Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 982 Nuclear Age (4)

Yannick boarded Air Force One and prepared to leave. Little Elizabeth also followed. Her face was still a little pale, and it was obvious that she had not yet recovered from the shock she had just received.

Yannick smiled. "Why, are you scared?" Although her mind is higher than that of her peers, she is still an ordinary person after all, and being scared by the power of the atomic egg is a normal reaction.

Little Elizabeth nodded slightly. "It's terrible. This is not a weapon that humans should have."

Yannick shrugged. "Without this kind of super weapon that can instantly shock all countries, mankind will fight the Third World War in more than ten years, and the Fourth World War in more than ten years, and it will continue endlessly. ." Assuming that since World War II, mankind has not produced nuclear weapons, that is, it still only possesses conventional weapons with low lethality, then there is only one result, and that is-wars continue! The emergence of nuclear weapons did objectively prevent World War III. The long-term peace and stability of the entire world, without large-scale conflicts between major powers, is also the result of nuclear weapons.

"When Dr. Gatling invented the Gatling gun, he was not a devil. As a doctor, he did it out of humanitarian considerations. He hoped to make a powerful enough weapon so that both sides of the war could face the destructiveness of the war and then sit down and negotiate. . It's a pity that Dr. Gatlin's invention is not powerful enough. Warriors can still charge into battle despite the hail of bullets, and tanks can withstand machine gun bullets. But now this nuclear weapon has the power to destroy the world. From now on, the world will Here comes lasting peace.”

Little Elizabeth opened her mouth slightly and asked again after a while. "What if there is a way to restrain nuclear weapons in the future?"

"..." Before Yannick traveled through time, there were probably two ways to restrain nuclear weapons. High-energy laser weapons were one type, and electromagnetic railguns were the second type. High-energy laser weapons can produce irradiation penetration, cut through nuclear weapons, and use thermal radiation to ablate nuclear fuze devices. As for the electromagnetic railgun, President Reagan's "Star Wars" plan already mentioned using satellites carrying electromagnetic guns to intercept Soviet ballistic missiles in space. In 1980, the experimental electromagnetic gun built by the American Westinghouse Company for "Star Wars" accelerated a projectile with a mass of 300 grams to about 4 kilometers per second. In a vacuum, this speed can be increased to 8 to 10 kilometers per second. This was the prototype of the space electromagnetic gun at that time.

However, these two methods are still in the experimental stage. It will take a long time before they can be put into practice.

"I don't think anything that can restrain nuclear weapons will appear within a hundred years. And even if it does, there should be something more terrifying than nuclear weapons to shock mankind before then, and the world will still be peaceful."

Little Elizabeth seemed to agree with what he said and said nothing more. Her face was almost pressed against the glass window, looking at the mushroom cloud in the distance.

Suddenly, she screamed. “There’s a plane out there!”

Yannick replied casually. "That's for collecting experimental data."

Little Elizabeth's eyes suddenly widened. "Isn't it said that there is radiation nearby and can cause death?"

"That's a drone."

Drones are not an advanced technology of later generations. As early as 1914, two British generals, Cadell and Pichel, made a proposal to the British Military Aviation Society: develop a drone that does not require human piloting but is controlled by radio. A small aircraft that can fly over the enemy and drop bombs. This idea was supported by Sir Dai Henderson, then chairman of the British Military Aviation Society.

In March 1917, the world's first unmanned aircraft conducted its first flight test in Britain.

Now for such a dangerous mission, of course drones must be sent.

Speaking of danger, Yannick couldn't help but think of the crazy nuclear tests carried out by the major powers in the original time and space.

In the 1950s in the original time and space, a world political landscape in which the United States and the Soviet Union competed for hegemony gradually took shape. Nuclear weapons are not yet weapons that can destroy the earth, but are regarded by both sides as "practical" weapons that can quickly win the war. Therefore, how to quickly counterattack after a nuclear weapon explodes has become a key research direction. The view at the time was that after a nuclear explosion, if the wind blows away the nuclear dust and the troops enter the nuclear explosion area from the upwind direction, then theoretically the harm to the human body will be minimal.

On September 10, 1956, during a nuclear war exercise at the Samypelatinsk nuclear test site in the Soviet Union, a paratrooper unit composed of 272 active-duty soldiers was ordered to launch a nuclear egg equivalent to 80,000 tons of TNT. After the explosion, he parachuted into the center of the explosion. The troops parachuted out of helicopters and landed directly on the land scorched by nuclear bombs, where the air was filled with the smell of death. These paratroopers did not have protective clothing, only ordinary military uniforms. reads the order given to them. "Fend off enemy attacks until the main force arrives."

It was not possible to accurately measure the radiation dose in the area where the paratroopers would land, and of course the soldiers did not carry radiation detectors. Experts believe that most of the troops were exposed to at least 50 roentgens of radiation. The safe radiation dose acceptable to ordinary people in a year is 2 roentgens. There is no doubt that most of the troops later died from radiation damage. What's even more frightening is that this kind of exercise didn't happen just once.

As the leader on the other side of the Cold War, the United States also held similar exercises.

In September 1955, the US military deployed 3,000 soldiers to participate in "actual combat exercises under nuclear war conditions." Soldiers marched to the nuclear test site in the desert hinterland of Nevada and dug a large number of foxholes. Subsequently, an atomic egg with an equivalent of 50,000 tons was detonated just a few kilometers in front of these foxholes, and less than 5 minutes after the nuclear explosion, all soldiers participating in the military exercise were ordered to attack the nuclear explosion. Center forward. The soldiers who received the order quickly jumped out of the foxholes and launched a rapid assault on foot towards the nuclear bomb detonation point without any protective measures (not even a mask).

At a time when nuclear protection knowledge was not yet widespread, most soldiers did not realize the horror of this exercise. They were even delighted to witness a magnificent nuclear explosion, believing that only elites in the military could participate in such an exercise. But not long after the exercise ended, these people fell ill and died one after another. Two years after the exercise ended, only half of the soldiers were left; and they suffered from various diseases: in severe cases, various cancers and inexplicable massive bleeding, while in mild cases, they were weak and weak.

Yannick silently sighed in his heart that the ignorant are fearless.

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