, Tsk! I’m embarrassed to say this, slave!"


Caiwei laughed. She naturally knew what was embroidered on those quilts, but she didn't expect that the old man and Mu Bai were so stingy that they were not willing to throw away the two quilts and brought them to the town in a grand manner. Come up here, they deserve to be embarrassed!

Chunliu said: "Among the people watching the excitement, there were servants from the Lu family. They recognized that the girl with the scar on her face was wearing clothes that had been thrown away by her aunt, so they ran back to complain to her master. A lawsuit was filed. As a result, Mrs. Lu sent people to arrest the family and take them to the county government. However, for some unknown reason, the county magistrate released the family because of insufficient evidence..."

"Let the person go?"

Caiwei couldn't believe it. County Magistrate Li had always been close to the Lu family. His concubine daughter Li Jinzhi was also a cousin of Lu Junchen's wife Yu. How could he let them go without venting his anger on their behalf?

But after thinking about it for a while, she understood the reason.

Li Zhixian must have thought that she was Huo Yuan's mistress, and Dafang's family were his closest relatives, so he did not dare to offend them, so he let them go and became a good man himself.

It can be said that Dafang was released because of himself!

Caiwei understood this, but had no regrets. Although they were released, they had deeply offended Lu Junchen and his wife.

Mrs. Lu's appearance was ruined, and now she was gnashing her teeth and hating the thief who broke into the house and ruined her appearance. The eldest brother bumped in without knowing his life or death, and suddenly became the biggest suspect in her mind. She decided We won't let them go easily, and they will suffer some in the days to come!

While they were chatting, Biaotou Zhang led a middleman back. After Caiwei heard the waiter's report, she immediately walked out of the kitchen to see the middleman.

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