Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 665: The German-Soviet War (22)

When they heard that President Wilkie was planning to issue $8 billion in war bonds, some staff were worried that it would be too much. After all, President Roosevelt only issued $2 billion in war bonds the first time, and now it has quadrupled. Will it cause any adverse effects?

But President Wilkie had a hunch that this was just the beginning. This war would not end easily. In the future, they would have to issue more war bonds and even raise taxes. But no matter what method he uses, he will win this war. This war is both a risk and an opportunity for him. If he leads the United States to defeat Germany, he will become the greatest American president after Washington.

His name will go down in history; if he loses, he can only become a sinner of the United States and be nailed to the pillar of shame in history, and will be infamy for ever.

As the war bond issue was finalized, President Wilkie remembered something else. "What's going on over there in the Panama Canal?" A terrible new virus suddenly broke out in the central area of ​​the Panama Canal, and corpses were everywhere overnight. During President Roosevelt's time, he sent out two groups of medical teams, but without exception, all the medical staff were infected with the virus and died locally.

They then dispatched planes and dropped tons and tons of disinfectant there. The concentration was so high that the local vegetation was sparse and not a single blade of grass grew. Then they dispatched a third batch of medical teams.

"Mr. President, I was about to report this to you. The third batch of medical team members sent before were also infected with the virus, and none of them survived. No one dares to go there anymore." It is strange to say that these medical team equipment With the latest protective clothing, even the most poisonous gas can be withstood, but it cannot stop the virus in the Panama Canal area.

President Wilkie frowned. "Why is this happening? Is there no solution?" The Panama Canal is an important strategic location. This canal is 50,000 kilometers shorter than the Strait of Magellan. This longer distance takes 14 kilometers even at a speed of 25 knots. God, not to mention the extra time, the fuel consumption alone is astronomical.

"The opinion of medical experts is to put it aside for a while to see if the virus can die out on its own."

"How long is a period of time? Half a year? Or a year and ten years? What if the damn virus doesn't go extinct for decades?!" The United States spent a lot of manpower and material resources to open this canal, and then it started to operate. Will it be abandoned like this in less than thirty years? !

But he also knew that even if those viruses were not extinct for decades, there would be nothing he could do. If others don't dare to go, you can't force them to go with a gun, even if they are on death row. Now we can only listen to the opinions of medical experts and hope that those damn viruses will become extinct on their own in a short time.

He sighed helplessly and stopped thinking about this bad thing.

Unfortunately, this is not the only bad thing. "What's going on over there in the Soviet Union?"

"The last time the Soviet Western Front launched a large-scale attack on the German army, hundreds of thousands of Soviet troops were trapped in the German encirclement. Stalin ordered the execution of the former commander-in-chief of the Western Front Dmitry Grigorievich Pavlov; now Semyon Konstantinovich Timoshenko succeeded him as Commander-in-Chief of the Western Front."

"A commander-in-chief was shot dead just like that? These barbaric guys, how long have they been fighting among themselves!"

"Because these hundreds of thousands of Soviet troops were surrounded, Stalin was very angry and took his anger out on Pavlov."

President Wilkie sneered. "Hmph, Stalin must have given the order to attack. Why didn't he shoot himself? And Pavlov, the commander-in-chief of the Western Front, was probably appointed by Stalin, stupid guy. Isn't this what Pavlov wanted to do? Are you taking the blame?" If it weren't for Germany, their great enemy, they wouldn't have cooperated with such a barbaric and stupid guy.

In any case, the top priority is for the United States and the Soviet Union to unite to defeat Germany. "Can the safety of the Pacific route be guaranteed?" Last time, the first batch of transport fleets was intercepted by German submarines and surface fleets on the Pacific route, and the entire army was almost annihilated.

"Mr. President, while increasing the escort force of the transport fleet, we have also planned a new route." A naval staff officer walked up to the map and pointed at the map to explain. "For example, the transport fleet will try to sail as close to the coastline of North America as possible, detouring through the Gulf of Alaska, passing through the Bering Strait and entering the Arctic Ocean, so that the ships can directly reach the Soviet front line. However, the route has been much longer, and the route in the Arctic Ocean is quite dangerous." The Arctic Ocean is a frightening world of ice and snow. Many sea surfaces are frozen all year round, and drift ice floats on the unfrozen sea surface, which is very dangerous. In winter, strong winds roar in the polar night, and in summer, it is filled with fog, making navigation difficult. The Arctic Ocean is a paradise for explorers, and most ordinary merchant ships dare not enter it without permission.

"Arctic Ocean? How can we ensure that the Germans will not intercept in the Arctic Ocean?"

The naval staff officer shook his head and said no one could guarantee it.

"Another plan is to build a highway to Alaska. In this way, we can use Alaska ports to transport supplies, which greatly shortens the transportation distance and also reduces the risk of being attacked by the Germans." The United States actually built such a road during World War II in the original time and space. The highway, also known as the Alaska-Canada Highway, is a highway connecting Triway City, Alaska, USA, and Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada. It has a total length of 2,237 kilometers and was completed in seven months in 1942. It is part of Highway 2 in Alaska, District Highway 1 in Yukon Territory, and part of Provincial Highway 97 in British Columbia.

"Build a road?" President Wilkie looked a little ugly. The war bonds haven't been issued yet, but we need to start a project that costs a lot of money. "Let's increase the escort force of the transport ship first, and then discuss this matter after the war bonds are issued."

At this time, the German bomber groups separated into groups of three and flew in different directions. One group's target was New York.

"I heard that these Americans are smart and will cut off the power early."

"The whole city is without power? I heard that there are tens of millions of transactions per second on the Wall Street Stock Exchange. How much money will they lose due to this power outage?"

Wall Street is the name of a street in the southern part of Manhattan, New York City. It is no more than one mile (6km) long and only 11 meters wide. It is home to some of the major financial institutions in the United States. It houses the headquarters of the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, investment banks, government and municipal securities dealers, trust companies, the Federal Reserve Bank, various public utilities and insurance companies, as well as commodity transactions such as cotton, coffee, sugar, and cocoa. Place.

"Who knows, we will also go to Wall Street later and give some small gifts to those financial giants."

Soon they were flying over New York.

"Hans, you go to the industrial area; Bauer, you go to the power plant." The three bombers acted separately. They dropped two 500-kilogram graphite bombs in the city center and headed straight for Wall Street. In addition to these two graphite bombs, they also carried eight 250kg high-explosive bombs. "Bombardier, have you found the target?"

"I discovered it, but at this height I am not sure I can drop a bomb into Wall Street."

"Just drop it. Whether it hits or not depends on God's will. I'll bring some guided bombs next time."

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