Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 990 Nuclear Explosion (1)

Time passed day by day, crossing Christmas of 1942 and entering the spring of 1943.

In the season of recovery, military bases across Europe also begin to get busy.

On March 1, three B-52 bombers flew over San Antonio, Texas, dropping a large number of leaflets.

The content of the leaflet was that the German army would drop a "super bomb" on the city in 48 hours, which would be powerful enough to destroy the entire city. People in the city were expected to evacuate in time to avoid unnecessary casualties.

San Antonio residents who saw the flyers were all shocked and horrified!

"Oh God! Destroy a city with one bomb? Are these damn Germans kidding me?!" Today is not April Fools' Day, and even if it is April Fools' Day, this joke is too exaggerated! !

"No matter how he did it, just run away!" The development of the German army's weapons and equipment can be said to be changing with each passing day. If it can destroy a city today, it may be able to destroy the entire United States tomorrow.

"Yeah, run quickly, the further away the better!" Even if today is April Fool's Day, I would rather believe this; after all, many cities have been destroyed by the German army.

People rushed back to their homes in a panic, packed their luggage and took their families with them, scrambling to escape the city that was about to be destroyed.

In addition to leaflets, the Germans also circulated "announcements" on the radio.

News quickly reached Washington.

"'Super bomb'? It seems that the Germans are preparing to use their nuclear weapons." The atmosphere in the conference room was extremely depressing. Everyone had a sad face, but they were helpless at all.

The secretary continued to report. "San Antonio is in chaos. The governor of Texas has sent out the National Guard to maintain order. Two days should be enough for all residents to evacuate the city."

"..." Vice President Truman's face looked a little ugly. It sounded like the Germans were kind-hearted to save the people.

The next day, most of the people in San Antonio had fled the city; by the morning of the third day, the entire city had become empty, like a ghost town.

At noon, three B-52 bombers flew over the city as scheduled. Two of the bombers circled along the edge of the city, while one bomber flew to the center of the city.

"It's unbelievable that such a bomb can destroy a city." On the bomber, the bombardier in protective clothing checked the atomic eggs in the bomb bay for the last time and sighed. "Will it really not affect us if we just drop it like this? I heard that the 50,000-ton TNT experimental bomb exploded last time and the mushroom cloud reached 20,000 meters. I don't want to be glorious on the eve of victory. Sacrifice." This time it had an explosive yield of 200,000 tons of TNT.

When the United States in the original time and space was preparing to drop atomic eggs on island countries, an important problem faced was how to escape after the plane dropped the atomic eggs? During training in the United States, scientists came to a key conclusion: after the atomic egg explodes, the bomber must maintain a distance of more than 13 kilometers from the center of the explosion to ensure safe escape.

When a bomber drops a bomb, due to inertia problems, the atomic egg leaving the bomb bay does not fall vertically, but maintains a certain forward speed. When it falls to an altitude of 500 to 600 meters and explodes, the bomber is right above it. It may be affected by the huge explosion energy, causing the aircraft to crash and people to die. Therefore, after dropping the atomic egg, the bomber must make a 155° turn at full speed to stay away from the bomb that is about to explode.

As for why it must be air-blasted at high altitude, it doesn't necessarily have to be air-blasted. It can also hit the ground and explode like an ordinary aerial bomb. It's just that the nuclear egg's killing power against different targets has a huge impact on its explosion height. For example, the effect of air blast will be better for exposed people on the ground and unprotected buildings. This is just like when an ordinary aerial bomb hits the ground and explodes, people who lie down in time 10 meters away may be able to escape. But if it explodes in the air at a height of several meters, people 20 meters away will also be doomed.

Most of the early atomic eggs in various countries were equivalent to about 20,000 tons. At this equivalent, the radius of damage to exposed personnel using ground explosion method is 45 kilometers, and if the air explosion method is used, it can be expanded to 85 kilometers; in terms of area, It can be expanded by nearly 63%. This is obviously a considerable additional income. Why not? Therefore, when the United States dropped the Little Boy on Hiroshima, considering that the targets were mainly exposed personnel and simple buildings, it was chosen to be air-dropped to an altitude of 600 meters before detonating.

But air blasts are not always more powerful. If the object to be hit is a solid underground permanent fortification, then the air explosion is definitely not as effective as the ground explosion. The best situation is to drill into the ground and then explode, so that the energy can be turned into a strong seismic wave to destroy the hard target without any waste. Using the same data of the equivalent of 20,000 tons of TNT mentioned above, if the target is changed to personnel in the heavy shelter, the killing radius of the ground explosion is 31 kilometers, while the radius of the air explosion is only 22 kilometers.

Therefore, the bomber must choose the one with the most outstanding overall performance. At that time, the air defense system of the entire island country had long been ineffective due to the continuous bombing by the United States. However, in order to successfully complete this mission, the US military still had to choose bombers with the best performance to ensure that the pilots could fly as quickly as possible after completing the mission. Escape from the danger zone.

The B-29 was the largest bomber in the U.S. Air Force at the time, with a decent load capacity. It was also the fastest among the U.S. bombers (574 km/h) and was called the Flying Fortress at the time. But even this, the best bomber at the time, was still affected by the air waves from the explosion when it flew away at full speed after dropping the atomic eggs, causing the plane to turbulence violently.

the bomber pilot joked. "Hey, when did you become so cowardly? With our flying speed, we can easily escape the explosion range and won't kill you."

The bombardier had no good airway. "This is not called cowardice, this is called awe, okay? We are about to release a power comparable to the power of God, so we have to have a little awe."

The driver said disapprovingly. "I am an atheist. I only fear the power of science, not those illusory gods."

"Tch." The bombardier ignored him and returned to his seat, staring at the radar screen. "You think all the residents below should have fled, right?"

the co-pilot replied. "We have warned them through radio and leaflets that if they remain in the city, they are simply seeking death."

As he spoke, the bombers were about to arrive over the city center.

"Get ready to drop the bomb!" The bombardier pressed the button next to him, and the bomb bay door slowly opened. After a few seconds, he pressed the bomb button, and the atomic egg detached from the pylon and fell downwards.

shouted the bombardier. "Quick, quick, quick! Get out of here!!"

The bomber made a sharp turn and fled at a top speed of 1,000 kilometers per hour.

45 seconds later, a ball of light that was more dazzling than the sun appeared over the city.

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