Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 629: Extorting money again

Time soon came to January 20, 1941.

Roosevelt, who had served as president for eight years, sadly left the White House. Due to health reasons, he was unable to even attend the routine leaving ceremony, let alone deliver a resignation speech.

On the 21st, Wendell Wilkie was officially inaugurated and delivered a speech at the inauguration ceremony. The content of the speech was nothing more than a promise to lead the United States to victory in this war.

Listening to the confident voice of the new president coming from the radio, Yannick couldn't help but think of Roosevelt's speech during his fourth campaign in the original time and space. "If my people ask me to remain in power, then I, like those soldiers fighting on the front lines, have no right to withdraw. As for myself, I do not want to continue in power and by next spring, as President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, I have served Twelve years...even if I am reluctant to do so, as a fighter, I will reaffirm my commitment to continue in office if our common commander-in-chief, the all-holy American people, demands so."

As a result, this disabled and strong man in American history passed away on the 73rd day of his fourth presidential term.

Of all the tributes, Grafton's was the most appropriate and the most impressive. "People recall him as a smiling bus driver with a cigarette holder always sticking out of his mouth. He was used to hearing a burst of noise from the bus when making sharp turns, and passengers were used to complaining that he shouldn't drive like this, but only He knew he could drive safely around the next corner, and he also knew which of the noises were true and which were false, because he loved the people in the car. Now he was gone and the car was parked, still far away from the gates of heaven. Far away, the passengers were holding each other tightly, not knowing how to successfully turn the next corner."

"I don't know if the former president can see the end of the war." Yannick couldn't help but sigh. "Since the new president is so confident of winning the war, I will give him an inaugural gift. Miss Anne, send a message to Ambassador Eber in Sweden."

The German Ambassador Eberl, who received the domestic telegram, immediately went to the U.S. Embassy to visit the American Ambassador. "Mr. Anderson, I heard that Your Excellency Wendell Wilkie has officially taken office as president? Congratulations."

Seeing the smiling expression on the other person's face, US Ambassador Anderson muttered to himself that the weasel was paying New Year's greetings to the chicken, but he didn't have good intentions.

Sure enough, Ambassador Abel's next sentence went straight to the whole point. "I'm here to remind your country that the three-month period for the last 1,500 tons of gold has expired. As far as I know, your country has no way to intercept our bomber formation."

Ambassador Abel's next words almost made Ambassador Anderson spit out a mouthful of blood. "I know you will definitely pay gold again, but this time the price has increased. Of course, it hasn't increased much, it's only three thousand tons a month." Looking at Ambassador Anderson's eyes that instantly widened, Ambassador Abel said with a smile. "Things are rare and valuable, and peace is priceless. Three thousand tons is quite affordable, it's only 1.8 billion US dollars."

What is the concept of this 1.8 billion US dollars?

The US Iowa class, taking the USS Missouri (hull number BB-63) and the USS Wisconsin (hull number BB-64) that entered service in 1944 as examples, cost about US$100 million to US$2.5 billion at that time; while the Ethiopian The cost of a single ship of the Cox-class aircraft carrier is about US$73 million.

In other words, these 3,000 tons of gold can build 17 or 18 Iowa-class battleships, or 24-5 Essex-class aircraft carriers.

Ambassador Anderson felt as if something was blocked in his chest, and he was so stuffy that he could hardly breathe. He glared at Ambassador Abel fiercely, as if he wanted to burn several holes in his body.

But Ambassador Abel still had an annoying smile on his face and stood up to leave. "Give your country a day to think about it. If there is no reply by this time tomorrow, we will send bombers to bomb your country's western industrial zone and southern industrial zone. We don't know how much gold this loss is worth." Drop this sentence. Without waiting for Ambassador Anderson's reaction, he turned around and walked away.

After a long while, Ambassador Anderson suddenly exhaled a deep breath, took a few deep breaths, and did not dare to delay, and immediately spread the news back to the country.

"Are these Germans crazy?!" As soon as he sat on the presidential throne, Wendell Wilkie almost jumped out of his chair when he received the news that the Germans wanted 3,000 tons of gold.

Of course he also knew that the United States had paid 1,500 tons of gold "protection fees" to Germany as early as three months ago. Although it was quite humiliating, there was nothing we could do. After all, we had no way to intercept the German bombers and could only spend money to keep them safe. .

But he didn't expect that the Germans would be so open-minded now, asking for 3,000 tons! And it’s only the price for one month!

Why did Roosevelt only need 500 tons a month during his term of office, but when he first took office he needed 3,000 tons a month? !

But he couldn't find reason with the Germans, so he could only find Henry Harry Arnold, commander of the Army Air Forces. "General Arnold, can we intercept the German bombers now?!"

"A sad-faced Arnold" said with a helpless look. "Sorry, Mr. President, new fighter jets and anti-aircraft guns are under development. It will take about a year before they can be put into war."

"Oh God!" President Wilkie couldn't help groaning. "In one year, the Germans now want 3,000 tons of gold a month, which is 36,000 tons a year. Where can we find so much gold? Is there no other way?"

"Yes, yes, but..." Before Arnold finished speaking, President Wilkie asked hurriedly. "any solution?!"

"The Germans' special bombs are specifically targeted at electrical circuits. We can cut off the power in advance to avoid damage."

"Turn off the power first?" President Wilkie opened his mouth. "Are you saying that wherever the German bombers passed through, there was a power outage?"

Arnold nodded. "Yes, as long as there is no electricity, the fibers dropped by the Germans will have no effect. After the bombing, just clean up the fibers and restore power."

"God, what you said is so simple." President Wilkie patted his forehead with a speechless expression. "General, this is not a primitive society. Don't you know what it means to have a power outage in the electrical age? Maybe there will be a power outage once or twice, but what if the Germans come every day?" Can the power outage happen every day? The loss in that month was probably more than 3,000 tons of gold.

Arnold sighed. "There is really no other way but to join forces with the Soviet Union as soon as possible to attack Germany."

President Wilkie has submitted the joint bill to Congress, but the Germans' deadline is tomorrow. If the gold is not handed over tomorrow, they will come and bomb again.

"These damn Germans!" President Wilkie slammed the table hard. He had just taken office and gave him such a blow? !

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