Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 996 Landing War (4)

"Mr. Vice President, this is a detailed report from the Colombian headquarters." The staff officer brought a cable.

"Show me quickly!" Truman almost snatched the message from his hand, eager to know how the Germans destroyed the H-03-4 defense line, but found that the so-called detailed report was just a few numbers. It is said that the Germans dropped a bomb into the sea, which caused a huge wave nearly 100 meters high and destroyed most of the H-03-4 defense line.

"One bomb exploded a huge wave nearly 100 meters high?!" After circulating this message, everyone couldn't help but look at each other. What kind of ghost bomb is this that has such power? !

Nimitz muttered somewhat uncertainly. "It can't be a German nuclear weapon, right?" After thinking about it, the only bomb that could have such power was a German nuclear weapon. "It stands to reason that sea water can block most of the shock waves. What is the explosive yield of TNT for this bomb to cause such a terrifying huge wave? 300,000 tons? 500,000 tons?" His expression suddenly changed as he spoke. A change. "Oops! I'm afraid all the mines deployed there have been destroyed! I really didn't expect that this kind of nuclear weapon could be used in this way." That is to say, it destroyed the defense line on the shore and cleared all the mines under the water. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

Marshall looked a little embarrassed. A few days ago, he had vowed that it was impossible for the Germans to mass-produce nuclear bombs, and they might not even have stocks. However, they just dropped one, and its usage was beyond everyone's expectations. What's even more frightening is that if the Germans have more nuclear bombs, wouldn't they be able to launch a landing war anytime and anywhere? We want to defend ourselves unless we build a breakwater with a height of more than 100 meters on the shore.

But it's too late now. The Germans have already launched a landing war, and it is impossible to give themselves the opportunity to build these breakwaters; and even if the time goes back to two years ago, it is impossible for such a huge project to be approved.

At this time, they received an urgent message from the Colombian headquarters. The content of the message was that the troops heading to support the H-03-4 line of defense encountered indiscriminate bombing by German aircraft and suffered heavy losses.

Vice President Truman asked anxiously. "Where are the reserve teams over there?!"

The combat staff officer in front of the sand table reported. "There are still 150 kilometers to the H-03-5 defense line."

Vice President Truman looked at the generals around him. "Can you let them go directly to the H-03-4 defense line?"

Army Chief of Staff Thomas Troy Handy nodded solemnly. "Yes, yes, but they need air cover. Otherwise, they can only wait until night before they can take action."

"There won't be any air cover." Commander Arnold sighed deeply. "The Army Air Base in South Carolina has been completely destroyed by the Germans. There are no fighter planes that can take off, let alone air cover."

"..." Vice President Truman opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, so he could only smoke with a sad look on his face.

At the same time, densely packed landing ships approached the H-03-4 defense line.

When it was still more than thirty kilometers away from the shore, the Geiger counter on the ship began to sound an alarm.

In the bridge of a landing ship, the captain wearing protective clothing asked. "Has everyone put on protective clothing?"

The vice-captain nodded. "I've already worn it before. But is this thing so scary?" As mentioned before, let alone ordinary people in this era, even scientists have insufficient awareness of the dangers of radiation. If Yannick had not intervened in advance, these landing troops would have passed through the center of the explosion without protection. Even if you survive the war, there is a high chance that you will suffer from various diseases caused by radiation.

The captain said extremely seriously. "This is an order issued by His Highness himself, so it must be..." Before he could finish his words, the alarm sound on the Geiger counter became more and more harsh. "We are approaching the center of the explosion. Order the fleet to pass at full speed."

At this time, a dense fleet of aircraft flew over the fleet. At high altitude there are FW-190 carrier-based fighter jets, at mid-altitude there is a group of A-1 attack aircraft, and at low altitude there is a group of helicopters. The few remaining defenders on the defense line were wiped out by a dense hail of bullets before they had time to counterattack.

Soon, hovercrafts carrying Jackal tanks "floated" out of the landing ship that arrived at the shore. They floated ashore easily and drove past the muddy US military position. "This must be the Yankees' position, right?" The German soldiers on the hovercraft saw half of the M2 heavy machine gun barrel exposed in the quagmire not far away, but there was already mud in all directions, and there was no appearance of any position. "Did they all run away?"

"The Yankees' positions must have been buried in the sand. As for those Yankees, they probably hid in underground air defense fortifications, and they all drowned."

"It's a bit boring. When can I take off this protective suit?" Fortunately it's not summer, otherwise they would be drenched in sweat after a while.

"I heard that there is radiation wherever the seawater goes. When you can no longer see the seawater, you can take off your protective clothing."

A group of hovercrafts sailed past the US military positions and continued to go back 17 or 18 kilometers until they finally saw dry ground. The pointer on the Geiger counter also returned to a safe range.

After traveling another two kilometers, the hovercraft stopped and began to unload the tanks.

"Okay, first take off the protective cover on the tank, and then take off your protective clothing. Try not to touch the outside of the protective clothing. Stack the removed protective clothing together."

"Target, the H-03-5 defense line 100 kilometers away, move forward!"

When the first batch of landed armored troops went to the H-03-5 defense line, the aircraft fleet in the sky had already arrived above the H-03-5 defense line before them, bombing them wildly.

The few anti-aircraft guns on the defense line had not had time to fire a few shots before they were blown to pieces by bombs falling from the sky.

"Damn it! Have you contacted the division commander?" The battalion commander who stayed behind to guard the H-03-5 defense line was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. He didn't know how many times he had asked the correspondent.

After a while, the correspondent reported a piece of news that almost made him vomit blood. "The division commander and the others were bombed by the Germans on the way, and the communications class got separated from the division commander and the others!"

"Damn it!" The battalion commander patted his head in great depression. In this case, he would not be able to contact his division commander for a while. "Contact the Colombian headquarters directly, we need support." But as soon as he finished speaking, a liaison soldier ran in in a panic. "Battal Commander, Post No. 3 discovered a huge fleet of aircraft flying from the south! There are hundreds of them!" The radar station here has been destroyed, and they can only rely on visual warning.

"South?" The battalion commander was stunned for a moment, and then realized that it must be a German fleet taking off from the Bahamas.

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