Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 987 America Strategy (15)

Just as high-level officials in the United States were filled with indignation at the Germans' seizure of the Panama Canal, Germany issued another broadcast announcing that the Luftwaffe would cease any form of bombing of the United States from now on for a period of three months. The American people could Return to your own city.

"What kind of conspiracy do the Germans want to play?" This sudden broadcast made the top US officials very confused. Germany has bombed many American cities, and the industrial areas in the northeast have been bombed to paralysis. Logically speaking, they should not continue their efforts. Continue bombing other cities? What reason would there be for suddenly stopping the bombing?

The Germans must have plenty of fuel. Could it be that the bomb production progress cannot keep up? It seems impossible. Is it possible that they want to trick the American people into returning to the city and then carry out a surprise attack? If that were the case, it would be too vicious, but since our own side had radar, it was impossible for the Germans to launch a surprise attack.

The American people didn't think so much. In their view, the Germans always kept their promises, bombing when they were told, and stopping when they were told to stop. Therefore, after hearing the German broadcast, most of the people returned to the city. Many people are used to living in cities and cannot adapt to life in the countryside.

The next day, Vice President Truman also left the increasingly suffocating underground fortifications and went for a "ride" in downtown Washington.

The suburbs were fine, but when we entered the city, the roads were full of potholes, and most of the buildings on both sides of the streets were damaged to varying degrees. The entire city had been hit by at least thousands of tons of bombs, and the once prosperous city was now full of devastation. Many famous landmark buildings were blown into piles of ruins.

Suddenly, the convoy stopped. After a while, a member of the Secret Service came to Army One, where Vice President Truman was riding, and reported to him. "Mr. Vice President, a dumb bomb was found ahead. We have to take a detour."

Artillery shells and bombs generally have a defective rate, and the occasional dud is a normal phenomenon. After all, these ordinary artillery shells and bombs cannot be equipped with multiple fuses like German missiles to ensure that they will explode.

Some of these dumb bombs use mechanical fuzes. In theory, the explosive is detonated when the ignition pin of a mechanical fuze hits (or penetrates) the detonator. But the reality is that some detonating needles did not detonate the detonators, and these bombs became duds.

Some duds also used chemical fuses. The working mechanism of this type of fuze is more complicated than the mechanical firing pin, which also makes these duds more harmful: the firing pin is held in place by a disc made of plastic. When released, the trigger will destroy a glass bottle containing a solvent such as acetone. These solvents then gradually drip onto the disk and dissolve it. It is not until the solvent dissolves the disc that the firing pin is triggered, causing an explosion. Depending on the disc thickness, the delayed explosion time can be up to 144 hours. But the problem is that these chemical fuses often fail, and the scrap rate is extremely high. For example, if the bomb was turned upside down or landed on soft soil, the acetone solvent would most likely not drip directly onto the disc as expected and would not explode in the expected time.

Truman had participated in the First World War and knew something about these, so he nodded casually. "Then let's take a detour."

The motorcade took another route and continued on to the White House.

Before arriving at the White House, Truman looked at the half-collapsed White House that had been hit by several bombs. He sighed deeply. This was the first time that the United States had suffered such a tragic experience since the U.S.-Canada War more than 100 years ago.

He lit a cigarette casually, blew out a long smoke ring, and muttered. "It would be great if we had always adhered to 'isolationism.'" We had to get involved in the Europeans' war, and ended up like this. If the United States can win this battlefield, President Roosevelt will be a president who will go down in history. But now that the United States has reached a stage of life and death, I am afraid that Roosevelt will bear all the sins and infamy for future generations.

As for President Wilkie, his case could only remain undisclosed. No one dared to stand up and raise objections, otherwise they would be drowned by the hundreds of thousands of family members of the expeditionary force.

It is a pity that whether the war in Europe is miserable or not is the strategic national policy of the United States, and it is not something he can decide.

After World War I, as an important victorious country and the world's largest economy, the United States completely surpassed the old hegemon Britain in the economic and industrial fields, and was very likely to replace it.

But in fact, although the United States has surpassed the United Kingdom in the economic field, it is still unable to compete with the United Kingdom in terms of politics and international influence, and cannot even compare with France. The United Kingdom and France still have the final say in League of Nations affairs. Due to the lack of voice, the United States, an economic giant, could only stand aside, so the United States decided to withdraw from the League of Nations and pursue isolationism.

Of course, the United States was not willing to succumb to others. In the 1920s, the United States used its political and economic influence to obtain the qualification to be on an equal footing with the British Navy at the Washington Conference, taking another step closer to the position of world hegemon. The United States has been hiding its capabilities and biding its time, waiting for the opportunity to replace the United Kingdom. After the outbreak of World War II, the United States saw an opportunity and was prepared to suddenly show its fangs when the fight between the two sides was intense and kill all threatening European countries in one fell swoop (it succeeded in the original time and space).

As a result, Germany's combat effectiveness was simply overwhelming. Before the United States had time to exert its force, Britain was captured; then the Soviet Union was also beaten and retreated.

After circling the White House, Truman could only return to the military base in the suburbs. This war should have a conclusion by next year, and he won't have to spend a lot of time finding a new office or repairing the White House.

On the other side of the Atlantic, in the Berlin Palace, Yannick was cooking hotpot leisurely in the garden. Cooking hotpot outdoors in winter has a different flavor.

Little Elizabeth sitting opposite took a sip of her drink and asked with some confusion. "Brother Yanik, why did you order to stop the bombing of the United States? Didn't you say that you don't feel guilty about bombing those civilians?"

Yannick smiled. "Of course I don't pity them, I just feel sorry for the money. A large-scale bombing of thousands of aircraft in the United States will consume at least 3,000 tons of bombs and thousands of tons of fuel. How much does it cost?" Although Germany is not short of fuel now, but this What a waste.

Therefore, Yannick decided to stop the bombing of the United States. The entire northeastern industrial zone has been paralyzed. Even if the arsenals in other places are at full capacity to produce various weapons and equipment, and they are allowed to work hard to produce them for two or three years, they may not be the equipment of the German army today. opponent.

"So, I tell those people to go home and have a good Christmas because this may be their last Christmas as Americans."

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