When the German army captured Moscow, even if Stalin retreated to the Far East, he would not be able to make any big waves. Maybe with the help of the materials supported by the Americans, the Far East can develop into a small power, but that depends on whether Yannick allows him to live in peace. Maybe Far East will be the first lucky person to be planted with mushroom eggs.

Yannik turned his attention to Belarus and Ukraine. The Soviet troops in these encirclements were a bit interesting. Marshal Budyonny neither launched an attack in accordance with Stalin's orders nor had any intention of surrender. He didn't know what the stalemate was about.

In order to eliminate these unrest factors as soon as possible, agents lurking in the Soviet Union under Yannik's order found the families of these senior commanders based on the intelligence provided by Natasha, and launched a round of "purges."

When the local police arrived, all they saw were corpses, some shot and some hanged; all the dead, without exception, had wooden blocks with the words "Traitor to the Motherland" hanging on their chests. According to people around them, a group of officers wearing blue hats found them, declared them traitors to the motherland, and executed them on the spot.

The blue hats are the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The police have long been used to this kind of execution of traitors, and they dare not interfere with the official affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They hastily packed up the bodies and registered them.

It's just that they didn't know that these tragic scenes had already been taken into photos, secretly sent to Germany, copied into countless leaflets, and dropped into the encirclement. Worried that the photos were a little blurry, the Germans thoughtfully labeled each corpse in the photos with their names and the names of senior commanders.

As soon as these flyers landed, they caused an uproar. Everyone was shocked and angry. They hadn't surrendered yet. Why were their family members executed as traitors? ! Was Stalin crazy? !

Looking tremblingly at the leaflet printed with "Traitors to the Motherland" wooden sign hanging on his chest, Marshal Budyonni rolled his eyes and fainted.

In a division headquarters, the division commander Maxim, with red eyes, looked through the collected leaflets frantically and kept mumbling. "No, no..." he finally roared after flipping through the last leaflet. "Why are there no political workers?!" In these leaflets, only the family members of senior commanders were executed, but not even a single family member of a political worker. In other words, it seems that the family members of those political workers were not killed.

Maxim's eyes flashed with blazing anger, and his teeth chattered like an enraged lion roaring. "Come here! Assemble the security company!"

The furious Maxim assembled the security company, arrested all the political workers in the division, including the division's political commissar Igor, and tied these people to wooden stakes in the makeshift execution ground.

"Comrade Commander, what are you going to do? Calm down first, you will make a big mistake if you are so impulsive." Igor felt that a disaster was imminent and desperately tried to persuade Maxim not to be so impulsive.

Maxim's eyes were filled with blood-colored violence and he sneered. "What?! You will know what I am going to do later. Why did Stalin only kill the family members of our officers and not your family members?! Because you are his lackeys! Today I will let you have a taste of his power!"

"Push it up!" In Maxim's almost crazy roar, the tied people saw in horror that several soldiers pushed up an M1939 37mm anti-aircraft gun and fixed it not far from them. "Using guns is too cheap for you! Let you have a taste of cannonballs!"

Seeing the black muzzle pointing at him, Igor struggled desperately, but he was tied tightly and couldn't break free. "No! Comrade Maxim, there must be some misunderstanding here. Maybe..." Before he could finish his words, Maxim had already stepped on the trigger of the anti-aircraft gun and fired all the shells in the magazine in one breath. .

Boom boom boom boom! !

When this anti-aircraft gun fires high-explosive armor-piercing projectiles, it can penetrate a 46 mm thick steel plate at a shooting distance of 500 meters. Now that it hits a person at such a close range, the scene is tragic and unbearable to watch; looking at the blood, flesh and dregs flying all over the sky , the remaining people were instantly frightened; some yelled hysterically, some shivered all over, their crotches were wet, and some timid ones even fainted from fright.

Maxim, who was furious, repeatedly urged the soldiers on the side to change their magazines, and executed more than a dozen people in one go before calming down a little.

"Kill them all to death one by one!"

The adjutant who followed closely asked as he left the execution ground. "Comrade Maxim, what should we do next?"

Maxim gritted his teeth. "What else can I do? I want Stalin to pay the price! I want to kill him with my own hands! I just saw that Comrade Marshal Budyonny's family also suffered a murderous attack. Doesn't he have the same idea?"

He guessed correctly, Marshal Budyonny who woke up also issued the same order.

His adjutant immediately led a group of people into the office of General Fomineh, the political commissar of the front army.

Fominech was concentrating on writing the report and did not even know what was happening outside. Seeing Marshal Budyonni's adjutant rushing in with his men, his expression changed and he shouted angrily. "Comrade Bolshak, what do you want to do?!"

"What?" Bolshak sneered. "Come here, arrest Comrade Political Commissar!"

"How dare you!" Fominech shouted. Unfortunately, no one took him seriously as a political commissar anymore. Marshal Budyonny's guards roughly grabbed Fomineh and dragged him out of the office.

Before walking a few steps, everyone saw Marshal Budyonny walking towards them.

"Comrade Marshal, help me! These people are going to launch a mutiny!" Fominech shouted for help as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

Marshal Budyoni looked at him coldly, his eyes full of murderous intent.

Fominech immediately understood that Marshal Budyonny was behind all this.

"Bujoni, how dare you betray the great Comrade Stalin and betray the motherland! Comrade Stalin will never let you go. Your family members will all be hanged!" Fomineh cursed hysterically.

The adjutant frowned slightly and waved his hand, and several soldiers immediately pushed Fomineh to the ground and punched and kicked him.

Fominech was beaten and screamed repeatedly. It took a while before the adjutant asked them to stop, and took out a stack of leaflets and threw them in front of Fominech. "Comrade Political Commissar, if you are not blind and look at what this is, you are right. Our family members have indeed been executed."

"..." Looking at the corpses in the flyers, Fomineh was stunned on the spot. "W-what's going on? How could this happen?!"

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