Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 743: Joint (Repair)

"Yakov, how are you doing lately?"

On this day Yannik took Yakov to the palace again.

The frustration on Yakov's face was much lighter than before. Yannick knew that he had been getting along very well with the beautiful Ukrainian nurse in the nursing home recently, and he seemed to be "happy here". He probably didn't know that the beautiful nurse was an agent sent by the intelligence department to perform beauty traps. Of course, he might have noticed it, and he might be planning to take advantage of her. But no matter how much he used it, he couldn't escape from the nursing home. Even if he escaped from the nursing home, where could he go in the heart of Germany?

Yakov replied in an unhurried and lukewarm tone. "Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. Everything is fine."

"That's good. If you have any requests, just ask. I heard that you are a master of chess. I happen to be free today, so come play a game of chess with me."

"..." Yakov was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect that Yannick called him here just to play chess.

Yanik ordered someone to put the chess board on the board, and the two of them fought back and forth on the chess board. In the end, Yakov missed half a move and lost the game.

Seeing an unconvinced look on Yakov's face, Yannick smiled. "One more game." He asked casually while placing the chess pieces. "Yakov, you know Marshal Budyonny, right? What do you think of holding on to the city?"

Although Yakov didn't know why Yannik suddenly mentioned Marshal Budyonny, he still nodded seriously. "Marshal Budyonny's approach is quite correct. It can be said that there is no better way to deal with your army in Belarus and Ukraine than street fighting."

Yannick clicked his tongue twice in an exaggerated manner. "It's a pity that your father doesn't think so. He ordered Marshal Budyonny to attack our army over and over again, but Marshal Budyonny failed to execute it. Your father felt betrayed and ordered the execution of all the family members of Marshal Budyonny. ."

"!!" Yakov opened his mouth in shock, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Not only Marshal Budyonny, but the families of all senior commanders in Belarus and Ukraine were completely purged; so Marshal Budyonny led his troops to surrender to our army. Let me tell you another not-so-good news, you Father may be very dissatisfied with the situation in which you are still alive and well, and has sent people to assassinate you. I am not joking, you should also know that I can rescue your uncle's family, and I will naturally get this information."

Yakov's hand shook, and the chess piece in his hand fell on the chessboard. His whole body could not stop trembling slightly, and his face was as white as a piece of paper, bloodless!

Yannick patted him on the shoulder. "Tsk, your father is really determined towards you. It seems that he has completely regarded you as an enemy. But don't worry, every move of those killers is controlled by us, and there is no possibility of success. Don't be too sad. , your father disowns you, you can stay in Germany and start a family."

After comforting him for a while, Yakov's face regained his composure, and Yannick continued. "I came to you today to ask you for a favor. Our army is about to attack Smolensk, Leningrad and Stalingrad. I would like to ask you to make a final appeal to the old, weak, women and children in the city to leave the city as soon as possible to avoid Unnecessary casualties. Once our army's attack begins, anyone who remains in the city will be regarded as an enemy and will be killed without mercy."

In this way, Yakov once again appeared on TV/radio, probably out of disappointment and resentment towards his father. This time Yakov even boldly condemned his father, saying that he was too cold-blooded and had no regard for ordinary people. Their lives will only let them die in vain, what is the difference between them and the Tsar who was defeated by them!

The world was once again shocked. Stalin's son had openly opposed Stalin? ! This is the real number one traitor!

But Stalin, who heard the broadcast, was surprisingly calm and just urged Beria to complete the task as soon as possible.

But his calmness put great pressure on Beria, pressing on him like a mountain and making him breathless. "Please rest assured, Comrade Stalin. According to time, our personnel will arrive in Berlin in the next two days and will start operations as soon as possible."

This trip was not easy. These people first flew to the United States, then took a boat from the United States to Sweden, then entered Germany via the Netherlands, and finally arrived in Berlin; they also changed their identities several times in the process.

That night, five men in trench coats walked quickly into a pub on the outskirts of Berlin. Although there was a closing sign on the door, they ignored it and pushed the door open.

"Sorry, we are closed here. Come back tomorrow." The small tavern was empty, and the bearded bartender who was wiping his wine glass at the bar lazily issued an order to expel guests.

"One drink, we want one." The five of them ignored the bartender's ejection order and went straight to the bar and sat down. The leading middle-aged man spoke. "Boss, give me a beer, not Cronbach's, not Bitburger's, but Redberg's."

There was a glint in the bearded bartender's eyes. "Is this your first time coming to this store? We only have Krombach and Bitburger here; but we just happened to enter Edinger today. Do you want to try them?"

The middle-aged man nodded. "That's great, give us a few drinks, one each."

The bearded bartender did not pour them drinks. Instead, he walked around the bar, walked to the door, and poked his head out. After making sure there was nothing unusual, he locked the door. "Comrades, we are finally waiting for you!" He shook hands with the five people one by one with excitement on his face. "I am Androvsky, the person in charge here. You can call me Hans. There are only five of you here? Is there anyone guarding outside?"

The middle-aged man named Sergey nodded. "The superiors were worried that if there were too many people, they would be exposed, so they sent five of us to carry out the mission. Regardless of our small number, each of the four of them has unique skills and is guaranteed to complete the mission."

Androvsky immediately beamed with joy. "That's great. Everyone is tired from the journey. Please go to the basement to rest first. The information and equipment you need will be delivered tomorrow night."

Several people followed Androvsky to the basement. The small basement was filled with all kinds of messy things, and there was a trace of musty smell in the air. Androvsky apologized. "I'm sorry everyone, the environment here is a little bad, I can only make you feel aggrieved."

Sergey said nonchalantly. "It's nothing, we are not here to enjoy happiness."

Everyone was indeed tired, so they started to tidy up the debris, making space for a few people to lie down, then lay down on the spot and fell asleep.

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