Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 743 The German-Soviet War (65)

Along with the continuous explosions on the ground, some dim lights in the underground headquarters flickered, as if they would go out at any time.

"Do these damn Germans want to use bombs to destroy Smolensk? Where did they get so many bombs?" Commander Shaposhnikov cursed angrily. This high-intensity bombing has been going on for half a month, but there is no sign of stopping. He doubts whether the Germans have transported all the bombs in the arsenal and dropped them on Smolensk. What is even more puzzling is that Stalingrad and Leningrad were also bombed with the same intensity for half a month.

What he didn't know was that Yannick had had a sudden idea and asked someone to count the arms inventory. After this investigation, it was discovered that there were piles of various artillery shells/bombs left over from the last world war. He immediately contacted European countries and asked them to dig out all the accumulated shells/bombs.

The number is simply astonishing. No one can tell how many there are. A rough estimate is that the air forces of various European countries dispatched thousands of bombers to bomb Leningrad, Stalingrad, and Smolensk. It would take several months to use up all the bombers. These shells/bombs.

It has to be said that humans have spared no effort in dealing with similar species.

Yannik ordered people to install simple fuses on these shells/bombs and throw them all into the city of Smolensk. In this way, it has only been half a month, how could the bombing stop?

Forget about just ordinary bombs, the ground-penetrating bombs dropped by the German army at the same time can give the Soviet troops in the underground fortifications a hard time. Every day, a few "lucky" ground-penetrating bombs penetrate into underground fortifications and explode violently. It would be fine if ordinary high-explosives were used, but if an earth-penetrating bomb with a warhead containing napalm or cloud explosives drilled into a residential area, it would be a terrible disaster. In just half a month, the number of military and civilian casualties caused by underground fortifications exceeded 30,000.

In order to prevent being overwhelmed by these terrible ground-penetrating bombs, Commander Shaposhnikov's headquarters had to be moved to the second underground floor.

While Commander Shaposhnikov was complaining depressedly, German street fighting troops had already gathered outside Smolensk. From the outbreak of the war to the present, these troops have experienced various street battles, large and small, and are naturally more suitable for fighting in the city than front-line infantry.

Moreover, the equipment of street fighting troops is slightly different from other combat troops. For example, the urban camouflage specially designed for street fighting can better integrate into the urban environment and conceal itself. The weapons are also fully automatic weapons, mainly MP44 and MP40. There are two or three 98Ks in the class weapons of frontline combat troops, and more in the Foreign Legion. Some Foreign Legion classes have four or five 98Ks.

The street fighting troops have completely eliminated manual rifles such as 98K. In addition to MP44 and MP40, they also have G43, shotguns, flamethrowers, grenade guns and other weapons, which have increased the troops' close-range firepower density. It is no exaggeration to say that today's German street fighting force is a force with the most intensive firepower in modern times.

The people responsible for attacking these three cities were Ewald von Kleist; Sigmund Wilhelm List; and Fedor von Bock.

In German history, the Kleist family is known as the family of piano and sword. Kleist's great-great-grandfather was a marshal under Frederick the Great, and his descendants were brave soldiers throughout the ages. But Kleist himself did not come from a military family. He was born in Braunfels into a family of professors. After graduating from high school, Kleist was sent to the Third Field Artillery Regiment as a trainee officer and was promoted to captain a year later. Later he participated in World War I and World War II; he was promoted to marshal in 1942. After the war, Kleist was captured by the British army. As a war criminal in 1946, he was first extradited to Yugoslavia and sentenced to 15 years in prison. In 1948, he was extradited to the Soviet Union and imprisoned in a single cell in a Moscow prison. In 1954, he was transferred to the general prisoner's camp in Vlabenmirovka, where he died in the autumn of the same year.

Sigmund William Lister. During the First World War, he participated in the battles in Lorraine and other areas. In the end, he was removed from the battlefield due to serious injuries. After the war, the German Army was reduced to 100,000 soldiers. However, due to Sigmund Wilhelm List's outstanding performance, he remained in the army and was gradually promoted to the position of commander.

After Mustache came to power, Lister's position was improved again. As the commander-in-chief of Germany, he directed the 1938 annexation war of Austria and Czechoslovakia. Because of his outstanding performance in the war, he independently took charge of commanding the newly-established 14th Army in the Polish Campaign in 1939. He took the lead in the battle and marched forward bravely, making great contributions to shortening the course of the war. The following year, he commanded the 12th Army to attack France and made outstanding achievements. Because of his accumulated military merits, he was promoted to marshal after the war in France and was awarded the marshal's cane. Although he is not as famous as some other marshals, he is generally a man of action. The record achieved has really helped Germany clear many obstacles. He was later dismissed because he went against Mustache's combat philosophy. After the war, he was sentenced to life imprisonment by a military court. He was released from prison early due to illness and died in 1971. He was considered one of the luckier ones among all German marshals. Not only did he have superb combat skills, he was also able to survive the war safely and live a long life.

Fedor von Bock, the marshal, was more unlucky. In the original time and space, he was promoted to marshal in July 1940. On May 5, 1945, the German army was marching on the Kiel Highway in Schleswig-Holstein. Suddenly, a group of British Air Force fighter-bombers flew in to carry out a low-altitude attack. One of the bombers focused on an open car and fired wildly. The three women and the driver in the car were killed instantly, and the only officer was seriously injured. After the officer was rescued by the Germans, he was immediately sent to the hospital in Oldenburg, where he died that night after resuscitation failed. This officer was the only German Field Marshal Bock to die from Allied bullets.

It can be said that the famous German generals during World War II were like stars, so numerous that they were countless. Yannick doesn't even have to search for them, he can just pick a few from a list.

Fedor von Bock, who was in charge of Smolensk, gave the order to attack. They first need to completely clear the suburban defense lines of Smolensk so that street fighting troops can enter the city to fight.

Accompanied by the dull sound of engines, the German tank troops slowly advanced towards the Soviet position.

A shrill whistle sounded from the Soviet army's already dilapidated position.

"Get ready to fight! The Germans are about to attack!" Soviet officers shouted loudly to their soldiers. "Quick, get into position! The enemy has launched an attack. Pick up your weapons and repel their attack!"

Despite three days of fierce shelling, many people on the Soviet defenses still survived. It can be said that they were extremely lucky. It's just unclear how long their good luck will last.

"Bang! Bang!" A less intensive gunfire sounded, which was the Soviet army's shooting with Mosinagan rifles.

"Thud! Thud!" A Maxim M1910 heavy machine gun roared, and dense bullets hit the front armor of the German Jackal tank, making a crisp clanking sound. Unfortunately, it could not pose any threat to German tanks at all.

A Jackal tank stopped, its turret slowly turning. The black muzzle was aimed at a machine gun fire point in the Soviet position. The Soviet-made Maxim M1910 heavy machine gun has a barrel-like water-cooled sleeve on the barrel, and a steel baffle is installed on the rear of the gun body, which makes it very conspicuous on the battlefield, so naturally It will become the first choice target for German tanks.

"Boom!" Orange flames flashed at the muzzle, and a 75mm shell roared away from the muzzle. In the blink of an eye, the artillery shells had hit the Soviet machine gun fire point and exploded all over the sky.

"Anti-tank gun, pull the anti-tank gun over!!" On the position, a Soviet regiment leader shouted loudly.

"Comrade Commander, our anti-tank guns have long been destroyed by German artillery fire." People can hide in the anti-tank holes, but tank guns cannot get in and can only be placed in bunkers. As a result, it failed to withstand several rounds of German artillery fire and was blown to pieces.

"Hell!" The Soviet commander couldn't help but yell. Without anti-tank guns, he could only watch the German tanks approaching their position. But they were helpless about it. Well, it's not like there's no other way. After hesitating for a few seconds, the Soviet Army Commander roared loudly again. "Form a death squad!" Since there are no tank guns, we can only send people to destroy the German tanks.

As the order was issued, several death squads were immediately formed.

This kind of suicide squad usually consists of three to five people, divided into blasters and fire cover. Demolitionists carry a large amount of explosives, such as explosive bags, blasting tubes, cluster grenades, etc... while fire coverers generally carry submachine guns or light machine guns to provide fire cover for the demolitionists. If necessary, they can take over the explosives from the demolitioners and continue to perform tasks.

At this time, the German armored troops were less than 500 meters away from the Soviet defense line. As the Soviet commander gave the order, one after another the death squads jumped out of the trenches, flexibly using the dense craters in front of the trenches to sometimes lie down and hide and sometimes jump forward quickly. The dense bullets fired by the German tank machine guns did not have much effect. Only a few unlucky ones were hit by bullets as they advanced and fell down.

The remaining suicide squads dispersed and hid two hundred meters in front of the trench smoothly. They hide in bomb craters or in blind spots, and some are even mixed with dead bodies, making it difficult to tell whether they are real or fake.

"Stop moving forward." Upon seeing this, the commander of the armored force issued the order. They now fully have the advantage, and there is no need to act rashly and cause unnecessary losses. "Request artillery support. Let the 'Porcupine' cover the open space 200 meters away from the Soviet position indiscriminately."

They were not idle while waiting for artillery support. A tank adjusted the angle of its gun barrel, and then "bombed" a Soviet machine gun position into the sky. Several Soviet machine gunners were lying on the side covered in blood, uncertain whether they were alive or dead. The machine guns were blown into parts and scattered around.

Other tanks also opened fire one after another, and their targets were all machine gun positions in the Soviet positions or areas with concentrated firepower. {Sorry it’s still one chapter today}

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