After being shot down, Johnson opened his parachute and fell into the sea.

As soon as he took off the parachute and unscrewed the inflatable vest life jacket, he saw another parachute floating down in the sky. He thought it was his own pilot, but when he looked carefully, he was wearing a Luftwaffe uniform.

After falling into the water, the German pilot also opened his inflatable life jacket, saw Jensen not far away, and waved to him proudly. "Hey, Americans, have you tasted our power?!" He spoke not very fluent English, but Jason still understood it and spat disdainfully. "Why are you so arrogant? You German guy has been shot down!"

"It's because I was unlucky and encountered mechanical problems that you took advantage of me. Otherwise, I could have shot down a few more."

"!!" Jason was so angry that he was too lazy to talk to this guy anymore, but the German pilot kept talking to himself. "I heard that your capital, Washington, was almost blown up, right? I said, why don't you surrender? Your President Roosevelt stepped down after dragging the United States into the war, leaving you unlucky guys to fight to the death on the front line. You thought you were united with the Soviet Union Can you defeat us?"

Just when Jason was thinking about whether to swim far away from this chatty guy, two seaplanes flew in the distance. I saw the German pilot first launching a signal flare into the sky, and then pulling out a canned object and putting it into the seawater. The surrounding seawater was gradually dyed red with eye-catching red.

A seaplane landed slowly on the sea not far away. The German pilot waved to the seaplane and turned back to ask Johnson. "Yankee, are you coming?"

"..." Jason wanted to refuse forcefully, but considering that this place was more than 200 kilometers away from the US coastline, he would have died here if he had not waited for rescue in this vast sea.

He had not lived enough. After hesitating for a few seconds, he bravely swam towards the German seaplane.

"Hey, what's going on?!" The crew who pulled the German pilot into the cabin saw Jensen following behind.

The German pilot said casually. "Pull him up. He is my prisoner."

The two crew members looked at each other. Although His Highness issued a "Special Instruction for Operations Against the United States", which stipulates that there is no need to rescue those who fell into the water from the sunken American ship, but this guy is a pilot, and it does not seem to be against His Highness to pull him up. The command.

Just like that, Jason became a prisoner.

At the combat headquarters in Washington, everyone received the bad news that their own aircraft fleet had been wiped out, and the German fleet was heading towards the east coast. They would see Boston in eight hours.

Just as President Wilkie and other high-level officials were wondering whether to continue sending fighter planes to block the German fleet, Yannick and a group of scientists came to a secret port in northern Iceland.

They would conduct a secret experiment here, and the content of the experiment would become the famous "Philadelphia Experiment" in later generations.

It was rumored that the "Philadelphia Experiment" adopted Nikola Tesla's research design, so Yannick invited Tesla to come over.

"What experiment is your Highness going to do?" Tesla asked curiously as he saw many scientific researchers busy preparing for something on the dock.

Yannick smiled. "I'm not very sure, because the U.S. government has sealed all documents related to experiments. All I know are some rumors." Only Nikolai in the world knows that he is a time traveler, and Yannick also doesn't know about it. There was nothing to hide, just tell him everything you knew.

The Philadelphia Experiment is also known as Project Rainbow. Since the late 1950s, there have been endless discussions and speculations about the Philadelphia Experiment. All crew members involved in the project denied that any incident occurred, except for one eyewitness who claimed to have witnessed the entire experiment. Hollywood even used this incident as the background to make a time-travel science fiction movie called "The Philadelphia Experiment" with the label "Adapted from true events." However, since there is no direct evidence and the experimental contents lack a rigorous scientific theoretical basis, the authenticity of the rumors about the Philadelphia Experiment has been generally questioned and considered to be a mere urban legend.

The specific content of the legend should start with the Rainbow Project.

The purpose of Project Rainbow is to develop technology that can make warships invisible from radar.

When it comes to stealth technology, those who know something about the military may know that the reason why modern stealth fighters can avoid radar is not only the unconventional layout in appearance design, but also the use of absorbing layers and absorbing materials. To put it bluntly, Well, if you want to make something invisible, you have to use special materials when making it.

But in the "Rainbow Project", the Americans are more bold or imaginative. They plan to use electromagnetic equipment to create a huge special magnetic field. Through this magnetic field, the surrounding light waves and radio waves will be bent, and then the surrounding light waves and radio waves will be bent. Use this "magnetic field" to "wrap" things you want to protect - such as tanks, warships or buildings, so that the enemy cannot see these things on radar.

In June 1943, a group of scientific researchers from the U.S. Office of Naval Research - NOR (Office of Naval Research) - began to install electronic experimental equipment on a destroyer named "Eldridge" in the dock of the Philadelphia Naval Base. . These equipment include: two 75-kilowatt large magnetic field generators, four sets of special electromagnetic coils, three radio frequency transmitters, 3,000 electron tubes used to amplify the power of the equipment, and some special instruments with unknown functions.

In July 1943, all preparations were in place, and the experiment started on time at nine o'clock in the morning on the 22nd.

The power supply to the magnetic generator on the Eldridge was turned on, and a strong magnetic field began to form around the ship. Soon, a green mist slowly surrounded the Eldridge.

At first, everyone thought this was just the "corona phenomenon" formed by nitrogen oxides produced by high-voltage electricity, and didn't pay much attention. What's amazing is that the Eldridge actually disappeared from the radar - the experiment was very successful!

Just as the NOR scientific researchers and the naval officers and soldiers present were about to cheer, they suddenly saw that the Eldridge, shrouded in green mist, was not only missing from the radar, but also began to appear looming in people's eyes. The outline is blurred, as if it is going to be completely invisible from the "material" level!

This phenomenon was beyond everyone's expectations. Not only the navy officers and soldiers were stunned, but even the scientific researchers were confused and quickly cut off the power supply of the magnetic generator. When the green fog gradually dissipated, everyone saw that the Eldridge gradually returned to normal and reappeared on the radar. The scientific researchers quickly boarded the ship to check the situation and found that all the sailors on the ship were staggering and dizzy. Some said they could not tell the direction, and some said they were sick and weak. After examination by the military doctor, the health of these sailors was not serious. .

Although there was such a disturbing "interlude", fortunately, no damage was caused. The most important thing is: the experiment was really successful!

At this time, World War II was in its peak stage. The rampant German "wolves" in the Atlantic were trying to cut off the Allied maritime transportation lines; while in the Pacific, the U.S. military was launching a comprehensive naval showdown with the Japanese army. At this time, if there could really be a A technology that can make warships invisible would be extremely beneficial to the war situation.

Therefore, NOR did not care about the insignificant little troubles in the experiment. With the successful experience in July, they made some small adjustments and upgrades to the experimental equipment and decided to conduct a second experiment.

On the afternoon of October 28, the magnetic generator on the Eldridge was powered on again. The form of the experiment this time was basically the same as the first time, but the crew on the ship were all replaced by new people.

At 17:15 p.m., the electromagnetic field generator was started. A few minutes after the green "corona" appeared, the Eldridge began to become blurred. Soon, the entire hull of the ship began to "disappear" little by little. But this time, the scientific researchers did not rush to cut off the power, but just watched the warship gradually blur. Soon, with a flash of dazzling blue light, the Eldridge completely disappeared from people's eyes!

The disappeared Eldridge instantly appeared at the Norfolk Naval Base in New York, more than 40 kilometers away. According to the accounts of many eyewitnesses at the Norfolk Naval Base, the time when the USS Eldridge appeared in front of their eyes with blue lightning flashing lasted about 7 minutes. 7 minutes later, the warship was seen again. It disappeared in the dazzling lightning, and at this time, people at the Philadelphia Naval Base saw the destroyer reappearing in its original position.

According to witnesses in Philadelphia, the Eldridge disappeared for about 10-15 minutes. This time, the crew of the Eldridge was not as lucky as the previous batch. After the scientific researchers boarded the ship, they found that all the people on the ship fell into a state of madness. Many people had a complete mental breakdown and had no memory of what happened in the past ten minutes. Some of them were lying on the ground talking nonsense, some were holding their heads and crying and shouting, some were covered in blue flames, screaming and running around on the deck, desperately jumping over the side of the ship and jumping into the sea. , and some people said that their eyes were dark, they were stumbling around in the cabin, they could not see anything, and they were completely blind. The most horrifying and unbelievable thing is that the bodies of five crew members were actually embedded in the cabin and deck, and their flesh and steel hull were integrated!

If the last abnormal phenomenon was just a small accident during the experiment, then this time the accident can be said to be catastrophic. After some emergency treatment, except for the crew members who were burned to death, most of the people on the ship were sent to the naval hospital. Some crew members had a complete mental breakdown and could only be sent to a mental hospital. Some crew members disappeared mysteriously during the experiment. There is no clear explanation of what happened to the five crew members whose bodies were embedded in the ship's hull, or whether they were alive or dead.

Subsequently, for unknown reasons, the US military terminated the "Rainbow Project" and kept all experimental data and experimental evidence as top secrets.

After listening to this, Tesla looked like he had heard a fantasy. "It's unbelievable. This is time travel? Will future generations have relevant technology?"

Yannick shook his head. "No, Dr. Einstein did say that you can travel through time and space at the speed of light; let alone the speed of light, the fastest spacecraft built by humans before I traveled over was set by a solar probe named Parker. It reached 147 kilometers per second.” 147 kilometers per second is still far behind the speed of light of 300,000 kilometers per second.

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