Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 329 Encounter with Huo Yuan (2)

After receiving the answers from these two people, Mu Zhongqing and his wife were relieved, and they were sure that Nangong Yi helped them out of kindness and care for his disciples, and nothing else. Therefore, the couple was even more grateful and respectful to him!

On the tenth day of the lunar month, Mu Zhongqing's family packed up their belongings, bid farewell to Qing County, and set off for the capital surrounded by Nangong Yi's troops.

Along the way, they passed through many states and counties and saw the customs and customs of many different regions. The Mu family, who had never traveled far away, had their eyes opened and their knowledge increased. Even Caiwei was attracted by the scenery along the way.

After traveling for five consecutive days, the group arrived at Lin'an Prefecture, eight hundred miles away from Qing County. Lin'an Prefecture was a prosperous place in the Jin Kingdom, with a prosperous economy and developed commerce. Apart from Kyoto, it was the most prosperous city in the country. genus.

This day happened to be the Lantern Festival, and there were lanterns in front of the Lin'an government office. Mu Zhongqing and Mrs. Du felt that it was rare for children to catch such a grand event, so they decided to stay one night to open their eyes before leaving.

Nangong Yi saw that their family was interested, so he also stayed. He rented an inn in the center of Lin'an Mansion and planned to watch the lanterns with her in the evening and leave tomorrow morning.

After Mu Zhongqing's family settled down, they all happily went out to hang out.

It's still early now, and it's not yet time to light up the lights. There are already people coming and going on the street, and there is a lot of traffic and people. There were men, women, and children in the crowd. Many people were traveling as a family. From time to time, a few sellers passed by carrying burdens. They sold a variety of things, such as dough figures, sugar figures, tassels, sugar balls, and some others. Cute little hats. It’s cold today and I’m afraid the little ones won’t be able to bear it. The tiger head hats sold out very quickly. Du Shi also bought one for Wen’er and Wu’er and put it on their heads. Caiwei I can't help but sigh, these people really know how to do business.

When Mu Zhongqing saw that his wife had bought things for Wen'er and Wu'er, he was afraid that the two daughters would be too preoccupied, so he also made plans to buy them something to show that the daughters were as important as the sons in their parents' hearts.

Caiwei knew her father's thoughts and did not treat her parents politely. If she didn't want anything, her parents would be sad, so she chose a Kunlun slave mask on a seller's load, and Fei'er chose a mask embroidered with lotus flowers. sachet.

After the purchase, the family walked along with the crowd and wandered around happily. Suddenly, they heard a few people in front of them talking.

"Hey, have you heard that the prefect has ordered that the prize for this year's lantern riddle competition is fifty taels of silver, which is double that of last year!"

"Hey, so what if it's doubled ten times? We ordinary people don't understand those sour poems, and we can't figure out those strange riddles. Even if there is a fortune of 120,000 taels, we still fight for it. Not coming..."

"Hey! That's true. However, whoever can win the prize of this lantern riddle will be rewarded by the prefect himself. The money is small and everyone has seen it. What is rare is this dignity..."

Several people were talking and gradually left. Mu Zhongqing looked at Du and said with a smile: "Meiniang, did you hear what those people said, how about giving it a try for your husband?"

Du Shi said softly: "Okay!"

Caiwei heard the discussion and became interested. She followed her father and excitedly came to the place where they were guessing lantern riddles, preparing to join forces with her father to win the first prize in this year's lantern riddle competition.

The lantern riddle competition was held at the entrance of the Lin'an Prefecture's Yamen. When Caiwei's family arrived, the place was already bustling with people. In addition to those who were going to guess lantern riddles, there was also a large group of people watching the fun. Everyone was noisy and guessing. Who will win this year?

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