Chapter 154: Serve Si Yuhan

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

For a moment, he felt a little sad and disappointed. His Little Han, the male lead who would always act like a spoiled child or be fractious from time to time, would never come back.

In this way, he looked at Si Yuhan with some resentment.

Did he resent him?

Si Yuhan stood up and Ke Ruan breathed a sigh of relief subconsciously. ‘It’s good for him not to plague me. He gave me too much pressure. I’m so scared of him.’

Si Yuhan said coldly, “Come in.”

The palace maids walked in with their heads lowered, carrying some clothes and basins of water for washing up. Ke Ruan sat on the bed and lowered his head, saying nothing.

Si Yuhan looked at Ke Ruan who would burrow his head into the soil like the ostrich and an heartwarming look flashed across his eyes. Then he coldly said, “What’s wrong? As the Empress, don’t you know what to do?”

“Ah?” Ke Ruan raised his head and looked at him in a daze.

It was the first time he had become the empress. How could he know what to do?

“Wait on me. Help me wash up and change the clothes.”

‘I need to wait on you and help you wash up and change clothes?

There’s nothing wrong with your brain, right?’

‘You’re not disabled, why do you let me wait on you? I reject it.’ Ke Ruan looked like he was having a life-or-death struggle against him, but when he met Si Yuhan’s cold eyes…

He instantly wilted.

He immediately got out of bed, stepped barefoot on the ground, and hurriedly ran over to him.

‘Isn’t it just serving him to wash up and change clothes? How difficult could it be?’

Si Yuhan stared at Ke Ruan’s feet. Even if he wore socks, the floor still felt cold.

Ke Ruan’s heart had a sudden leap when he saw Lin Qingye’s knitted eyebrows. ‘Do you want to making things difficult for me again? What a demanding man you are.’

“As the Empress of a country, is this how you look like?”

Ke Ruan, “…” ‘What do I look like? I look like I’m driven crazy by you, right?’

‘You would just talk nonsense all day, which is easy for you.’

Even so, Ke Ruan did not dare to retort directly. He could only smile at Si Yuhan and asked respectfully, “Your Majesty, what is the Empress of a country supposed to look like?”

“Put your shoes on properly.”

The corner of Ke Ruan’s mouth twitched. ‘You’re f**king meddlesome. I’ll crawl back in bed to take a small nap soon.’

He turned around and put his shoes on. When he came back, Si Yuhan’s face softened.

Ke Ruan took the handkerchief from the palace maid’s hand, dipped it in water, prepared to scrub at his face for him, and looked up at him.

Ke Ruan, “…” ‘You have grown much taller during such a short time. Have you been injected with the hormone?’

He managed to scrub carefully at his face by standing on tiptoe. But after a while, he also felt tired. When he was about to stop standing on tiptoe and wash the handkerchief, a pair of hot palms suddenly appeared around his waist.

Ke Ruan trembled and subconsciously looked at Si Yuhan.

Si Yuhan’s expression didn’t change at all as if it was just an ordinary action.

Ke Ruan’s face was a little stiff, but Si Yuhan had no expression. Would it be strange if he thought about it too much?

‘We are just two men. And I’m short, so it’s reasonable for Si Yuhan to help me, right?’

Thinking of this, he let Si Yuhan hug him. With some of the strength supporting him, he also wasn’t so tired.

Ke Ruan who kept his mind on wiping Si Yuhan’s face didn’t notice how intimate their gestures were. To outsiders, they seemed to love each other so much.

After scrubbing at his face, Ke Ruan said, “Let go of me, I’ll help you get changed.”

Si Yuhan cooperatively loosened his grip.

Ke Ruan took the emperor’s uniform from the palace maid’s hand and lowered his head to help Si Yuhan put on the clothes. In order to make it easier for Ke Ruan, Si Yuhan stretched out his hands and let him do it when Ke Ruan was fastening the belt for him,.

From this angle, Si Yuhan could see Ke Ruan’s cute little whorl of the hair, and the look in his eyes became more meaningful.

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