Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 796 German-Soviet War (95)

German special forces appeared more and more frequently throughout the Soviet Union, destroying roads, cutting telephone lines, setting up wrong road signs, spreading various rumors, poisoning, and setting up minefields; they also pretended to be the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs at every turn and accused someone of treason. , shoot him to death.

This was not Yannick's idea. The same was true for the German army in World War II in the original time and space. They often put on the opponent's military uniforms and went deep into the opponent's hinterland to carry out various sabotages. To be more precise, the warring parties sent many spies to each other. These soldiers are almost like death squads, because in war, soldiers wearing enemy uniforms are not protected by international conventions, that is, they are not entitled to the treatment of prisoners of war, and can only enjoy the treatment of spies, which means they will be executed.

The US military on the Western Front racked their brains to find these German special forces who had sneaked into the rear and wreaked havoc. They used all kinds of strange methods: for example, the US military police often set up checkpoints anytime and anywhere to spot-check passing US troops.

While fighting in France, a U.S. captain plundered a German officer's suitcase and took a pair of German officer's leather boots from it, which he has been wearing ever since. Later, he was stopped by the U.S. military police. When they saw him wearing German military boots, they determined that he was a German spy. He was arrested immediately and was released after a long investigation.

A U.S. military noncommissioned officer and two soldiers were in a similar situation. Their jeep had a German camouflage uniform, and one of the U.S. soldiers was a German-American with a slight German accent in English. They were also imprisoned. He got up and was released after more than ten days. During those days of panic caused by German special agents, as long as any German items were found on the possession of American soldiers, it was basically difficult to escape the fate of arrest.

Moreover, these military policemen like to ask some topics related to well-known movies and sports stars that were popular in the United States at that time to identify their authenticity. But even in the real US military, there are idiots and country bumpkins who can't figure it out, which often lead to mistaken arrests and many own mistakes.

The most famous one is General Clark, the commander of Combat Group B of the 7th Armored Division of the U.S. Army. During the march, he encountered a U.S. military police checkpoint. Clark accepted the interrogation without any airs of a general, but his luck was obviously not good enough. The military police captain asked him a question about baseball: Are the Chicago Cubs a member of the Major League Baseball?

Maybe the captain thought that all Americans should be interested in baseball, but General Clark was not a baseball fan, so he chose the wrong answer. As a result, the military police's guns were instantly aimed at General Clark. The captain warned him to raise his hands and not move, and then ordered his men to arrest the fake general.

"I am Brigadier General Clark of Battle Group B of the 7th Armored Division." General Clark defended loudly.

"It's just like the real thing," the military police officer said sarcastically as he cuffed him. "You are obviously from Skorzeny, don't think we can't tell."

The unlucky Brigadier General Clark was taken for interrogation, and the "disappearance" of a general was no joke. Clark's staff immediately searched everywhere. After being detained for 5 hours, General Clark was "released" . What's funny is that the military police captain had the audacity to ask the general for his autograph.

On the Eastern Front battlefield, the German army also used the same trick against the Soviet army, but the threat posed was far less deep than on the Western Front battlefield because the Soviet army could easily identify German special forces.

There are two simple methods, one is commonly used by Soviet troops on the front lines, and the other is strictly confidential and is only available to relevant personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The former is to identify accents. Russian is very unique in that it has a lot of retroflex sounds, and some syllables are very difficult. To master the Russian tongue-licking pronunciation, it takes a few months for a good person, a few years for a bad person, and a life-long failure for an even worse person. Although German also has tongue flicking sounds, the amplitude and frequency of tongue vibrations during tongue flicking are insignificant compared to Russian and are not worth mentioning.

As a result, the Soviet army on the front line screened German special forces with a very simple method, which was to ask the other party to pronounce the Russian word "Taroga". This "Duo" is a tongue-licking sound. The Germans did not flick their tongues enough, so they could only pronounce "Taroga". "In this way, the true colors of the German special forces were revealed.

Of course, this method is not foolproof, because the agents who infiltrate into the hinterland of the Soviet Union to perform important tasks are carefully selected. There are also a few people in the German army who have lived in Tsarist Russia or the Soviet Union as teenagers, and they have also Can speak authentic Russian.

There is a Soviet checkpoint in the rear. Every time they pass through the border, they collect their documents and check them. They can quickly identify who is a spy. No one slips through the net. The work efficiency is unparalleled. It is said that German industry is more advanced than the Soviet Union. Soviet military documents can be forged in Germany and are difficult to distinguish between genuine and fake. How did the Soviets distinguish them at a glance?

The problem lies in the staples used in the documents.

The staples used by the Soviet army were made of crude steel and would often rust in a short time. The German ones are made of stainless steel. There is no difference in appearance between the two when they are newly made. However, after a period of use, the staples on the real Soviet documents will become rusty, while the German forged ones will not. The devastated German agent was betrayed by this small detail and was confused when he was caught. However, this small detail was regarded as a top secret at the time and was only known to personnel of the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At this time, under the guidance of Yannick, these fatal problems have been improved, and the infiltrated German special forces have truly become difficult to distinguish between true and false. In addition, there were no Allied forces on the Western Front at this time and space, so the number of special personnel infiltrating the Soviet Union was greater and the damage caused was greater.

Beria in Moscow has been troubled by the news coming from all over the world recently. They were all the Ministry of Internal Affairs who shot the family members of certain officers, or took away the families of those who needed to be executed before them, etc.; in short, another Ministry of Internal Affairs troops appeared in various parts of the Soviet Union.

"Who has a way to tell these fake Germans apart?" He naturally understood the principle of the three cobblers and gathered a group of subordinates to discuss countermeasures. The most important thing now is to find and popularize a method that can quickly identify these fake Ministry of Internal Affairs personnel.

But no one could come up with any good ideas for a while.

Because no matter how egregious these "Ministry of Internal Affairs personnel" are, no one dares to question their identity. After all, the Ministry of Internal Affairs can be said to be a hound in Stalin's hands. When beating a dog, it depends on the owner, right?

The only way to solve these troubles is to abolish the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After the Ministry of Internal Affairs is abolished, similar departments will be re-established. Whether it is the Ministry of Left Affairs or the Ministry of Right, the Germans will still pretend to be them and create obstacles for them.

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