Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 760 The German-Soviet War (74)

The German army was advancing in an orderly manner in Smolensk. Although casualties on the battlefield were inevitable, they were completely within the acceptable range.

In addition to the casualties, the consumption of various materials was also astronomical. The helicopters hovering over Smolensk alone consumed hundreds of tons of fuel every day. If Germany had not mastered the oil fields in Libya and the Middle East, it would not be able to afford it.

"As long as we capture Smolensk, then Moscow is within our grasp." Marshal Rundstedt said confidently. The German high command estimates that with the current progress, Smolensk will be completely captured by the end of August; then the troops will rest for ten days and a half, then march to Moscow, gain a foothold under the city of Moscow, and prepare for the winter.

He was full of confidence in winning this war. Today, the German army's equipment is the most advanced in the world, the quality of its soldiers is also the highest, Germany's territory is the largest in history, and the German army has not been defeated so far in the war. All this makes him I can wake up laughing at night.

"Yes, as long as we defeat the Soviet Union, then this war will be completely won." From the current point of view, the offensive plan on the front line is completely in accordance with the prepared script, and the strength of the German army has been enhanced to an unprecedented level. . If something goes wrong and someone kills him, he might as well commit suicide.

"Are the supplies for the winter ready?" Before attacking the Soviet Union in the original time and space, senior military adviser Halder and the Army Staff successively reminded Mustache that the attack on Moscow was the arrival of the Russian winter, and suggested that Germany's strategic rear All efforts should be mobilized to produce cold protection equipment. However, the arrogant Mustache believed that when winter came, the German army had already occupied Moscow, and the troops could spend the winter in Moscow. There was no need to produce any cold-proof equipment, so no cold-proof equipment was produced. On the eve of the launch of the campaign, the German Army Minister of Intelligence and the Minister of Meteorology, based on the information they had, believed that there might be continuous heavy rains before winter in the Moscow area, which would bring winter earlier, and suggested that they seize the time to produce 3 million sets of cold-proof cotton coats. But Mustache believed that the German soldiers were "already marching on the streets of Moscow" at that time, so they once again missed the opportunity to make up for their mistakes.

Yannick didn't want to make the same mistake again and started preparing various cold-proof equipment a few years ago.

"Yes, Your Highness. All cold-proof equipment has been prepared, enough to allow every soldier on the front line to spend this Soviet winter comfortably."

Yannick nodded with satisfaction. "That's good." The biggest enemy for them now is the bad weather. As long as they survive this cold winter, the German-Soviet War will basically come to an end next year. No matter how much Stalin struggled to his death, he could not change the fate of defeat.

He thought of something and gave Reinhard an instruction. "Reinhard, I heard that Stalin has a stand-in. Check it out carefully and don't let him escape."

Stalin's double was kept absolutely secret during the Soviet era. It was not until the Russian era after the collapse of the Soviet Union that various documents were gradually revealed, and the secret was subsequently unsealed.

These declassified documents show that Stalin had several stand-ins during World War II. Even if these stand-ins stood with the real Stalin, it would be difficult for outsiders to distinguish them. The most similar person is 95% similar to Stalin and served as a stand-in for 15 years. According to the records of the secret documents, he repeatedly participated in many important meetings on behalf of Stalin himself, gave speeches at the meetings, and even talked with Khrushchev and other high-level Soviet figures. However, no one saw that he was a stand-in. It is conceivable that this was a substitute. What a perfect performance.

Because he was worried about being assassinated, Stalin made careful arrangements for all his trips. For example: sending Stalin to the airport or a certain city. The person who actually got on the bus from the Kremlin was a body double. In fact, the real Stalin chose another path at this time that was completely unknown to outsiders and only known to those involved in the action. There are two routes from Kuntsevo, the leader's official residence, to the Kremlin.

Yannick felt that Stalin would not be captured alive by them. He did not want to look at a corpse and guess whether it was Stalin himself or a substitute.

Reinhard said respectfully. "Your Majesty, I will find out."

After discussing other matters, Yannick announced that the meeting was adjourned and that he would hold another meeting.

Because the battle situation on the front line is going very smoothly, Yannick has recently focused more on domestic economic construction. After all, the battle situation on the front line is important, but the infrastructure construction in the rear cannot be careless. Only by improving infrastructure can a country be on the fast track in improving its overall national strength and production capacity.

Under his attention, road and railway construction, power plants and other facilities in Germany and its occupied territories have developed significantly. Especially in East Belarus and East Ukraine, except for a few roads built with German assistance during the Soviet-German honeymoon period, most of them are muddy and unhardened roads. Compared with the empty highways in Europe, they are simply unsightly.

Naturally, these most painful and tiring projects were undertaken by the stubborn prisoners of war. They were given the minimum amount of food every day and allowed to do the heaviest work until they died of exhaustion.

In addition, Germany has begun building nuclear power plants.

In 1954 in the original time and space, the Soviet Union built the world's first nuclear power plant, becoming a model for mankind's peaceful use of atomic energy. The construction project of the Soviet Union's first nuclear power plant was once called the "peaceful use of atomic energy." This project embodies the collective wisdom of tens of millions of outstanding Russian scientists and engineers. It has been recorded in history for its short construction period. From the design to the actual completion, it only took Three years. Gradually, countries around the world have built more nuclear power plants, and at the same time, there have been many nuclear leakage accidents. However, the Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant, the world's first nuclear power plant, has maintained safe operation until it was decommissioned and has operated safely for 50 years.

Yanik ordered the construction of 15 nuclear power plants in Germany and other occupied territories. Of course, he would not put nuclear power plants into operation during wartime. Start building nuclear power plants now. When the war is over, the construction of the nuclear power plants will be basically completed. By then, the nuclear reactors will be installed and power generation will begin immediately.

"Your Highness, we have started to build 50 thermal power plants in eastern Ukraine and eastern Belarus. They plan to put them into operation at the end of this year. By then, they will be able to guarantee power to most small and medium-sized cities there." The person in charge of an energy group was confident Full of promises to Yannick.

Yannick instructed seriously. "There must be no problem with quality. Now that is also the territory of the empire. Anyone who dares to make shoddy products must be prepared to bear the consequences."

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