Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 714 The German-Soviet War (54)

As the saying goes, "The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment." President Wilkie, who originally had high hopes for the ice aircraft carrier, felt that God seemed to have played a not-so-funny joke on him, but in the end it turned out to be a ridiculous farce.

On the way back, he had a gloomy face and didn't say a word; but when he returned to the temporary office base outside Washington, there was another not-so-good news waiting for him.

"The newly developed M1 60mm rocket launcher is ineffective against German tanks? How could this happen?! Could it be that the Soviet soldiers did not master the correct method of use?" Expeditionary Force Commander Eisenhower personally sent a telegram to him to "complain" about the M1 The problem with the 60mm rocket launcher was that Soviet soldiers said that this rocket launcher was worse than a fire stick and was a disgrace to the United States.

Marshall shook his head. "Probably not. I have studied this rocket. The operation method is quite simple. You just need to point at the enemy tank and pull the trigger. Not to mention soldiers, even ordinary people can easily learn it. It may be German Human armor is too thick, and the power of rockets is not enough to penetrate it." Although this M1-style 60mm rocket launcher claims to be able to penetrate 130mm thick steel plates, the actual combat effect can only penetrate 8 or 90mm at best. That’s all. As long as the thickness of the German armor exceeds this amount, the rocket launcher will naturally be helpless.

President Wilkie frowned slightly. "Is there any way?" This newly produced rocket launcher has no effect, which is really depressing.

MacArthur on the side spoke. "The method is simple. Since the current rocket launcher is not powerful enough, then expand the caliber of the rocket launcher, preferably to more than 80 mm like the German 'tank killer'. In this way, the penetration depth should be more than 200 mm, and it can deal with the German army Tanked.”

"How long will it take to develop it?"

"Now that we have experience in the development of the M1-type 60mm rocket launcher, I don't think it will take more than a month."

"Then develop a large-caliber rocket launcher as soon as possible."

At this time the secretary came in with a document. "Mr. President, the fire on Oahu is out, here's the damage report."

"..." Everyone's expressions were not very good, and President Wilkie's hand even trembled slightly when he opened the document. The fire burned for seven days and nights. Everything on the island was burned to the ground, causing countless property losses and casualties. Fortunately, the fire did not trigger a volcanic eruption on the island, otherwise the island of Hawaii might have disappeared from the map.

Naturally, the 7.2 million tons of fuel oil bore the brunt of the losses. What is the concept of 7.2 million tons? When Germany launched the war in 1939, the reserve of refined oil products was only 2.4 million tons.

Some fighter jets took off to intercept the German fighter planes (although none of them were shot down). These fighters that took off in the air narrowly escaped, but the fighters, bombers, torpedo planes, reconnaissance planes, etc. that stayed on the ground could not escape. In one disaster, more than 500 aircraft were destroyed by fire.

There were also various buildings, vehicles, facilities, supplies, everything that could burn, were all burned to the ground.

Next came the casualties. Looking at the terrible numbers, President Wilkie felt a twinge of pain in his heart. He unconsciously covered his chest with his hands, and large beads of sweat trickled down his cheeks.

"Come on, call the doctor!" Everyone quickly called the doctor, and after a diagnosis, the doctor said. "Mr. President suffered a minor heart attack and needs to rest for a while."

"Oh God!" Marshall couldn't help but slap his forehead. The previous President Roosevelt suffered from severe high blood pressure and heart disease. Why did President Wilkie also suffer from heart disease? "Then let Mr. President have a good rest."

On the German-Soviet battlefield, in a small village west of Smolensk.

"German tanks!" A Soviet soldier looked at the German tanks rushing over in the distance and loudly reminded his comrades around him. "Get ready to fight!" There was a bit of panic in the voice. They didn't have decent anti-tank weapons here, they only had a few bottles of incendiary bombs. They wanted to use these things to deal with German tanks, so they couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

However, what came was not the German Jackal tanks or Panther tanks, but several stalker destroyers and assault guns equipped with 88 mm cannons on the Jackal tank chassis, followed by a group of infantry.

These destroyers and assault guns stopped not far from the entrance of the village and fired howitzers on the village. The first unlucky ones were the small houses at the entrance of the village. Seeing that the surrounding houses that were used as bunkers were blown down one after another, Several Soviet soldiers could only retreat towards the defensive point in the center of the village.

The defense point in the center of the village was built on a small church. As soon as they ran near the church, the political commissar on the second floor of the church shouted to drive them away. "Don't retreat! Go back to your position!"

A tall soldier among the three retreating Soviet soldiers replied. "Comrade Political Commissar, the German tanks are coming up and our position has been destroyed."

"Don't retreat!" The political commissar obviously didn't want to listen to his explanation, so he drew his pistol and pointed it at them. "Have you forgotten Comrade Stalin's 'Order No. 270'? If you take one step back, you will be shot! Now go back and stick to your posts! Kill as many enemies as possible!"

Mud, isn't this just asking them to die in vain? !

A trace of ferocity flashed in the eyes of the other two Soviet soldiers, and they slowly tightened their grip on the gun handle.

"As ordered, Comrade Political Commissar, we will go back right away." The tall soldier pulled the other two soldiers back and shouted in a low voice as he ran. "Are you crazy?! If we are accused of treason, our family will suffer."

One of the soldiers spat angrily. "With his bastard's virtue, even if we die in the battle, he might label us as traitors with a stroke of his pen. Where will we be able to reason with him then?!"

Another soldier echoed. "Yes, whether he is a martyr or a traitor, it all depends on his mouth. The higher-ups will only listen to his words."

The tall soldier was startled when he heard this, with a thoughtful look on his face. After hesitating for a few seconds, he pulled them behind the house.

At this time, the German destroyers and assault guns had slowly driven into the village. A Soviet machine gun position fired fiercely at them. The bullets hit the front armor of the destroyers and made a crackling sound, but only left some shallow wounds. trace. However, the Soviet machine gunners had no intention of changing their position and kept firing, as if they could destroy the destroyer in the next second.

Although the angle of rotation of the stalker's main gun is limited (the angle of rotation to the right is 11 degrees, and the angle to the left is only a pitiful 5 degrees), this machine gun position is just within the shooting range of the destroyer, so there is no need to Turning the entire vehicle to take aim, the main gun quickly fired a grenade, and the Soviet machine gun position was submerged in an explosion.

The German soldiers who were advancing behind suddenly saw a wooden stick sticking out from behind the ruins not far away. The stick was tied with a white cloth strip at one end and kept shaking.

"Hans, take two people to see it!"

"Yes!" Hans picked a soldier who could speak Russian and went to the ruins.

Arriving near the ruins, Hans took out a grenade and held it in his hand, and winked at another soldier.

the soldier shouted in broken Russian. "Put down your weapons and come out!"

Three Mosin-Nagant rifles were thrown out, and then three Soviet soldiers walked out with their hands raised.

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