Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 943 Decisive Battle (10)

The city of Moscow is 40 kilometers long from north to south and 30 kilometers long from east to west. Although the area is not small (2511 square kilometers), even the Red Square located in the center of Moscow is within the range of large-caliber artillery. Every inch of land in Moscow has been exploded. Ravaged. Building after building was destroyed by artillery shells, and the various defensive positions placed in these buildings were reduced to rubble.

The shelling continued, and a dull roar came from the sky.

The soldiers who were sighing at the power of the cannon looked up when they heard the sound, and saw dark clouds covering the sky in the distance. If you look closely, you will see that those are not dark clouds, but hundreds of bombers. The densely packed fleet of aircraft even blocked the sunlight and cast a large shadow on the ground.

"Oh God!" The coalition soldiers on the ground were stunned as they watched the fleet of aircraft flying above their heads and flying towards the city of Moscow. “Is this going to wipe Moscow off the face of the earth?”

"Get ready to drop the bomb!"

At this time, the city of Moscow was already in flames and smoke was billowing. As the dense shells fell, clouds of thick smoke and fire rose up; the bombardiers on the bombers could not see the ground at all, but their mission was to drop the bombs into Moscow, and no specific target was required.

"Tsk, tsk, it's hell down there!" On a bomber, the bombardier sighed and pressed the bomb release button without hesitation. Bombs like raindrops roared down, and flowers of death intertwined with fire and smoke continued to fall on the ground. in full bloom.

At this moment, in the Berlin Palace in the distance, Yannick stood leisurely in front of a huge world map, looking towards Moscow. "Marshal Zhukov, can you still turn the tide this time?"

However, General Georgi Konstantinovich Zhukov is not a marshal yet. In the original time and space, he was still a Soviet general at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. After being ordered to be in danger in 1941, he ran around like a firefighter, and in Moscow The people under the city turned the tide, stabilized the Soviet army's overall front, and gradually won the initiative in the war into the hands of the Soviet army.

However, later generations gave him mixed reviews. Some people say that he is the "Soviet Military God" and "the invincible commander", while others ridicule that he does not know how to fight at all and only knows "human sea tactics". The most damning comments about Marshal Zhukov's command come from his old boss Comrade Yeremenko: "It should be said that Zhukov's combat art is: he must have 5 to 6 times more troops than the enemy. Otherwise, he will not start fighting. Without the numerical advantage, he will not fight at all. During the war, his current prominent position was earned with countless blood.”

According to Yeremenko, in all battles commanded by Zhukov, although he won in the end, his casualties were far greater than those of the enemy. For example, in the famous Battle of Belarus, Zhukov's army suffered 770,000 casualties, while the German army suffered 400,000 casualties; in the Battle of Berlin, Zhukov's army suffered more than 400,000 casualties, but the German army was at the end of its efforts, with losses of less than 300,000; and even more exaggerated, in Moscow There was a battle in the defense war called the battle to annihilate the German Ninth Army. At that time, Zhukov's army suffered 500,000 casualties and 260,000 prisoners, with a total loss of 760,000, while the German casualties were only 40,000; and Nomen with the Japanese army In the Battle of Khan, the losses of Zhukov's army were almost twice that of the Japanese army...

In this way, although Zhukov ultimately won these battles (Zhukov's only defeat was against Model in "Operation Mars"), according to traditional Chinese military thinking, this was actually a defeat. Because the ancient Chinese god of war emphasized defeating the enemy without fighting, defeating the many with less, defeating the strong with the weak, and the casualties should not be greater than the enemy's.

And Zhukov's strategy is simply to die together. Use several times the number of people in exchange for your physical strength. When you can't hold on, the Soviet Union will naturally win. At that time, Germany's population was far less than that of the Soviet Union (before World War II, Germany's population was about 80 million, and the Soviet Union's population was about 800 million). Naturally, it was impossible to fight for population and sacrifice.

But thinking about it, this is also a helpless move. Due to the ongoing "Great Purge" before the war, a large number of experienced Soviet commanders were killed, the Soviet command system was almost paralyzed, and the technical and tactical quality of the soldiers was far inferior to that of the German troops who fought in most of Europe. Under such circumstances, they were still playing tricks With one-on-one strength, the Soviet Union would probably be done with it long ago. It was precisely because Zhukov understood the problems of the Soviet army that he made careful plans before the start of each battle, hoping to use numerical superiority to make up for the shortcomings and achieve the greatest possible victory.

But this time, regardless of whether he is the "God of War" or the "God of War," it is impossible to turn things around again.

Looking at Moscow that was about to disappear on the map, Yannick couldn't help but think of the Battle of Berlin in the original time and space. In February 1945, the Soviet army attacked Berlin, with a total of 2.5 million troops, 41,600 artillery pieces of various types, 6,250 tanks and self-propelled artillery, and 7,500 aircraft. At 3 a.m. on April 16, 1945, nearly 10,000 artillery pieces of various types from the Soviet First Belarusian Front suddenly launched an attack, dumping 500,000 shells on the German positions within 20 minutes. On the first day of the battle, , the Soviet army fired 12.36 million artillery shells, the aviation force dropped thousands of heavy bombs, and the Soviet army's ammunition consumption reached 98,000 tons.

By comparison, the massive Allied bombardment of the Gustav Line in Italy in 1944 only fired 174,000 shells in 24 hours. In World War I, the British army fired 1.5 million artillery shells in four days at the Battle of the Somme. The Soviet artillery unit can complete its total number of hits within 90 minutes.

This time, the artillery assembled by the European coalition fired more than 200,000 shells in just one round, setting a record for artillery fire in human history, and this record is likely to last for a long time.

This also made the German logistics department extremely tired. They had to complete the task of sending billions of artillery shells to the front line in the shortest possible time. The logistics department almost died suddenly at work collectively. Although these artillery shells did not originate directly from Germany and other places (as the front advanced, various supplies had to follow, and Yannick had long planned to bombard Moscow and had prepared these supplies early), but this task is also quite extremely hard.

These logistics departments worked hard to transport artillery shells for fifteen days, and nearly 200,000 artillery pieces could be fired in just five days, not counting the aerial bombs dropped by the fleet.

Yannik felt that five days of indiscriminate bombing by nearly 200,000 cannons and 30,000 fighter planes should be enough to reduce Moscow to rubble. There was no city in the original time and space that was hit by billions of artillery shells, so he had no reference. However, if the average charge of one artillery shell is 1 kilogram of TNT, one billion artillery shells equals 1 million tons of TNT!

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