Yannick is still in a state of confusion. What kind of cosmic space-time administration, what kind of octopus aliens, what kind of parallel universe; it seems that everything that happened is just a dream.

"Your Highness, the experimental ship exploded!"

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Yannick glanced at the time subconsciously. Only five minutes have passed since the experiment started, and I have just been in that strange virtual space for at least fifteen minutes.

He was a little annoyed, why he didn't ask the alien more questions; such as whether the earth in other parallel universes has entered interstellar civilization; or whether it has been attacked by other alien civilizations; how far away is the nearest alien civilization in the solar system? To what extent has it developed?

Of course, even if asked, the special agent of the Space-Time Administration may not answer.

What made him most curious was that he had traveled through time with 70 years of knowledge and memory ahead of him. Wouldn't this affect the development of time and space?

But the guy said that this is one of many parallel universes, so there should be no big problem.

Speaking of parallel universes and main universes, it’s quite interesting. People in parallel universes will regard their universe as the main universe, and the others are sub-universes. Similarly, for people in another parallel universe, the place they are in is the main universe. Everything else is sub-universe.

But Yanik felt that what the alien meant was that the main universe and the parallel universe were distinct, and there would be no confusion at all. Could it be said that the first universe in the world is the main universe, and all other universes use this main universe as a reference and become parallel universes?

Yannick was not a physicist, and thinking about these inscrutable things made his head hurt. Shaking his head, he threw all these messy thoughts away. Anyway, as long as he didn't conduct these dangerous experiments in the future, he wouldn't be able to offend the Space-Time Administration.

"Are there any casualties?"

"No one was injured, but the magnetic generator on the ship exploded and new instruments needed to be installed."

Yannick waved his hand and ordered. "The experiment has been terminated and all experimental documents have been sealed." Presumably these magnetic generators were damaged by aliens?

"Yes!" These people had long been accustomed to obeying Yannick's orders unconditionally, but Tesla on the side couldn't help but wonder. "Why did Your Highness terminate the experiment?" Yannick had just described the original time and space experiment as miraculous. He was also looking forward to seeing whether the time travel phenomenon would occur. How could it be terminated just like it was terminated?

"I suddenly had a bad feeling. If this continues, it might bring a terrible disaster to mankind." Yannick explained casually. After all, he couldn't tell Tesla that he had just been attacked by a strange alien. He was warned. If he insisted on continuing the experiment, I was afraid his life would be in danger. How could he dare to continue the experiment. But even if he told this to Tesla, he might not believe it.

"..." Although Tesla was still a little puzzled, he did not continue to delve deeper.

Next was the planned warship degaussing experiment. There was no need to stay and watch this experiment. Yannick went directly home and returned to the Berlin Palace.

On the other side, the German fleet was less than 200 kilometers away from the U.S. coastline, and shipboard radar still did not detect the American follow-up fleet.

"It seems that the Yankees are ready to be a coward?" The fleet commander sneered and issued an attack order. "Take off attack aircraft formation, target Boston!"

A-1 attack aircraft took off one after another from five aircraft carriers, and soon, a formation of 50 attack aircraft flew toward Boston in a mighty manner.

Fifteen minutes later, the attacking group saw the outline of the city in the distance.

The city of Boston was founded in 1630 and is one of the oldest and most historically and culturally valuable cities in the United States. Boston was the first city founded by European Puritan immigrants to land in America. It was the birthplace of many important events during the American Revolution and was once an important shipping port and manufacturing center. Now it is the center of higher education, health care and investment funds in the United States. It is the city with the most educated population in the United States. Its economic foundation is education, finance, medical care and technology. It is one of the few large cities with the highest per capita income in the United States. and is considered a global city or world city.

“I heard that Boston lobster is delicious, but unfortunately I never had the chance to try it.”

Because radio silence was not required, the pilots chatted happily.

corrected the other pilot. "Strictly speaking, Boston lobster is not a lobster. It belongs to the crayfish family and can only be regarded as a close relative of lobster; Australian lobster is the real lobster."

"Hey, how do you know?"

"My dad is a biological research expert."

"Oh, that's it. Then you have to try Australian lobster if you have a chance."

At this time, the formation commander issued an order. "The First Squadron is following me to the city of Cambridge."

Boston is known as the capital of famous universities in the world, with Harvard University, MIT, Tufts University, Boston College, Brandeis University and other famous institutions of higher learning; among them, Harvard University, MIT, Brandeis University Located in Cambridge. The reason why the city of Cambridge has the same name as Cambridge in the UK is because British missionaries came here and built a town here called "Newtown". Later, they hoped that this town could become a university like Cambridge in the UK. city, so it was renamed: Cambridge Town (upgraded to Cambridge City in 1846). This is the origin of the American version of "Cambridge City".

"Second Squadron, proceed to Beacon Hill to destroy the Massachusetts State Capitol."

The Massachusetts State House on the top of the Lighthouse was built in 1798 and designed by the famous eighteenth-century architect Charles Buffinch. The unique golden dome of the State House has long been a symbol of Boston. It was even described by Oliver Wendell Holmes as the "center of the solar system". Naturally, the German army would not let go of such a landmark building.

"Third Squadron, proceed to Breed's Hill and destroy the Bunker Hill Monument."

Construction of the Bunker Hill Monument began in 1827 and was completed for tourists in 1843. It is one of the earliest monuments in the United States. It commemorates the Battle of Bunker Hill that took place on this hill on June 17, 1775. The battle was the first major armed conflict between British troops and colonial militias, and was one of the most famous battles of the Revolutionary War.

"Fourth Squadron proceeds to the Old Charleston Naval Shipyard to destroy the frigate USS Constitution."

The USS Constitution is a sailing frigate launched into service in 1797. The reason why this old-fashioned sailing warship, which now has no combat effectiveness at all, is destroyed is because it has participated in many naval battles and has never been defeated.

It was launched into service in 1797, and immediately participated in the American-French Quasi-War and the First Barbary War, protecting American merchant ships that suffered privateering. In the early days of the War of 1812, the "Constitution" made outstanding military exploits, destroying and capturing four British Royal Navy warships in three naval battles without suffering serious damage. This earned the USS Constitution the nickname "Old Iron Hull" and is regarded by the U.S. Navy as a symbol of struggle and victory. Although the "Constitution" is now a museum and operated by private organizations, it is still affiliated with the U.S. Navy and has not been officially retired. It is still in service.

The anti-aircraft artillery fire on the ground sparsely fired at the attack aircraft groups in the sky, but unfortunately it did not pose a substantial threat to these attack aircraft groups at all.

"Didn't the Americans develop a 150mm caliber anti-aircraft gun? It seems that it is not deployed here."

"It should be deployed in Washington. I heard that Washington was almost bombed into rubble. I don't know what else can be protected. If it is deployed here, it can give us a glimpse." Heavy anti-aircraft guns are used to deal with high-altitude heavy bombers. Yes, tactical aircraft lack sufficient response capabilities for low-altitude and high-speed raids, and are easily attacked by mobile and flexible fighters. If they were to deploy it here, they would have to destroy it.

"150mm, that's an exaggeration. These Americans are really brave enough to think about it. They must have been driven into a hurry by our high-altitude bombers."

"In addition to anti-aircraft guns, they have also developed high-altitude fighter jets. I don't know what the performance of those high-altitude fighter jets is like?"

"It must be able to bully high-altitude bombers that have no self-defense capabilities. Maybe they can't even fight attack aircraft like us."

"Haha, it's possible."

While speaking, the Fourth Squadron had arrived over the old Charleston Navy Yard and discovered the three-masted sail frigate below. "'Constitution', the name is quite grand."

The Fourth Squadron first cleared several surrounding anti-aircraft gun positions, then made several rounds of dives, using 20mm cannons to punch holes in the old battleship. Then, two 250kg napalm bombs were dropped, and the entire ship was destroyed. The battleship was instantly enveloped in raging fire. "This is too simple. It's a waste to send a squadron just for such a broken ship."

Just as the German attack planes were dropping bombs all over Boston, the Washington Combat Command Center was filled with smoke and filled with a strong smell of smoke. Everyone inside had thick dark circles under their eyes and smoked cigarettes with a sad face.

They also received news that Boston was being attacked by German carrier-based aircraft, but until now they had not made a decision whether to mobilize fighter planes to fight. The combat effectiveness of the German carrier-based fighter jets is so powerful that the fighter jets they send out seem to be giving away their lives in vain.

"The performance of our P-51 fighters is still not as good as that of the German fighters." This time they sent out 10 of the latest P-51 fighters, but all of them were shot down without exception.

Arnold sighed dejectedly and explained. "Our aero-engine technology is far inferior to that of the Germans. The Allison v-1710 engine equipped on the P-51 fighter jet only has a first-stage, one-speed supercharger and is no match for German fighter jets at altitudes exceeding 4,000 meters."

President Wilkie asked in a hoarse voice. "Can the engine be improved as soon as possible?"

Arnold smiled bitterly and shook his head. There is no way this thing can be improved.

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