Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 992 America Strategy (16)

President Camacho wanted to lend the road to the Germans in exchange for some benefits. Of course, there is no need to think about taking back all the 2.4 million square kilometers of land swallowed up by the United States. Maybe a little bit is taken back. Anyway, they have nothing to lose by lending roads to the Germans.

However, Defense Secretary Cardenas felt something was wrong.

Whether it is luring a wolf into the house or seeking skin from a tiger, the initiative is always in the hands of the strong; as the saying goes, it is easier to invite a god than to send him away. Millions of European coalition troops poured into Mexico and invaded the United States. After the war, if What should we do if we leave a group of people behind and refuse to leave?

It's impossible for them to expel them by force, right? If they really had that courage and strength, would they have so much land taken away by the Americans?

And the most important point is that if the Germans really planned to land in Mexico, they would have come to them long ago. But now the European coalition forces may launch a landing operation at any time, but there is no movement; it is obvious that the Germans have no intention of landing from this side. "Maybe the Germans will launch a landing from Canada." Regardless of the terrain or the length of the border, Canada is much more powerful than Mexico.

"..." President Camacho, who calmed down, also felt that he was a little whimsical. I couldn't help but mutter in my heart that if I had known better, I would have stood in line as early as possible. It's a pity that declaring neutrality was a very wise decision. Who would have thought that the United States would be so vulnerable. But even so, the United States can easily destroy them if they stand in line too early.

No matter what, he still didn't want to give up this rare opportunity easily. "Maybe we can talk to the Germans and if the price they offer is not too outrageous we can agree."

Cardenas was speechless. "What if the price they offer is too outrageous?" Can we simply refuse it? Wouldn't that anger the Germans? Isn't this setting fire to one's body?

President Camacho sighed, "What can be done? Isn't this the tragedy of a weak country?"

"..." After a long silence, Cardenas agreed to talk to the German ambassador first.

At this time, senior officials in Washington also received news that the Germans had dropped bombs.

"Did a bomb really destroy a city?!"

The secretary's face turned pale. "Yes, Mr. Vice President, the smoke from the explosion could be seen hundreds of kilometers away in Houston; the entire city was in flames."

"Oh God!" Vice President Truman suddenly felt overwhelmed. If the Germans dropped such a terrible "super bomb" on Washington... The city of Washington is already in ruins, and the Germans should not be so wasteful. But if the Germans used this "super bomb" to bomb this military base, would they still be safe? !

He seemed to feel the burning sensation of the fire burning above his head, and couldn't help but ask. "How far is the vent here?" He also knew that no matter how far the vent was, it couldn't be farther than a city. Once the vents were covered with fire, blocking the air from entering, wouldn't they all suffocate to death?

Seeing that the other people's faces were also quite ugly, the secretary quickly replied. "Please rest assured, even if the vent is damaged, there are a large number of high-pressure air bottles stored in the underground storage room. The air in them is enough to last this underground fortification for seven days."

Vice President Truman was somewhat relieved to hear that at least they wouldn't suffocate to death. "Everyone, the Germans..." Before he could finish his words, the panic-stricken Secretary of State rushed into the conference room and shouted. "Everyone! The European fleet has departed! I just received an urgent message from the ambassador to Sweden. All fleets in European military ports have departed!!"

"!!" Everyone was shocked. The German just dropped a "super bomb" and the fleet set off? As for these fleets, no need to ask, they must have come to the United States to launch a landing campaign.

Marshall couldn't help but feel a little thankful. "It seems like what I expected. The Germans cannot produce this kind of 'super bomb' on a large scale." If they could produce it, the Germans would never drop just one bomb. "Obviously they want to use this 'super bomb' and the fleet to force us to surrender. They also underestimate our determination!"

Vice President Truman was still a little confused. Why did the Germans not drop this super bomb on the defense line, but in an empty city? A bomb destroying a city is scary enough, but it didn't scare them into surrendering, right?

After much deliberation, I couldn't figure out the Germans' intentions, so I could only worry about the immediate problem first. "How is our defense going?"

"It's barely completed, and we have deployed a large number of mines near the coastline. It will not be easy for the European coalition forces to land."

"..." Vice President Truman could only pray in his heart that as Marshall said, their defense line could block two or three waves of attacks by the European coalition forces and strive for a decent peace.

"Of course there will be no decent peace." In the Berlin Palace, Yannick held Alice in one hand and gently tapped the United States on the giant map on the ground with the other hand, saying to Queen Elizabeth who was holding Auston next to her. "The United States can only end up like the Soviet Union, divided into dozens of pieces."

Earlier, if the Americans had surrendered obediently, they might have left some wealth behind. Now that the whole of Europe has mobilized, they have to strip away all the Americans' wealth. "If you want to leave some land for them, leave Kansas and Oklahoma." These are two adjacent states, located in the very center of the continental United States. When the time comes, European countries will divide the remaining states and separate these two states. Surround them and see how they can jump. "I really admire these guys. They didn't surrender even after being hit by an atomic egg." Is it because there were no casualties?

After Hiroshima in the original time and space was hit by an atomic egg, the number of casualties reached 100,000. The atomic eggs thrown into San Antonio this time caused almost no casualties. He heard that all the residents in the city had already run away, and even if there were some who stayed, they were only a few.

"Will the landing operation go smoothly? Will there be heavy casualties?" Queen Elizabeth asked with some worry. This time, the British sent an expeditionary force of 200,000 people, and she did not want to see these soldiers suffer heavy casualties.

Yannick said easily. "Of course it will go smoothly. A nuclear bomb will be used in the landing battle."

"Used to bomb the US military's defenses?"

"No, just throw one into the sea, and the shock wave of the explosion will form a terrible tsunami, which will clear the mines deployed by the Americans and submerge all their defense lines." American soldiers on the defense line will hide in when they see the bombers. In the underground fortifications, what awaits you then will not be bombs, but a terrifying tsunami. I'm afraid all those poor soldiers will be buried in the underground fortifications.

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