Chapter 316 Visiting and apologizing

  The process of Hu Dachuan's apology needn't be elaborated. Anyway, Chen Qiulan finally walked away crying, but not because of guilt, but by her man.

  In order to show his sincerity to apologize, Hu Dachuan scolded his wife a dog-blood spray in front of Huo Jianfeng and his wife, and he almost beat her to make Huo Jianfeng and his wife vent their anger.

  At this moment, Huo Jianfeng and his wife were indeed out of breath, but Chen Qiulan was ruined.

  After walking out of Han Mingxiu’s house, Chen Qiulan’s mouth had two large blisters.

  However, from then on, she never dared to blatantly do the right thing with Han Mingxiu, but she also hated Han Mingxiu even more.

  Although in many people's eyes, she should hate her man the most. After all, her man forced her to come, her man scolded her, and her man made her lose face in front of the Han Mingxiu couple.

  However, she has become accustomed to her men treating her like this, so she selectively grafted hatred to someone who was irrelevant.

  After all, hating her man is easier than hating Han Mingxiu.

  Her man is her support. She can show off her power here and find a post in the canteen. She can rely on her man! How dare she hate him? Against him?

  However, it is much easier to hate Han Mingxiu. Although she dared not hate it blatantly, she had already broken Han Mingxiu's body several times in her heart...

As for the couple that she hated, they were embarrassed to be held accountable by Hu Dachuan. They all pointed at his wife’s nose in front of them and cursed. He also forced his wife to bow and apologize to Han Mingxiu. What can they do?

  Killing is nothing but a head nod. Moreover, regardless of their size, they are also leaders, so this thing is forgotten!

After Hu Dachuan and Hu Dachuan left, Han Mingxiu looked at Huo Jianfeng and said, "Are you going to find them to help me out?"

  Huo Jianfeng said with a sullen face: "Yes, what's up?"

Han Mingxiu said, "Nothing. If there are still such things in the future, I can do it myself. You can stop showing up. If you are a man, you will be laughed at if you always mix with women. Yes, they will secretly say that you are taking care of your wife or that you have a small belly, you are careless, and you are familiar with women. I don't want you to leave that impression on everyone."

Huo Jianfeng listened and said unconvinced, "I don't care what they think, I know that my daughter-in-law has been bullied, and I am new. If I don't stand for her, who will stand for her? , I didn't go to beat the dead woman, I just went to find her man to reason, what's wrong?"

Han Mingxiu smiled and said: "Theoretically, you are right. You are not afraid of power, you know that you protect your daughter-in-law, and you dare to fight evil forces. This is very worthy of recognition and praise, but I hope more. I can solve these problems on my own, and it can be regarded as a kind of tempering and training for myself as I grow up."

   "However, in order to express my gratitude to Comrade Jianfeng, I would like to give you a small reward." Han Mingxiu also took the initiative to move forward, and kissed Huo Jianfeng's entangled face "Baji".

   Now, Huo Jianfeng's originally tangled face immediately burst into laughter.

  You must know that the two have known each other for so many years. From the recognition of the engagement to the marriage, Han Mingxiu has never coaxed him like this once.

  This mouth confuses Huo Jianfeng with enthusiasm. It is estimated that there is a bunker in front for him to explode, and he can rush over with a dynamite bag without saying a word...

   "It is right for a master to defend his wife, let alone power and evil forces, for my daughter-in-law, even the sword and the sea of ​​fire, I am also determined." Huo Jianfeng expressed his loyalty to the leader in high spirits.

  "Well, not bad, not bad, I hope you can always maintain this good style of loving family and loving your daughter-in-law, and continue to carry it forward." Han Mingxiu encouraged.

  Huo Jianfeng raised his thick eyebrows and cast a northeastern dialect: "It's necessary."

  Han Mingxiu smiled and said, "In view of your good performance, I will give you another reward."

  She ran to the Westinghouse, brought a soft ruler over, and said, "Spring is coming soon. I'm going to knit a sweater for you to wear. Come, I will measure your size."

When Huo Jianfeng heard it, he dodged back, avoiding her ruler, and said, “You don’t need to knit it for me. If you have that wool, it’s better to keep it for yourself to knit and change to wear. My elders wear that stuff. What are you doing? I'm all in vain, I just wear autumn clothes."

Han Mingxiu gave him a white look and said, "Which woman do you see has two sweaters? Wearing one sweater is enough to be conspicuous. If I have two sweaters, those people will say that I am extravagant, capitalist. If the thinking is serious, it is better for us to wear it together. If there is any crime, we should bear it together. The law will not blame everyone!"

  In this era, wool is in short supply that can’t be bought with money, and can be regarded as a limited luxury. Don’t look at the many people wearing sweaters on the street, but in fact they only wear a sweater collar, not a real sweater

Because you can’t buy wool or enough wool to knit a sweater, many beauty-loving women can only find ways to get one or two of two wool, knit a sweater collar and wear it in their clothes, and wear one at first glance. Like a sweater, to satisfy my love of beauty.

  This kind of sweater collar can only be worn when wearing a jacket, and only one neck can be exposed. If you take off the jacket, it will be exposed.

   Out of ten of the ten sweaters on the street, eight of them wear sweater collars, which shows how tight this yarn is and how popular it is.

  Some people don’t even have a sweater collar. In this case, if Han Mingxiu has two sweaters, wouldn’t it be hatred?

  Huo Jianfeng heard it right, he stopped rejecting her kindness, and obediently stretched out his arm to let her take a measurement.

  Han Mingxiu explained to him the source of the wool.

  When she went to the county town before, she accidentally helped a woman. The woman was sent here from the capital. Later, the woman was rehabilitated and returned to the capital and kept in touch with her.

  When she got married, the woman gave her several kilograms of wool as a gift, and she planned to use these wool to knit sweaters for the two of them.

   Huo Jianfeng didn't have any doubts about her explanation. He has always believed in Han Mingxiu, and he unconditionally believes in everything she says.


In the days after   , the gossip about Han Mingxiu's decay and degeneration was slowly suppressed.

  It is no one else who suppresses these rumors, but Chen Qiulan, the wife of Deputy Battalion Commander Hu.

  While working in the cafeteria, Chen Qiulan deliberately asked Sun Yingmei about how Han Mingxiu led everyone to raise pigs to get rich in her hometown, and asked her in detail how the pigs were raised.

  Sun Yingmei heard that Chen Qiulan took the initiative to inquire about Han Mingxiu's pig raising, and hurriedly told Chen Qiulan about the pig raising process of Han Mingxiu.

  Of course, it can be regarded as telling everyone.

  When everyone heard that Han Mingxiu would breed earthworms and use them as animal feed, they couldn’t help but believe what Sun Yingmei said. After all, this is an operation with scientific and technological content, and Sun Yingmei just wants to make up to deceive people, and she has no such ability.

  Want to come, the wife of Huo Jianfeng did have two things.

  Sun Yingmei saw that everyone seemed to believe it, so she hit the iron while it was hot, and then told Han Mingxiu about raising quail.

  Now, everyone believes Sun Yingmei's words even more. Several of them are still eager to ask Han Mingxiu about raising quail.

  Han Mingxiu calmed down when he heard the bad rumors about her, and felt very comfortable. After all, no one likes to be slanderous by others, she is very low-demand, and does not expect others to praise her and praise her, as long as she is not talking about her behind her back, she will be content.

  After the incident subsided, some army wives came to visit one after another, wanting to ask her how to raise quail.

Han Mingxiu welcomed them warmly, and they, now it’s too cold to raise quails. She suggests that everyone wait until the spring starts and the weather becomes warmer before raising them. At that time, she will also raise some quails in the yard. Let's hatch and raise together...

  (End of this chapter)

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