Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 717 The German-Soviet War (56)

Speaking of imaginary weapons, World War II island countries are naturally indispensable.

They developed the "Sakura" suicide aircraft code-named "Yokosuka MXY-7". It is small in size, poorly equipped, carries a 1,200 kilogram warhead, and can only seat one person. Unlike the "Kamikaze", this simple aircraft cannot fight in the air at all, and is directly used to ram into American warships and die together.

There’s also the “suicide diving suit.” This set of equipment contains 15 kilograms of explosives and a torpedo, allowing divers to walk underwater with a 9 kilogram lead weight. Once they approach an enemy warship, it will detonate and kill them both.

After the surrender, they also planned to infect their own women with bacteria, become virus carriers themselves, and then complete the infection through sexual contact with senior American military officers.

In addition, there are "Kaiten torpedoes", giant submarines equipped with aircraft, O-I super heavy tanks, Ku-go death rays and other imaginary weapons that emerge in an endless stream. Among them, the most talked about among military fans should be the "balloon bomb".

This is the first "intercontinental weapon" in human history. The person who proposed this concept was not a weapons expert, but Hidetoshi Arakawa, a meteorological expert from the island country. As early as 1942, Hidetoshi Arakawa discovered a special meteorological phenomenon. Every winter, about 10,000 meters above the territory of the island country, there will be a strong atmospheric circulation flying through the Pacific Ocean to the United States. This airflow is very strong, with wind speeds of more than 300 kilometers per hour, and it only takes 3 days to fly nearly 10,000 kilometers. Arakawa Hidetoshi believed that this meteorological phenomenon could be used for military purposes. If explosives such as balloons were thrown into this airflow, they could easily bomb the continental United States. The balloon flew along the air current toward the United States, traveled approximately 5,000 miles to the forested areas of the Pacific Northwest, exploded, and caused massive forest fires, which would divert the United States' scarce war resources at the time.

At the beginning, the top military officials of the island country scoffed at this idea and thought it was ridiculous; but by the end of the war, the U.S. B-29s bombed the mainland of the island country almost every day, and one city after another was burned to death by horrific incendiary bombs, eager for revenge. The top leaders of the island country finally adopted Hidetoshi Arakawa's idea and began to prepare balloon bombs.

These balloons were made of mulberry paper, glued together with starch, and filled with hydrogen. They were more than 10 meters in diameter and carried a 15-kilogram anti-personnel bomb and two incendiary bombs with a total weight of 17 kilograms.

It sounds like a joke, but the first batch of nearly 10,000 balloons was actually released in late 1944. Most of these balloons crashed in the Pacific Ocean, and less than 1,000 of them made it to the American continent. They didn't explode immediately, but flew everywhere. Some balloons even flew as far as Kansas and Texas in the central United States, and some as far as Mexico and Canada.

The United States began detecting the presence of balloons in December. Including those that were shot down and the wreckage of crashes found, only 300 balloons were found in total, and the other 600 were lost in the wild where no one has been.

Despite this, the U.S. government takes this kind of balloon bomb very seriously. While strengthening air patrols, it also ordered the press not to report similar news. As a result, balloon bombs were almost never mentioned in any American media.

This move actually had the greatest impact, because the island nation had basically lost its espionage channels in the United States (after the Pearl Harbor attack, the U.S. government arrested 15,000 suspected Japanese Americans, and subsequently detained 100,000 Unreliable Japanese-Americans were imprisoned in internment camps. The remaining Japanese-Americans were basically closely monitored), and they could only learn about the whereabouts of the nearly 10,000 balloons they released through the American media. After waiting for months without a single U.S. news report, they finally abandoned their fanciful plan in frustration.

Yannick had seriously considered this plan. After all, sending a bomb by sending a balloon was much cheaper than the fuel consumption and maintenance costs of a bomber.

However, after discussing with several experts, he finally gave up on this unreliable plan. The main reason was that it was really uncontrollable. Although bombers have no accuracy when dropping bombs at an altitude of 10,000 meters, they can at least drop bombs into cities. As for balloon bombs, who knows where they will take the bombs.

If there is GPS navigation, its flight trajectory can also be monitored. But when GPS navigation is developed, this kind of balloon bomb will not pose a threat to the United States.

This plan also came to nothing.

Yannick was shaking his head mockingly when the phone on his desk rang.

"Your Highness, our army has completed the three-sided encirclement of Smolensk."

With more effort, Smolensk could be completely surrounded, but Yannik had other plans.

Smolensk is the gateway to Moscow. Stalin is determined to defend Smolensk, and reinforcements are coming in a steady stream to support him. According to intelligence from the Soviet Union, the number of Soviet troops in Smolensk has exceeded 400,000.

"Very well, be wary of Soviet counterattacks."

The more Soviet reinforcements come, the better. The more the better, and they will be able to handle them all at once.

That night, the Soviet artillery made a rare display of force, and dense artillery shells rained down on the positions that the Germans had just occupied during the day. This abnormal behavior naturally attracted the attention of German commanders. "It seems that the Soviets are preparing to launch a night offensive? The airship troops are dispatched! Let these stupid Soviets see what night operations are."

After more than an hour, the Soviet shelling stopped.

"Comrades, for the sake of the motherland, charge! Ula!"

"Ula! Ula..."

Accompanied by the deafening sound of urrahs, a flood of Soviet soldiers rushed towards the German positions.

When they were still seven or eight hundred meters away from the German position, bright lights suddenly burst out in the sky. Airships hovering over the German position used their high-power searchlights to illuminate the ground like daylight.

Being illuminated by this sudden strong light, the Soviet offensive could not help but be stalled. The German position suddenly burst into intensive gunfire, and bullets were fired like hailstones.

In the Soviet-German battlefield of the original time and space, the Soviet army might have been able to break through most of the German positions equipped with 98k bolt-action rifles, but today's German equipment is no longer what it used to be. Countless automatic weapons fired wildly, and the violent torrent of bullets instantly formed a line. An airtight metal mesh enveloped these poor Soviet soldiers. Behind them were mortars, howitzers, and rocket launchers of various calibers, and shells fell like raindrops on the pile of Soviet soldiers.

The Soviet tanks that charged with the infantry were also destroyed one by one by the Stalker destroyers that were waiting for them.

In the command post behind the German position, watching the Soviet officers and soldiers rushing over falling piece by piece like wheat being harvested, the German officers couldn't help but shake their heads. "What age is this? They are still engaging in this kind of human wave tactic. The tactical awareness of the Soviet military's top brass is still stuck in the last world war."

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