Staring at the Kremlin, which was full of desolation and ruined eaves and walls, Stalin trembled all over.

First, his hometown of Georgia openly colluded with the German rebellion, then the city named after him was bombed, and now even the Kremlin has suffered such a vicious attack.

A rage of revenge burned in Stalin's heart, and he roared hysterically. "Order the frontline troops to launch a general offensive immediately! I want Berlin to disappear from the map!!"

Seeing Stalin who was almost in a state of madness, no one dared to dissuade him this time, and the order was quickly passed to the front-line Western Front headquarters.

"Launch a general offensive immediately?" Western Front Commander Dmitry Grigorievich Pavlov was stunned when he received the message from the Kremlin, and summoned the chief of staff, political commissar and others for discussion.

Of course, the content of the discussion was not to question or complain about this order, but to discuss the distribution of ammunition and which troop would lead the charge.

Like other Soviet generals who filled the vacancies in command positions after the "Great Purge", the capabilities of the commander of the Western Front were "low-energy but high-quality" relative to the size of the army under his command. His greatest characteristic is that he obeys orders completely. He is told to go east and never west, and he is told to face north and never south. Therefore, compared to the "prick-headed" Zhukov, he is more popular with Stalin, and the battle plan and military doctrine regulate He was very clear-minded, so Stalin made him the commander of the Western Special Military Region with a stroke of his pen.

In the West Belarusian frontline headquarters, Kruger and Guderian also noticed changes in the Soviets on the opposite side. "There is news from the frontline reconnaissance troops that the Soviet troops on the opposite side are making frequent moves and there seems to be signs of launching an attack."

Guderian clapped his hands excitedly. "These bastards finally couldn't stand it any longer." After the French campaign, he was sent to guard the Soviet-German border. Watching other generals sweep across North Africa and land in Britain, he almost envied him to death.

He had been waiting day and night for the Soviet army on the opposite side to launch an attack, and now that the battle was finally about to begin, he was already gearing up to teach these bastards a lesson.

Krueger coughed slightly. "General Guderian, please be patient. It's not your turn yet."

The relationship between Kruger and Guderian in the original time and space can only be described as incompatible. The conflict between the two people has a long history, even dating back to before the outbreak of World War II.

The root of the conflict between the two lies in the conflict in military ideology. Kruger participated in World War I and was a representative figure of the traditional army. His conservative and traditional combat ideas would naturally conflict with Guderian's combat ideas. In Kruger's view, cavalry and infantry are the main forces in the army, which makes him deeply disgusted with Guderian's armored combat ideas (because Guderian vigorously developed armored forces, which indirectly weakened the infantry) .

Therefore, when Guderian vigorously developed the armored force, Kruger tried his best to obstruct it, and the two formed a feud. During the Second World War that followed, fierce conflicts broke out between the two many times. In the end, the two even had to fight a duel.

At the "Yellow Plan" briefing, the first friction occurred between Guderian and Kruger. At the meeting, Kruger publicly questioned the feasibility of the plan, believing that it was impossible for Guderian to reach the Maas River. The key to this battle was whether Guderian could break through the Maas River and establish a bridgehead. Guderian's character was already very irritable and stubborn. When he heard Kruger's question, he directly replied, "At least I won't ask you to do my task for me." Although Guderian finally won, the conflict between the two did not resolve, but deepened.

After the outbreak of the Soviet-German War, Guderian was appointed commander of the Second Armored Group and belonged to the Fourth Army together with the Third Armored Group. However, as luck would have it, Kruger was appointed commander of the Fourth Army and became Guderian's immediate boss. In the vast land of the Soviet Union, Guderian led his armored group to "speed" desperately, rushing from the Soviet-German border to Smolensk. During this period, Kruger ordered Guderian several times to stop moving forward and wait for the lagging infantry. Guderian scorned this and believed that Kruger did not understand tank tactics at all. For this reason, Guderian often quarreled with Kruger, and the relationship between the two further deteriorated.

After the failure of the "Typhoon Plan", the commander of Army Group Center Bao Ke was dismissed and Kruger took over as commander. At this time, Guderian's armored group had been upgraded to the Second Armored Group, and he became the commander of the new group. However, with Kruger's promotion, Guderian once again became Kruger's subordinate. After the failure of the attack on Moscow, Mustache strictly ordered the German troops not to retreat, but Guderian believed that retreat was the best option. After Kruger took office, he resolutely carried out Mustache's orders, so the two people once again had different opinions. Against this background, an unexpected incident instantly intensified the conflict between the two. At the end of December, the 10th Motorized Division under the Second Armored Group Army was besieged by the Soviet army and had to abandon its original position and break out backwards. In response to this incident, Kruger insisted that it was Guderian who gave the retreat order to the 10th Division, so Kruger dismissed Guderian from his post, and the two had a big fight on the phone.

After this incident, the relationship between Kruger and Guderian was on fire, and Guderian was even more dismissive of Kruger. In 1943, at the Operation Fortress combat meeting, Guderian and Kruger met again. This time, instead of shaking hands and making peace, the two came to the point of a duel. As Director of Armored Forces, Guderian opposed Manstein's fortress plan, while Kruger was a staunch supporter of this plan, so the two had a heated argument again, which eventually turned into a personal feud. , a frustrated Kruger asked Guderian to decide the outcome through a duel. The farce did not happen due to Mustache's intervention, but the two could not shake hands and make peace until their deaths.

Fortunately, Yanik knew the importance of armored forces, and often emphasized the inevitability of the army's armored mechanization construction, paying attention to the scale and speed of armored mechanization development, and even kicked away a few stubborn old guys. Moreover, as a "genius" master of tactics and strategy, no one dared to rely on his old skills and betray his old skills. Kruger and Guderian have not had any conflicts so far.

Although he completely believed in His Highness Yannick's decision, Kruger had different ideas than Guderian who advocated an immediate counterattack.

Kruger arrived earlier than Guderian. Just after the Polish campaign, he was sent to garrison here to resist possible attacks by the Soviets. For more than a year, he was not idle. He commanded millions of soldiers and prisoners of war, and dug countless pocket-shaped defensive positions on the vast frontal battlefield on the Soviet-German border.

Relying on these sophisticated defensive positions, he was confident that he would kill as many as possible. According to his estimate, the Soviets would have to lose at least hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers.

But if Guderian launched a direct counterattack, all his hard work would be completely useless. Therefore, he asked Yannik for instructions to first use defensive warfare to consume most of the Soviet front-line combat troops, and then use the armored forces to launch a counterattack.

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