Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 676 B-36 dispatched

In World War II in the original time and space, the British General Louis Mountbatten was a staunch supporter of the "Ice Aircraft Carrier". In order to get the "Ice Aircraft Carrier" plan approved, he even pulled out his pistol and pointed it at the Quebec strategy meeting of the British and American General Staffs. A few shots were fired from the demo ice cube. As a result, the rebounded bullet almost grazed the thigh of U.S. Admiral Ernest King, who was attending the meeting, and frightened everyone present.

Moreover, General Mountbatten also successfully lobbied President Roosevelt and agreed to fund the construction of an "ice aircraft carrier." Just when the vast majority of senior British and American generals were confident in the "ice aircraft carrier", people discovered that although the individual designs were feasible, they were full of loopholes when combined as a whole. In particular, the heat dissipation of the large power units on the ship was underestimated. As long as the engine As soon as it started, the surrounding ice would begin to melt massively. Due to the limitations of the technological level at that time, many technical problems could not be solved.

In times of war, there were not enough manpower and time to overcome these problems, and the ice carrier program was unsustainable. At the same time, as Portugal allowed Britain to use the air base in the Azores, the ice carriers lost their strategic significance as escort bases. With the transfer of General Mountbatten from the Navy at the end of 1943 and assuming the post of commander of the Allied Southeast Asian Theater, the ice carrier plan lost its last life-saving straw and was stranded since then. It took three years for the abandoned unfinished hull to be completely melted.

Now the Americans have decided that as long as the experimental ice aircraft carrier is successfully tested, they will mass-produce this giant aircraft carrier that can be called a mobile maritime fortress. They seem to have seen the hope of victory, and they never expected that they would encounter problems that cannot be solved at all. technical challenge.

However, it will take half a year to complete the test, and now we can only continue to discuss the slightly worse battle situation. "Before Marshal Timoshenko defected, he air-dropped thousands of tons of supplies into the German encirclement and brought hundreds of thousands of troops into it. I'm afraid he was afraid of ending up like Pavlov, so he fled to the Germans. side."

"Another hundreds of thousands of troops were brought in? Doesn't this mean that the Soviet Union lost nearly a million troops in its attack?"

"It's almost the same, but according to the Soviets, they only lost less than a hundred thousand troops."

"A hundred thousand?" President Wilkie laughed angrily. "These stupid guys can't even be honest with their allies. Wouldn't it be more embarrassing to be so secretive? Do you think we are deaf and blind?"

Marshall sighed. "How many troops they have can do this. It would be great if they were commanded by us. At least we would not let the soldiers charge forward with their heads down. I don't think any of these Soviet commanders from top to bottom can really fight."

"It is impossible for the Soviets to hand over command. Even if they take 10,000 steps back, they may not be 100% obedient." After all, in the US military coalition agreement, command rights belong to the Soviet Union, while the US military retains the right to disobey orders. In this case, how could the Soviets obey their orders obediently?

Arnold mentioned the loss of Army bombers. "The B-24 bomber group that took off the night before yesterday to bomb Berlin lost contact. I think they were completely wiped out." With this B-24 bomber group, they had already lost numbers in less than a month. Four bomber groups, more than 300 bombers, and more than 2,000 crew members; they cannot afford to suffer such losses.

General Leahy couldn't help but said with some doubts. "Didn't we not suffer much loss when we airdropped supplies to the German encirclement?"

Arnold looked depressed. "Obviously the Germans deliberately did not intercept them. If you think about it, if they intercepted, they would get nothing but shooting down dozens of bombers. If they did not intercept, they would get thousands of tons of supplies in vain. The Germans are so cunning. I have issued an order to strictly control all night operations and reduce daytime operations as much as possible." However, a problem arises. It will be intercepted by German fighter jets regardless of night or day, and it is easy for the entire army to be annihilated. So why send bombers? , Did you die in vain?

Arnold could only think of another way. "We should train some Soviet pilots and let them learn to fly our bombers." The United States can provide bombers, but it is better to let the Soviets die.

President Wilkie nodded. "This is a good idea." He also doesn't want to see too many American soldiers sacrificed in foreign countries. Pensions are a trivial matter. If there are too many casualties, it will trigger anti-war sentiment among the people.

At this time the secretary hurried in. "Mr. President, German bombers have invaded. Please take shelter in the bunker."

"!!" President Wilkie's face suddenly became very ugly. The power in the city that was bombed a few days ago has not yet been restored, and those consortiums are already complaining, saying that they might as well give money to the Germans.

Here we go again? !

A shrill combat siren sounded over a certain airport. The pilots on combat readiness flew their planes into the sky. The other pilots also quickly rushed to their fighters and took off one by one with the help of the ground crew.

James, who was patrolling in the sky, received the alert and turned around with his wingman to fly in the direction of the German bombers. He couldn't help but sigh to himself. "Hey, I have to 'escort' the Germans again."

As a fighter pilot, not only can't you shoot down invading enemy planes, but you also have to follow behind and watch them drop bombs on your homeland unscrupulously. What could be more cowardly than this.

"Who said we don't have better fighters?" the wingman smiled bitterly.

Soon they merged with other patrol units to form a formation.

But when they saw the German bombers, all the American pilots were shocked.

"Oh, God!"

"What kind of monster is that?!"

"Oh my god, how could there be such a thing!"

Screams came one after another in the fleet, even alerting the command post at the rear. "What's going on?! What happened?!"

"A huge bomber! No, three huge bombers. God, it is more than twice the size of the previous bomber (B-36 has a wingspan of 2 meters and a length of 4 meters; ME-264 has a wingspan of 43 meters and a length of 4 3 meters), it is simply a monster. It is equipped with six engines and the propellers are mounted on the trailing edges of the wings!"

Upon hearing this shocking news, the headquarters did not dare to delay and immediately sent the news back to Washington.

"What?!" Everyone hiding in the White House bunker was shocked. "A new six-engine bomber?" In fact, this bomber is not very new. It bombed Belfast at night as early as during the war with Britain. It even appeared earlier than the ME-264D model, but the Americans didn't know it, thinking that the Germans had invested in a new bomber.

Arnold had always thought that the ME-264 was the most advanced strategic bomber of the Germans. Now that he heard the appearance of a giant six-engine bomber that was twice the size of the ME-264, he was completely stunned, and a feeling of powerlessness spread throughout his body instantly.

The Germans' equipment is becoming more and more advanced. When will they catch up? !

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