Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 639: Big Bombing (1)

When everyone heard Stalin's order to launch a general offensive, they were startled and scrambled to persuade him.

This is an embarrassing period with the right time, right place, and no one involved. How to fight? And not only did they deploy a large number of troops on the border, there were also many German troops on the opposite side. If he launched a general attack so recklessly now, he might be pushed back.

After persuading for a long time, Stalin finally stopped roaring and gasped without speaking.

But before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, the secretary hurried over. "Comrade Stalin, a large number of German military aircraft have crossed the border of Western Belarus. There are thousands of them. Please move to the air-raid shelter!"

Everyone was shocked again. Could it be that the Germans wanted to bomb Moscow? !

The distance from Western Belarus to Moscow is only more than 700 kilometers, and the German fleet can arrive in less than two hours. Everyone tried to persuade Stalin to go into the air raid shelter.

Stalin smoked his pipe silently, and then he slowly spoke after finishing a pot of cigarettes. "Comrade Spiridono, how is the Kremlin's defense doing?"

Major General Spiridonov, commander of the Kremlin garrison, assured confidently. "Comrade Stalin, the defense of the Kremlin has been completed. I took a plane and flew around in the sky, but I couldn't find the Kremlin at all. It seemed to have disappeared out of thin air."

Throughout World War II in the original time and space, the Kremlin basically did not suffer any large-scale bombings, and even if it did, it was only a little superficial injury.

The Kremlin is the national symbol of the Soviet Union, the headquarters of the Supreme Commander of the Soviet Army, and the seat of the central party and government organs of the Soviet Union. For such a center of the highest military and political command of the Soviet Union, the German army would naturally not have the idea of ​​​​protecting cultural relics. It can be said that this is the target they want to destroy in their dreams.

On July 22, 1941, the German army sent 127 bombers to attack Moscow. The primary targets of the bombing were the Grand Kremlin Palace, Lenin's Mausoleum, and Kremlin No. 1, Stalin's office building in the Kremlin complex. However, in such an important air raid mission, the German army only dropped some bombs randomly over Moscow and then hastily withdrew its troops. The Kremlin was left virtually unscathed and unscathed. According to the German pilots who participated in the bombing, they later recalled that they could not find the target to bomb at all, and the Kremlin was completely missing!

It stands to reason that the Kremlin is a landmark building in Moscow and can be found at a glance, but the Germans did not find it.

An archival document released in later generations revealed this miracle. The Soviet army adopted a series of elaborate camouflages to make the Kremlin disappear from the sight of German pilots.

The first was to change the Kremlin's striking colors. Because when viewed from the air, the main colors on the tops of buildings in Moscow are red and maroon. The bright yellow color of the Kremlin and the green on top of the internal buildings make it very eye-catching among the many buildings in Moscow. As a result, the Kremlin was quickly painted red consistent with the overall style of Moscow, and the towers and church domes on the walls were painted black. At the same time, paint was used to cover up the glitter on the church’s golden dome.

But the Kremlin is, after all, the Kremlin. Its unique architectural style and eye-catching landmarks cannot be deceived simply by changing the color. As a result, the Soviets disguised most of the buildings within the Kremlin walls as the most ordinary buildings. Some buildings in the Tainitz Garden were covered with cloth. The red stars on the palace towers and the crosses on the churches were the most obvious. The markers were also covered with sheaths.

While camouflaging the Kremlin, the Soviet army also set up a fake Kremlin to hide the real thing and reveal the fake one. Some of the outlines of Red Square and Manezh Square were also imitated around the fake Kremlin, making it look more real.

However, the Soviets also discovered that the roads and bridges in the Kremlin could still show special architectural veins, thus exposing signs of the real Kremlin. As a result, the roads and bridges within the Kremlin walls were completely remodeled and camouflaged. The passage in the Kremlin from the Borovits Gate to the Saviour's Tower has been sprinkled with dirt and sand, making it look like an ordinary highway from the air. The Kremlin's bend near the Moskva River was also changed from its usual shape, and a wooden bridge was built between the Letz Bridge and the Big Stone Bridge. The appearance of Lenin's tomb has also been modified to make it unrecognizable. The podiums on the left and right sides of the tomb are covered with huge red banners, and a three-story wooden model has been built above the tomb.

Not only the Kremlin, the Soviet army also camouflaged the entire Moscow city with reference value topography from the air. Even the location of Moscow's main streets was changed through camouflage and reconstruction. This was also the Soviet army's urban air defense. the most creative approach. It is no exaggeration to say that everything the German pilots saw in the air was fake. How could it possibly bomb the Kremlin?

Although the German army carried out many air raids on Moscow, they were still unable to see through the Soviet camouflage and discover the real Kremlin from the air.

After 1943, as the losses of German air power in the war increased and the ground defense lines moved further and further away from Moscow, the German air raids on Moscow finally came to an end.

Therefore, it was not that the Germans did not want to bomb the Kremlin, but that they were limited by the technical conditions of navigation and positioning at the time, coupled with the Soviet army's clever camouflage, strict and effective air defense, and finally succeeded in protecting the Kremlin basically intact. down.

Stalin nodded with satisfaction after hearing Major General Spiridonov's assurance. "Very good, then there's no need to go into the air raid shelter."

But what if the German bomb accidentally hits the Kremlin? "Comrade Stalin, for the sake of safety, you should..." Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Stalin waving his hand.

Perhaps he had just vented all his anger, but now even though he knew that Moscow was about to be bombed, Stalin seemed very calm and calm. "Comrade Beria, there are still flaws in your intelligence work. The American bombers were bombed by the Germans as soon as they landed at a secret airport in Latvia. Is it such a secret?"

Starlin's tone was very calm, but Beria's forehead was already covered with dense sweat, and he said in a trembling voice. "It was our negligence in our work, Comrade Stalin. I will definitely get to the bottom of this matter!" Seeing that Stalin had no intention of getting into the details, Beria breathed a sigh of relief and asked in a low voice. "Comrade Stalin, what if the news leaks from the Americans? It's not easy for us to investigate."

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