Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 967 America Strategy (3)

In later generations, California's economic strength was absolutely beyond imagination. If we treat it as an independent economy, it is quite impressive even on a global scale. According to statistics, California's GDP exceeded US$3 trillion in 2019, ranking fifth in the world's GDP level, surpassing the United Kingdom, France, Russia and other major countries with the power of one state.

In addition to its economic strength, it is also outstanding in other aspects. For example, California’s film industry has a long-standing reputation, with Disney, Universal Pictures, and Paramount being world-famous; California Institute of Technology, Stanford University and other universities are world-class institutions of higher learning; California’s Silicon Valley is world-renowned , Apple, Google, Intel and other technology companies are located here, and it deserves the title of "the most creative place in the world".

Perhaps because of this, some Californians are unwilling to be just another state in the United States, and from time to time there are voices calling for independence, as a statement from the California Independence Movement said. "California is the sixth largest economy in the world. Its economic strength is stronger than France and its population is larger than Poland. No matter from which aspect, California should compare with other countries and compete with other countries, rather than with the other 49 countries in the United States. Every state is the same.”

The independence movement in California is actually a historical issue that has accumulated over a long period of time. California was a Mexican territory until 1846. At that time, Mexico actively encouraged domestic people to immigrate to California for the purpose of consolidating national defense and economic development. At the same time, it also absorbed a large number of foreign immigrants who came to the area. However, an unexpected situation began to take shape in Mexico: the influx of American immigrants soon exceeded the number of locals in population. In 1846, local American settlers established the Republic of Sonoma and erected their own Big Bear flag (so it was also called the Bear Flag Republic).

In 1846 war broke out between the United States and Mexico. On July 7 of that year, U.S. Navy Commodore John Slott claimed California as U.S. territory after capturing Monterey. Although Californians wanted independence from Mexico at that time, they actually had different opinions on whether to join the United States after independence: Californians in the north chose to fight alongside U.S. soldiers, but Californians in the south resisted U.S. martial law. . In 1847, U.S. General Stephen Carney defeated the Southern California Resistance Army. In 1848, Mexico formally ceded California to the United States in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

From the first day it was annexed to the United States, California had a certain alienation from the federal government: Californians had, after all, founded their own country. Californians believed that their cooperation with the United States at the beginning of the Mexican-American War was to achieve independence from Mexico. However, the United States took the opportunity to directly take over the Californians' "Bear Flag Republic" afterwards. This paved the way for the future California independence movement, and California's subsequent historical development trajectory intensified this independent tendency.

However, the U.S. Constitution does not allow states to unilaterally secede from the United States. All attempts to secede are "absolutely invalid." Legally speaking, if a state wants to secede from the Union, it needs to convene a gathering of representatives from other states. An independent amendment must be passed with the consent of 2/3 of the representatives from other states participating in the assembly. Even after the amendment is passed, it will be sent to the 50 state legislatures and must receive the consent of at least 38 states before it can be adopted. Therefore, if California adopts the method of amending the constitution to achieve independence, it will definitely go through a long and complicated process.

The procedure for California to become independent is extremely complicated. Moreover, even if such complex procedural issues are solved, it will not guarantee that the U.S. government will directly break up and fight with you. At that time, the U.S. federal government will not argue with you about whether it is in compliance with the Constitution or not. Whoever wins the battle has the final say. When it comes to using force for a head-on confrontation, California's National Guard is obviously unable to stand up to the federal government's regular troops.

Because of this, these talents formed the "German Alliance" and prepared to use the power of Germany to force independence from the United States.

The question now is whether the Germans will give them the "cornucopia" of California.

"The Germans have taken over the world's largest grain-producing areas, so they may not look down on our area."

The person next to him shook his head and retorted. "This is just your wishful thinking. Do you think you have too much money? With the greed of the Germans (if they are not greedy, they will not conquer everywhere), they will definitely not let go of this geomantic treasure."

"But after all, we are also Germans. Germans should be more or less merciful, right?"

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe people will regard you as an American at all."

Seeing everyone arguing with each other, the old man slapped the armrest of the chair hard. "That's enough! There's going to be internal strife before things are done? Isn't this a joke? How can you accomplish anything big like this?" Seeing everyone quiet down, the old man sighed and continued. "Everyone, it's useless for us to say anything now. The initiative is in the hands of the Germans. It's better to contact the Germans first to hear what they mean." After all, apart from internal response, they can't offer any bigger bargaining chips, but With the strength of the Germans, it seems that they will not be grateful for their decision to respond internally.

Others have obviously thought of this, and their expressions are not optimistic. "What if the Germans refuse to give us California?"

Before the old man had time to answer, a middle-aged man in the crowd suddenly shouted. "Wait a minute, I've thought of a worse possibility!" His sudden shouting startled the people around him, who stood up with a look of panic on his face and said loudly. "How could we forget that our state in the United States is not only a coastal state!!"

California is not the only state with coastlines in the United States. On the Pacific coast alone there are Washington, Oregon, Hawaii and Alaska that have been occupied by the Germans; and on the Atlantic coast there are even more, including Maine, New Hampshire Bush, Massachusetts, etc., a total of thirteen states!

"What if someone in these states has already reached an agreement with the Germans, then what value do we have?!" They can unite to form the "German Alliance". Who knows if there are "German Alliances" in other states? , "Licking Germany Alliance"?

"!!" Everyone's expressions suddenly became ugly. Once they have no use value, then in the future the Germans will not be able to slaughter them at will after landing? By then, not to mention the entire California, we might have to leave our homes and flee.

The old man's face was extremely solemn. "It seems we have to hurry up."

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