Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 955 Decisive Battle (21)

Hearing that these Americans still wanted to surrender conditionally, a trace of imperceptible disdain flashed across the faces of the German officers present.

Surrender is actually negotiating for peace. The terms of the peace negotiation are determined based on the amount of chips left in the hand. The more power left in the hand, the more confident you will be when negotiating terms with others, and you will be able to hold on to the bottom line and not be at the mercy of others; If you lose all the chips in your hand, you can only fight for the sake of others, which is to surrender unconditionally.

In World War I, Germany "conditionally surrendered." Germany "disbanded its army, handed over all heavy weapons, all warships, and all colonies" in exchange for the Allies not occupying Germany and not punishing the German ruling group.

Germany "unconditionally surrendered" in World War II. Since the countries that won World War II had a just nature, the punishment for those countries that were unfair and unjust was far more severe than during World War I.

For example, in terms of compensation, the compensation stipulated in the Treaty of Versailles after World War I was US$33 billion, equivalent to 132 billion marks. But Germany actually only paid 12 billion marks in compensation, which is only 3 billion US dollars. After World War II, Germany had to pay $50 billion in reparations, far exceeding the amount paid in World War I.

In terms of territory, Germany lost very little of its territory in World War I, and none of it belonged to the German nation. It was all Polish and Danish territory. After World War II, Germany lost hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land, including East Prussia, Silesia, Pomerania, and parts of West Prussia. Germany was also occupied and ruled by the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France.

In terms of national defense, from 1945 to 1955, Germany did not allow any army or any form of armament. German defense was the responsibility of the victorious powers, and military and occupation expenses were paid by Germany. It was not until 1955 that the United States allowed West Germany to rearm in order to deal with the increasingly serious Soviet threat. However, the military is severely restricted and closely monitored by the United States, Britain and France.

Now, the American Expeditionary Force seems to have little leverage to negotiate conditional surrender with them.

Major General Judit nodded. "Although we may not necessarily accept it, Lieutenant Colonel Thompson can speak out first and listen."

"First, I hope your army can promise to ensure the safety of life and property of our soldiers. Second, all surrendered soldiers must not be forced to participate in labor. Third, the wounded need to be treated properly, and food needs to be abundantly supplied and cannot be withheld. Our food. Fourth, after the war is over, all prisoners of war need to be released unconditionally." Lieutenant Colonel Thompson put forward all the conditions in one breath. After finishing speaking, he looked at Major General Judith with some anxiety, waiting for his reaction.

Although they really wanted the Germans to send them back to the United States, now that Germany and the United States are at war, it would be impossible for the Germans to agree to such conditions, and it would even become a laughing stock, so they had no choice but to settle for the next best thing.

After hearing Lieutenant Colonel Thompson's conditions, the German Chief of Staff on the side said coldly. "Hmph, what kind of surrender is this? I think these are a group of uncles who are here for tourism! Do you think our prisoner-of-war camp is a rest house? Do you want to provide them with good food and drink?! These ungrateful guys are not even in a B-class prisoner-of-war camp. They have all been given an advantage, and they should all be thrown into a C-class prisoner of war camp. See if there are still such long-winded conditions!" The officers around them nodded.

Lieutenant Colonel Thompson was frightened when he heard this. What about a Class B prisoner of war camp or a Class C prisoner of war camp? Did the German prisoner-of-war camps still have levels? According to them, the conditions in the C-class prisoner of war camp are still very bad? In order to prevent the Germans from throwing them all into the so-called C-class prisoner of war camp, Lieutenant Colonel Thompson spoke quickly. "Mr. Major General Judit, you should also know that our conditions are not excessive. After all, we still have more than 300,000 troops in Moscow's underground fortifications. If we fight to the end, your army will also pay unnecessary casualties. "

The chief of staff sneered. "Hmph! Fight to the end? Do you have the courage? I think the Soviets are more courageous than you. At least they haven't sent anyone over to talk about surrender until now."

The ridicule made Lieutenant Colonel Thompson look quite ugly. Although he wanted to refute, he didn't know how to say it. After all, he is here to discuss surrender. Doesn't this mean that they are greedy for life and afraid of death?

At this time, Major General Judith slowly spoke. "Lieutenant Colonel Thompson, I have to say that the conditions proposed by your army are really unacceptable. All we can guarantee is the safety of your soldiers. As for other aspects, your army must obey our army's arrangements, including labor, our prisoner of war camp We will not raise idle people in vain. As for whether to accept it or not, the choice is in your hands. If you want to fight to the end, then we also welcome it. After all, given the current situation, I am also very curious about how your army is going to cause trouble to our army. Small casualties." The last sentence made the surrounding officers burst into laughter.

This series of humiliations made Lieutenant Colonel Thompson almost furious, but while he was angry, he couldn't help but be a little confused. "Mr. Major General Judit, don't you need to report to your army's headquarters?" As the division commander, can he decide these matters?

Major General Judith smiled. "These decisions have been made by our army's high command. Lieutenant Colonel Thompson doesn't think that we don't expect your army to surrender, right? The high command's decision is that your army must surrender unconditionally, without any room for negotiation. Come here , send Lieutenant Colonel Thompson back."

Lieutenant Colonel Thompson opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing and turned to leave with a sad expression.

At this time, in the "Underground Kremlin" combat command room, Eisenhower was persuading Rokossovsky. "Commander Rokossovsky, you and I both know that this war in the Soviet Union is over. Every minute you resist here, you will lose hundreds of thousands of outstanding soldiers under your command, as well as innocent civilians. , at least they shouldn't be forced to die." He really understood what it means to be stubborn. He wanted to take a scalpel and cut open these guys' heads to see what their structure was. Could it be that steel bars were injected into their brains? Cement?

Rokossovsky sighed heavily and said bitterly. "If we persist for one more day, the Soviet Union will exist for one more day; once we give up, the Soviet Union will be completely dead. Commander Eisenhower, if this were Washington, would you give up easily if it were you?"

Eisenhower couldn't help but smile bitterly. "Washington is almost in ruins." And after Moscow is completely captured, Germany's next target will be the United States. Unfortunately, at that time, he could only watch the war as a prisoner of war. After a long silence, Eisenhower said slowly. "Even if this is Washington, at least I won't let a group of civilians be buried with us."

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