Chapter 218: Qi Cheng Got Injured

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

There was indeed an accident on the border. Lin Qingye’s men came to report that they had seen the figures of  Ke Ruan’s parents at the pass not far away. He rushed over immediately after receiving the news.

Previously, when Ke Ruan’s parents left, the Red Flame Country wasn’t annihilated yet. When Lin Qingye left, he had a large number of secret guards protecting them.

For the sake of safety, His Majesty who was Ke Ruan had cut off his relationship with his parents before, just to prevent Si Yuhan from finding them.

Lin Qingye thought that he would just be an idle general after arriving at the border, but when he came here, he found that the situation here was far from as peaceful as he imagined.

He didn’t want to help Si Yuhan, whom he helped was His Majesty.

So when he heard this news, Lin Qingye almost ran to the place his subordinates reported all by himself.

However, he never expected this to be a trap.

Just as Lin Qingye thought he was going to die in this place and couldn’t see His Majesty again, Qi Cheng rushed over with the rescue army unexpectedly and was shot with a fatal arrow for him at the end.

Lin Qingye stood outside the army tent with complicated feelings as he watched the military medical doctors coming and going. His armor was still tainted with Qi Cheng’s blood.

How did he feel about Qi Cheng exactly? In the past, he only regarded him as his brother, wanting to find him and give him a settled life.

He had never imagined that Qi Cheng would have different thoughts about him.

Especially when he was doing that despicable thing to him back then, the overflowing hatred and killing intent completely had overshadowed his pity for him.

The military medical doctor came out of the tent and cupped his hands to show respect to Lin Qingye.

Lin Qingye asked coldly, “How is him?”

“General Lin, the arrow almost pierced General Qi’s heart. As long as it flew to the right position, even the God couldn’t save him.”

Lin Qingye frowned. “I ask you how he is now. Get to the point.”

The medical doctor said, “I treated him, but he needs to have a good rest. Don’t make him angry, and it’s not suitable for him to do vigorous exercise.”

Lin Qingye felt what the doctor said was a bit strange, but he couldn’t tell it specifically.

“Okay, I got it. You can leave.”

The medical doctor added, “General Lin, General Qi has been calling your name in the tent.”

Lin Qingye’s dark face froze slightly. He waved his hand and let the army medical doctor leave.

He turned to look at the tent. Anyway, it was Qi Cheng who saved him, so treating him was what he should do.

He drew back the tent drape and walked in. In order to deal with Qi Cheng’s wound, there were a few more candles in the tent. When he opened the tent drape, the wind blew in. The candlelight kept flickering.

Qi Cheng was lying on the simple bed. He was wrapped in thick gauze on his chest and frowned. His brow furrowed and it looked as if he was having a very uneasy sleep.

Lin Qingye could vaguely hear his gibberish in his sleep. He thought for a moment before he walked towards him. And then he heard it clearly.

What he was calling was “Brother Qingye, Brother Qingye”.

Lin Qingye sighed silently. He never had feelings for Qi Cheng in that aspect, and he already had someone in his heart, so…

“Brother Qingye, it hurts so much, it hurts.”

In childhood, Qi Cheng was naughty and always beaten up. Only when Lin Qingye secretly treated him would he always talk to him in a spoiled manner like this.

“It won’t hurt soon,” Lin Qingye’s voice was rigid, but compared to before, it was much softer.

Qi Cheng wrinkled his nose, and a ghost of bitterness surged into his heart. He knew that he couldn’t wake up now, because he was afraid that this dream would disappear if he woke up.

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