“Did the guerrillas cause trouble?”

Yanik knew that the Soviet Union was quite good at developing and leading guerrilla operations. Before overthrowing the tsar's rule, Bushilvik formed many guerrilla groups in various places, especially in mountainous areas, in the face of government suppression. Even Stalin once personally led the guerrilla groups.

There was a large-scale Soviet guerrilla force on the Soviet-German battlefield in the original time and space. At its peak, it had more than 6,200 teams and a total strength of more than 1 million people. This does not include the more than 4 million additional militiamen mobilized by the Soviet Union. These personnel are under the jurisdiction of the General Headquarters of the Soviet Guerrilla Movement, and there are sub-level headquarters in each union republic, border region and state. The military committees of the six front armies and each group army also set up specialized agencies to directly organize and lead guerrilla warfare in occupied areas. In addition to directly participating in the war, the Soviet guerrillas also undertook a large number of arduous reconnaissance tasks behind enemy lines. For example, from April to December 1943, the guerrillas successively identified the assembly points of 165 divisions, 177 regiments, and 135 independent battalions of the German army. In 66 cases, they obtained "high-value information such as the enemy's organization, strength, and commander's name." "intelligence.

Moreover, these guerrillas carried out large-scale raids from time to time. For example, from August 3 to September 15, 1943, the Soviet guerrillas launched an offensive codenamed "Railway Warfare", involving more than 100,000 people and bringing together 167 guerrillas from 5 states. The vast and deep area of ​​​​Skistan reaches directly to the western border. The guerrillas attacked all railway lines on a 1,000-kilometer front and demolished a total of 50,000 rails, equivalent to 1,342 kilometers of single-track railway.

In addition, the guerrillas also conquered a large number of enemy strongholds. The Belarusian guerrillas alone defeated 44 German garrison units. This battle caused some German railway lines to be paralyzed for 3 to 15 days and nights. The German army had to dispatch a large number of troops to perform railway guard tasks, and preparations for the Kursk battle were also affected.

In addition to large-scale raids, another tactic that the Soviet guerrillas were good at was running raids, that is, through the implementation of rapid long-range maneuvers, they struck behind enemy lines with lightning speed and struck their opponents by surprise. In 1944, the Ukrainian Cavalry Guerrilla Regiment conducted continuous attacks for 45 days, covering 35 regions in Ukraine and Poland. Under the attack of the Soviet offensive, the German army suffered heavy losses. In the Belarusian and Ukrainian theaters in the second half of 1944 alone, the German army lost 30,000 people, about 600 locomotives, more than 4,900 wagons, 186 tanks and armored vehicles, and 56 Thousands of cars.

During the entire Great Patriotic War, the Soviet guerrillas killed, injured and captured a total of 1.5 million enemy officers, soldiers and civilian personnel, accounting for approximately 30% to 35% of the total number of enemies annihilated by the Soviet army. Such a brilliant record is not inferior even to the Western Allies, which are better equipped and have larger troops.

Yannick naturally paid special attention to the Soviet guerrillas. He didn't want these guys to cause trouble in the rear when the front line was going smoothly.

Reinhard replied respectfully. "Your Highness, please rest assured that the guerrillas in Ukraine, Belarus and other places have been almost wiped out. The guerrillas in other regions are also being wiped out in an orderly manner and no longer pose any threat to our army."

Because it has accumulated a lot of experience in destroying guerrillas in Poland, and Germany now implements a policy of gentleness and care for the people in the occupied areas that is different from the original time and space, it is also easy to deal with the Soviet guerrillas. The Soviet guerrillas hidden behind the front were almost destroyed. Sexual blow. Moreover, the cold winter also helped the German army a lot. If the guerrillas hiding in the mountains and lacking food and clothing did not want to starve to death and freeze to death, they could only risk attacking German military depots or supply lines. Only by grabbing supplies can they survive this cold winter. Otherwise, their fate would be to starve to death or freeze to death. The German army seized this opportunity and launched a large-scale encirclement and suppression campaign against the guerrillas. Facing the German helicopters, armored vehicles and other heavy weapons, the guerrillas, who only had rifles and grenades, were unable to parry and almost collapsed at the first touch.

A large number of guerrillas were wiped out almost every day. While Yannick and Reinhard were talking, two ragged guerrillas were seen in a deep mountain more than fifty kilometers northeast of Smolensk. Huddled under a pine tree and shivered.

One of them wrapped his tattered cotton clothes tightly and said shiveringly. "I'm freezing to death, can you make a fire to keep warm?"

The other person was not much better, his teeth were straight from the cold. "Didn't the captain say you can't light a fire? What if the Germans are attracted? Just bear with it and set up a sentry post in two days." They were originally operating more than 30 kilometers away, but they encountered an encounter in the past two days. During the German raid, only more than 50 people out of more than 100 escaped. They only fled here yesterday, and they didn't even have time to build a complete camp.

"I really want to drink..." Before he could finish his words, with an inaudible sound of "Whoosh!" piercing the air, the guerrilla's body was suddenly thrown back, and he fell to the side without saying a word. at every turn. "What's wrong with you?" The other person was startled, and just as he was about to help him up, another sound broke through the air, and he felt a heat between his brows, and his eyes went dark.

"Report, all sentries have been cleared. There is a temporary camp five hundred meters ahead, with about fifty people." A German soldier wearing snow camouflage uniform reported to their commander.

They are German mountain special forces, responsible for encircling and suppressing guerrillas hiding in the mountains.

the German captain spat. "These damn rats, come up and surround them, leave no one behind!"

"Yes!" They are a reinforced company, with more than three times the number of people as this guerrilla force. The guerrillas' camp was quietly surrounded, and the guerrillas were not awakened until the first 40mm grenade fell and exploded.

"Enemy attack! The Germans are coming! Prepare to fight!"

The guerrillas screamed in horror, but in just a few seconds, nearly 100 40mm grenades were smashed down, explosions occurred one after another, and shrapnel flew wildly. For a simple camp like this without heavy defenses, these 40mm grenades are simply a human harvester. Coupled with the intensive fire from German machine guns, assault rifles, and submachine guns, the guerrillas in the camp could only be slaughtered by others. They were simply vulnerable and had no power to even fight back.

"Quickly, retreat! Retreat!" Upon seeing this, the captain of the guerrilla team hurriedly issued an order to retreat, but the camp was completely surrounded and surrounded by German troops on all sides. They could not rush out at all. Some guerrillas wanted to surrender, but no one paid any attention to them, and they were directly beaten into pieces by intensive firepower.

Under the powerful firepower of the German army, this small-scale battle did not last even ten minutes, and the guerrillas completely lost their ability to resist.

"Clean the battlefield and make sure there are no survivors!"

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