Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 227 Mr. Huo’s sweetheart (5)

Seeing that the horse had stopped, Caiwei got on the horse, shook the reins, and the horse neighed, spread its hooves, and galloped straight towards the county seat like a sharp arrow.

On the official road leading to the county seat, Gao Baotou was riding on his horse angrily, cursing dirty words.

"Damn, you are a thief and a prisoner. You have made me come out to work as an errand during the Chinese New Year, and you are so special that you have no luck at all. You are really cheating!"

Cursing, a horsewhip was whipped on Biaotou Zhang's body, and Biaotou Zhang's cotton-padded clothes were immediately ripped open, and the cotton wool inside was exposed.

Biao Zhang walked numbly, without even frowning, as if he was not the one being whipped.

At this moment, all he could think about was the sight of his white-haired old lady being carried away when she fainted, and the sight of his beloved wife and children crying heartbrokenly. How could he care about the humiliation of being beaten and scolded? He knew that being taken to the county government office this time would be a disaster. Unfortunately, his mother was already very old, but she had to endure the pain and humiliation of all her sons being imprisoned. His beloved wife and children would not be able to survive in the future. But how to live?

Behind him, his younger brothers also lowered their heads, thinking in the same pain as him. The more he thought about it, the colder his heart became, and the steps became heavier under his feet.

"You bitch, hurry up!"

Seeing that their pace was getting slower and slower, a yamen servant raised the whip in his hand and swung it down across his head and face, hitting Zhang Jiawulang's face. The skin and flesh of Zhang Wulang's face immediately burst open, and there was a deep blood mark, and the blood flowed along the The cheeks flowed onto the cotton-padded clothes, staining a large area of ​​red.

Wulang frowned, said nothing, and then walked numbly, letting the blood drip down his cheeks.

"Hey, you're so tough."

One of the government officials laughed and said: "If you have such a strong spirit, why did you have to be intercepted? So you must have cooperated with that group of thieves and swallowed up other people's ginseng..."

Another yamen servant urged: "Qin Liu'er, don't talk to the worm who wants to behead you. It's a cold day and you don't mind freezing your teeth. Hurry back to the county and talk to Li It's only right that you pay your respects."

Qin Liuzi shouted: "You know, I don't mind the cold. Don't you want to hurry back? But these damned prisoners must walk fast. Damn it, it's a good thing they are still a group of escorts. They're just dragging their feet." You can't even walk as fast as a girl."

Capt. Gao sneered and said, "If the prisoners don't walk fast, it's because you guys are lazy. If you don't believe me, just give them a good beating and they'll be able to walk faster."


Qin Liuzi asked with a smile, tapping the whip in his hand gently or hard, with an evil look on his face.

"You'll know if you try it!" Another yamen servant also smiled sinisterly.

"Okay, just give it a try!"

Several government officials rode horses and surrounded the five Zhang Biaotou brothers, shaking their whips and smiling gloomily.

These are the thieves and prisoners. The cold weather forced them to come here, but they didn't even get a penny of oil or water, and they had to be escorted in the cold. Thinking about it, I felt so aggrieved that I didn't clean them up properly. It’s been a bad year!

Zhang Biaotou knew what was about to happen. He clenched his fists and closed his eyes in humiliation. He knew that he could not change anything, so he had to save his last shred of dignity. He refused to beg for mercy from the officials, nor did he bend down. He just stood up He stood there with his back bent, waiting for the whip to come down.

"Hey, you still have some backbone. I'll give you a hard time and you won't be able to find Bei Shi. How tough are you?"

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