Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 624 Georgia (15)

"Oh, it's so spectacular!"

In the Great Caucasus Mountains, Fred and everyone sitting by the fire looked at the flames exploding in the sky in the distance and let out excited cheers. They knew that a ball of flames meant that an enemy plane was hit and exploded. In just a short time, more than thirty flames appeared in the sky, falling like meteors.

Fred's company was responsible for holding the road marked B-3 on the map. Because the Soviet army did not attack, they lived a very comfortable life. They also caught a wild boar today to improve the food for the platoon. Of course, their usual food is quite good, and they can eat canned meat for at least one of their three meals a day; but there are all kinds of weird meats, but fortunately they are already used to it.

Amidst the crackling sound of the campfire, the wild boar legs placed on the fire exuded a strong fragrance, and the tempting oil dripped down the pig legs, making endless hissing sounds.

"It's almost done!" Fred swallowed, took out his dagger, cut off a piece of meat from the boar's leg, dipped it in the only seasoning salt, and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Ah, ow, sizzle, it's so hot!" The hot barbecue rolled in his mouth, as if it contained a ball of flame, but he was reluctant to spit it out, and swallowed the piece with pain and joy. Go down. "It tastes good, let's get started."

Just as the paratroopers on the ground were feasting, the battle in the sky also entered Gaochao. More than half of the more than 150 bombers were wiped out. The Soviet machine gunners pulled the triggers frantically, firing tracer bullets of various colors aimlessly in all directions. Unfortunately, it had no effect. The bombers were still shot down one after another. burst.

The last bomber crashed less than ten kilometers away from the Baku oil field. At this time, the oil field was searching for the bastards who lit the fire and sent the signal.

Fred wiped the grease from his mouth and burped contentedly. "It's so full."

After walking around to make sure the guard post was okay, he returned to his tent.

Although they had dug foxholes, because the Soviet army did not attack, they usually lived in cold-proof tents. There was a small stove inside, which was steaming and very comfortable.

While Fred was lying comfortably on the camp bed, flipping through Playboy magazine by the light of a kerosene lamp, another fleet entered the Black Sea through the Turkish Strait.

A fleet of three battleships, three aircraft carriers, three heavy cruisers and several cruisers and destroyers joined the previous fleet and sailed to Sevastopol in a mighty manner. To be precise, they were looking for Sevastopol. Trouble at the fortress.

As early as 1783, when Russia obtained the Crimean Peninsula, it built fortifications around Sevastopol. However, soon the original fortifications gradually became old and could not even compete with the British battleships of the same year. Therefore, the old fortifications were The old fortifications are in urgent need of renovation and upgrading.

In 1905, Russia summed up the lessons learned from the Russo-Japanese War and decided to rebuild two armored forts near Sevastopol. They were designed by the Nikolaev Engineering Institute and officially started construction in 1912. However, midway through the construction, the world The outbreak of World War I, the fall of the Tsarist Russian government, domestic revolution and other events seriously affected the progress of the fort project. In the end, two forts were completed one after another, dividing the north and the south. These are the No. 30 and No. 35 coastal defense forts. Among them, Fort No. 30 is Gorky Fort No. 1, and Fort No. 35 is Gorky Fort No. 2.

Battery No. 30 guards the vast sector starting from Cape Lucullus in the north, and Battery No. 35 controls the southern sector from Cape Khersones to Cape Violence, which can effectively control the entire vast area in front of the Sevastopol Fortress. in the waters.

These two turrets are equipped with two Mb-2-12 twin turrets respectively. The ammunition supply is transported by underground rails. The range of this 305 mm cannon can even reach 44 kilometers, and only 406 mm of armor is exposed on the ground. The giant turret is also equipped with 3 anti-aircraft guns, 4 anti-aircraft machine guns and 5 heavy machine gun fortresses, forming an airtight defense system with its surrounding fortifications. The Soviet troops gathered in Sevastopol could not only go north to Ukraine, but also send ships and aircraft to attack Romanian ports and oil fields, threatening the German logistics supply lines.

If the German Navy wants to sail unscrupulously in the Black Sea, it must destroy the Soviet Black Sea Fleet, including the fleet's base. The coastal defense artillery positions here are the focus of their destruction.

In October 1941 in the original time and space, while attacking the Battle of Moscow, the German army formed a separate 11th Army, commanded by General Manstein, with the purpose of destroying the heavy Soviet army group assembled in Sevastopol and seizing the entire Kremlin. Rimea, ensuring stability on the southern front. The newly formed 11th Army has two German infantry corps and one Romanian mountain corps, with a total strength of about 350,000, more than 100 tanks, more than 700 artillery pieces and a batch of heavy mortars. They also received Richter It was fully supported by the 8th Air Force commanded by Hoffen, who controlled the air superiority over the Black Sea.

In early November 1941, the Soviet army established the Sevastopol Defense Command. At the beginning of the war, there were 20,000 Soviet defenders in the city, equipped with 350 artillery pieces, 37 ships and several tanks. Later, a large number of troops were deployed. The sea route was strengthened to defensive strength. There are about 23 divisions and supporting units of the Black Sea Fleet, the Independent Coastal Army, and the 51st Army under the Soviet Southern Front, with about 270,000 people.

The Soviet army established three defense lines around Sevastopol. Later, in order to facilitate command, the defense line was adjusted to four defensive terrains. Each defensive terrain was divided into three parts: forward defense area, main defense area and rear defense area, which could last for a long time. The "Stalin", "Siberia", "Gorki-I" and other forts set up by the Soviet army outside the Fortress are all equipped with 305 mm caliber cannons. The outer layers of the forts are completely wrapped with 200-300 mm thick armor plates. , there are three concrete layers below the fort. The basic ammunition of the fortress is stored in the "Kurabe" main ammunition depot, which is 30 meters underground on the southern shore of Severnaya Bay.

The most noteworthy thing about this battle is that the German commander General Manstein was well aware of the strong defense of the fortress. In order to ensure the success of the attack, he carefully planned and deployed three super cannons. They are: 420 mm fixed Type mortar "Gangma Equipment", 610mm self-propelled mortar "Karl Equipment", 800mm train cannon "Gustav Equipment".

The first target of the German army was the Soviet "Kurabe" ammunition depot. To this end, "Gustav" continuously fired armor-piercing projectiles weighing 7,100 kilograms, directly penetrating the 8,000 mm protective layer and hitting the middle of the underground ammunition depot, causing a big explosion that shook the entire island, thereby cutting off the Soviet Union's northern fortress group. Ammunition supply.

Subsequently, "Gustav" turned south along the temporarily built 4-track large railway and began to attack the "Stalin" fortress. At the same time, the German artillery in the north began to launch a comprehensive bombardment operation to besiege the "Gorky I". At this time, the protagonist of the northern bombardment was replaced by the 610 mm "Karl Cannon", which is also known as "Thor's Hammer". "Karl" had a faster rate of fire, and 610mm high-explosive bombs weighing 2,200 kilograms were poured around the "Gorky I" fortress. The 4,000mm-thick permanent cement armor plate was broken into pieces, and the interior of the fortress began to be exposed. In order to suppress the Soviet infantry's breakout and reinforcements, the 420mm "Gangma Artillery" carried out carpet bombardment around the fortress. The 1,000-kilogram 420mm artillery shells smashed all the roads and railway networks around the fortress like raindrops.

The Battle of Sevastopol lasted 250 days. It became an example of long-term persistence and tenacious defense when the enemy was encircled from far behind. As for the entire campaign, the Soviet army focused on peripheral operations and established a defense system in depth. As the campaign developed and its troop strength increased, the Soviet army gradually increased its firepower density, from an average of 4 support points per kilometer of front at the beginning. Increased to 17 support points, effectively improving defensive toughness and flexibility. More importantly, the Soviet army continued to receive reinforcements, ammunition and food from the rear. This war of attrition seriously weakened the German army's effective strength.

Now that the German army has basically mastered sea and air control in the Black Sea, Yannick does not intend to waste time on land and is preparing to blow up the Sevastopol Fortress.

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