Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 953 Decisive Battle (19)

After a night of drizzle, the thick dust that originally shrouded Moscow has settled.

"Oh God!" Looking at the city of Moscow not far away, the coalition soldiers outside the city opened their mouths in shock.

Although Moscow had suffered from long-term bombing and missile attacks, many intact buildings could still be seen. After five days of fierce shelling, looking at it now, except for the slightly intact buildings near the suburbs, the entire building The city was truly razed to the ground, and even the ruins could be counted on ten fingers.

"Tsk, tsk, I really didn't expect that the power of human weapons could be so terrifying that it could blow a big city into ruins." A soldier beside an armored vehicle couldn't help but sigh.

The soldier next to him nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it was terrible, almost like the wrath of God. Reminds me of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Bible."

There is a famous story in the Bible. Because the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were filled with unspeakable evil, God Jehovah decided to destroy these two cities. Abraham asked the Lord for mercy, and God said that if he could find 10 good people in the city, he would not destroy the two cities. Two angels were ordered to come to Sodom to look for good people, but they were targeted by the local residents and wanted to do evil things. Fortunately, the good man Lot took them into their home and hid them. The local residents were still unwilling to give up. Lot said that he was willing to hand over his two virgin daughters to them and let them do whatever they wanted. However, these people had no interest in "sexuality" at all and were ready to break down the door and rape the two daughters. An angel. The two angels then said to Lot, take your family and take refuge in the mountains quickly, and remember not to look back. Immediately afterwards, the Lord sent down fire from heaven to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Lot's wife couldn't help but look back curiously, and she was instantly turned into a pillar of salt.

The other soldier chuckled. "Maybe God just dropped a few big bombs at that time. Why did the fire sound like our incendiary bombs? I heard that many cities in the United States have been burned to ashes. Those Yankees are really stubborn, and they don't know what happened. What do you insist on?”

"Those ungrateful guys, wait until we kill Stalin, then go and deal with those bastards."

One soldier looked troubled. "Tsk, then you can't take a boat. I'm most afraid of taking a boat." Just thinking about crossing the thousands of kilometers wide Atlantic Ocean by boat made his face pale slightly.

"Haha, then you just stay at home and wait for news about us beating up the Yankees. Maybe we will send you a postcard in Washington."

While they were talking and laughing, countless flares rose into the sky, exploding balls of red light in the sky.

"Ready to fight!"

Tanks and armored vehicles began to activate one after another, and dense helicopters flew in the sky, entering Moscow ahead of the ground troops.

In the "Underground Kremlin", Stalin urgently appointed Rokossovsky as the Moscow Guard Commander.

In later generations, whether it was the "Three Famous Generals" of the Soviet Army in World War II or the "Troika" of the Army, except for the unshakable Marshal Zhukov, Rokossovsky was also selected. This shows that his level of commanding operations is recognized.

Rokossovsky's life can be said to be very lucky but very unfortunate.

Like most famous Soviet generals, Rokossovsky was also a poor boy when he was a child. Both his parents died when he was young and he had no money to go to school. He had to work to make money, either making silk stockings for other people's factories, or helping others break rocks. He suffered a lot at a young age. The world is suffering.

At the age of 18, Rokossovsky joined the Russian army. After the October Revolution, he joined the cavalry unit of the Russian Communist Party and the Red Army. During the civil war, he made many military exploits. He became a cavalry division commander at the age of 34, and was promoted to corps commander at the age of 40. Just when he was in great use, he was suddenly arrested.

The charge given to him by the Ministry of Internal Affairs was very strange: just because he was of mixed Soviet-Polish descent (his mother was Russian and his father was Polish) and of Polish descent, he was deemed a "Polish spy" and was convicted of treason and collaboration with the enemy. Rokossovsky was tortured in prison. His front teeth were knocked out, three ribs were broken, and his toes were smashed with a hammer. Life was worse than death.

In the general context of that time, people began to identify people randomly in order to protect themselves. But even with his life hanging by a thread, Rokossovsky refused to frame anyone. Later, it was his old boss, Marshal Timoshenko, who came forward to protect him, and he narrowly escaped death. It is worth mentioning that he was still "shot" in order to scare him and see if he could get something out of his mouth. The shooting was carried out with blank bullets. Rokossovsky did not say a word. Afterwards, he was finally released.

Although he was wronged for no reason, it did not affect his loyalty to the Soviet motherland, and he quickly grew into one of the most outstanding military commanders of the Soviet army during the Patriotic War. In the first 10 days of the German blitzkrieg against the Soviet Union, when millions of Soviet troops on the western border were encircled or annihilated, the 9th Mechanized Army of the Kiev Military District under his command was able to deal with the enemy tenaciously and break out of the encirclement completely. For this reason, the headquarters immediately promoted him to the commander of the 16th Army, leading his troops to fight the German offensive in the western strategic direction of Moscow. After that, he repeatedly made military exploits and was promoted to marshal in June 1944.

However, his Polish heritage once again influenced his career.

In April 1945, the Soviet army arrived at the gates of Berlin and prepared to launch an attack. For every soldier, being able to invade Berlin was something that would last a lifetime. However, at this time, Rokossovsky was transferred to the 2nd Belorussian Front to assist in the operation, and lost the honor of personally leading the troops into Berlin. Some experts believe that the top Soviet officials wanted to hand over this task to a "pure Soviet" rather than a Soviet-Polish hybrid like him.

Perhaps as compensation for this, on June 24, 1945, Stalin asked him to conduct the anti-Fascist Germany's victory parade on Moscow's Red Square, which was considered a no small honor.

Now taking on the heavy responsibility of defending Moscow, Rokossovsky just feels a little breathless under pressure.

Not to mention that the cities on the ground had been reduced to ruins by the Germans. Many of the passages leading to the ground had been blown up or blocked, and not even a quarter of the original passages were left usable. These will not only seriously affect our own combat efficiency, but also disrupt many defensive operations plans and layouts.

Just as he was racking his brains to figure out how to resist the enemy's attack, a staff officer hurried over and reported. "Comrade Commander, the ground observation post saw many signal flares being fired by the German troops outside the city. It seems they are about to launch an attack!"

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