Chapter 158 Entering the Mountain

There is no refrigerator in this era. If you give too much to them, I’m afraid they won’t be able to eat it. If you bring too much, it will also arouse their suspicion. After all, there are only two gardens at the front and back of her house for so many people to eat vegetables and green rice. Some people will find it strange to keep feeding them watermelon.

Although these people will not do anything to hurt her, Han Mingxiu does not want to be suspected by them. She just wants them to think that she is an ordinary rural girl, and they can treat her with a treat either now or in the future. Treat her with the eyes of ordinary people, lest they have doubts and worry about her!

The second sister also ate her watermelon. Not only did she ate the watermelon, she also ate the tender corn from her space. This season is the season when the watermelon and tender corn mature. She brings these things, and the second sister will have nothing to do. Skeptical.

  During this time, Han Mingxiu was very busy, not only had to go to the county town to help those she helped, but also had to visit her second sister who was about to give birth frequently, and she had to visit Grandma Huo three times a week.

  In addition, she has been preparing for an important thing, that is, going into the mountains to hunt.

  Since discovering that the space has the function of storing living things, Han Mingxiu has been eager to walk in the mountains and hunt for game to improve his food.

  The 60 catties of meat tickets left by Huo Jianfeng for her have been consumed by her. If she does not get some prey to supplement her, her life will soon enter the embarrassment of no meat.

  There are old (grandma Huo) and young (little nieces) on her top, and a bunch of old, weak, sick and disabled (Uncle Zhou and others) waiting for her to supplement her nutrition. How can she do without meat?

   Therefore, it is imperative to go hunting in the mountains.

  It’s just that there are not only beasts in Hala Mountain, but also the traps set by poisonous snakes and former hunters. She didn't dare to rush into the mountains, so she had to try little by little.

The method of trial is very stupid, that is, every day when she goes into the mountains to mow pigweed, she walks deep into the mountains, such as walking three miles in the mountains these few days, and five miles in the mountains in a few days. After getting familiar with the environment, Just walk seven miles, so that you can adapt to the mountain environment little by little without getting lost.

  It’s just that she’s walking like this for five miles and seven miles, inevitably wasting time. She used to go out every morning and came back at noon, but now she comes back every day and night in the last few days, only after dark.

  After probing like this for more than a month, in mid-July, she had already reached the depths of Hara Mountain twenty miles.

  This depth is rarely reached by the villagers. As mentioned earlier, Hala Mountain is a branch of the Changbai Mountain Range, and the depths of the mountain are Changbai Mountain.

Changbai Mountain is a world-famous mountain, spanning the three provinces of Heiji, Liaoning, and Liaoning provinces. The mountains are rich in animal and plant resources. There are more than 510 species of light vertebrates. Among them, of course, they also include tigers, leopards, bears, and wolves. Sex animals.

  It is precisely because of the existence of these animals that the mountain becomes mysterious and the people are discouraged from this mountain.

However, some people, out of desire for money, or forced by life, go to this mountain to hunt for strange treasures. Some of them return with a full load, and some of them stay in this mountain forever, becoming the eternal regrets and hurts of their relatives. pain.

  Huo Jianfeng once went hunting in the mountains for money. The money and meat tickets he gave her could be said to be in exchange for his safety.

Han Mingxiu did not dare to take such a big risk. If there was no space cheat device, she would not pick it up even if there was gold in the mountain. The reason why she dared to enter the mountain was that she repeated the experiment at home for more than a month. This step was taken after accurate understanding of the carrying capacity and sensitivity of the vehicle.

Before entering the mountain, she made enough preparations, secretly sewing the tent, preparing the bedding for the camp, and also prepared enough fresh water, food, firewood, compass, flashlight, gauze, plastic cloth and some commonly used drugs, etc. Everything is ready, only Dongfeng owes it.

  This Dongfeng is to give the eldest sister and Grandma Huo a reasonable explanation, explaining what she is going to do, so that they will not worry about her.

  The explanation to the eldest sister is that Uncle Gao is sick, and his children are not in front of him. Aunt Gao can't take care of her alone, so she has to go and help take care of it for a period of time.

  The eldest sister heard that Uncle Gao was ill, and her eyebrows were twisted together. In this world, the most grateful people besides her sister are Uncle Gao and Aunt Gao.

  In the past six months, the family’s endless stream of tender rice, crabs, and several kinds of fruits were all given to them by Gao and Gao. Otherwise, would they be able to live so comfortably and have such a worry-free life?

And the clothes, skirts, and shoes that her daughters wore were all given by Aunt Gao. Although they also gave them some greens, compared with what they gave them, they could just give them back. Ignore it.

   Hearing that my sister was going to help Grandpa Gao share the worries, Han Mingcui immediately expressed her full support, and repeatedly told Han Mingxiu not to come back in a hurry, and to help Grandpa Gao and Aunt Gao work well. Everything has her at home, so let her rest assured...

The explanation to Grandma Huo is that her second sister is about to give birth. They have no mothers. The eldest sister’s children are small and can’t go away. Only her younger sister can take care of her, so she can’t come to accompany her during this time. Grandma Huo.

Grandma Huo is a reasonable old lady. As soon as she heard that Han Mingxiu's second sister was about to have a baby, she immediately took out the handkerchief bag from her waistband. After opening the handkerchief bag, she took out the largest one from the thin banknotes inside. Yes, I said I would breastfeed my second sister's child.

  How can Han Mingxiu bear to ask for her money? Said that everything was confiscated, helped her clean up the house, and said goodbye to her after all the clothes were washed.

   After reporting with these two people, Han Mingxiu rode away from home early in the morning of the next day and headed to Hara Mountain.

  After entering Hara Mountain, Han Mingxiu relied on his familiarity with the terrain and moved forward quickly. By eleven o'clock, he walked more than twenty miles.

  It's noon, Han Mingxiu took out her hand-sewn tent from the space, set up a camp under a dense big elm tree, and was ready to have lunch and take a nap.

She prepared the rice in advance and stored it in the space. Over the past month or so, she has cooked a lot of rice, including rice, millet porridge, yellow rice, baked rice cakes, dumplings, wontons, buns, noodles, pies, etc. ...

She kept them to eat after entering the mountains. The prepared dishes are also very rich, such as stews, stir-fries, boiled dishes, meat dishes, seafood, greens, fruits, all kinds of containers, and put them in large and small containers in the space. It's all occupied!

Because of walking all morning and consuming a lot of physical energy, Han Mingxiu ate a lot at noon: a bowl of rice, a pan of meat, a plate of scrambled eggs with chili, and then a glass of orange juice and a piece of durian. .

  Satisfied food, small belly rounded, after eating and drinking enough, I pulled up the tent and started taking a nap.

  Baby, one chapter will be changed every day at nine o'clock in the morning, and one chapter will be changed at nine o’clock in the evening every day!

  (End of this chapter)

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