Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 622 Georgia (13)

Moscow, Kremlin.

The atmosphere in the entire conference room was suffocating, as if there was an invisible mountain weighing down everyone's breath.

Stalin's hand holding the big pipe trembled slightly. "Does that mean the Black Sea has fallen?"

Kuznetsov frequently wiped the sweat from his face. After all, it was his original promise to severely damage the German fleet. But the result was that the Black Sea Fleet was completely annihilated, and the fighter planes sent out suffered heavy losses.

He never dreamed that the anti-aircraft firepower of the German fleet would be so powerful. According to the news, the aircraft carrier-based aircraft in the German fleet did not even enter the battle. The anti-aircraft artillery on the battleship alone destroyed more than 500 of his own fighters. How terrible!

Znetsov was horrified and heartbroken. He had been thinking about how to face an inevitable aerial battle a long time ago. Every naval pilot under his command has undergone long-range maritime raid training and has more than 200 hours of fighter flight experience. As a result, more than half of these outstanding pilots were lost in this operation, which almost made him spit out a mouthful of blood.

However, he couldn't just admit his failure and said with great determination. "Comrade Stalin, although the surface ships of the Black Sea Fleet have been severely damaged, the Black Sea Fleet still has many submarines." As mentioned before, the Soviet Navy built many submarines before the war. Now the Black Sea Fleet has 47 submarines, of which about 30 can be put into combat. Ships or so.

Our own Paris Commune, battleship and Voroshilov were sunk by German submarines. Since the Germans can use submarines, the Soviet Union can also use submarines! "I will send out submarine troops to let the Germans know how powerful our submarines are!"

Starlin nodded expressionlessly and looked to the other side. "Comrade Khripin, how are the preparations for bombing the Baku oil fields?"

Khripin's full name was Vasily Vladimirovich Khripin. He once served as the commander of the fighter aviation group, commander of the group army air force, and chief of staff of the front army air force. Later, the Special Mission Army, the Soviet heavy bomber force, was formed and took charge of long-range aviation.

Reported by Heri Pinghui. "Comrade Stalin, I have assembled 300 TB-3 and 100 TB-7 bombers."

The TB-3 is a heavy bomber developed in 1930. It has a straight wing, fixed landing gear, the wing skin is made of varnished cloth, and the fuselage skin is made of corrugated aluminum sheet.

On April 28, 1932, the first batch of 10 TB-3s were delivered to the troops at Moscow Central Airport, preparing to participate in the military parade on Red Square on May 1. As a result, it was discovered on April 30 that the engine radiators of all 10 aircraft were leaking. In order not to affect the parade, water tanks were filled on 7 aircraft with less serious leaks, and 4 more mechanics were added to work in shifts to shake the manual water pumps. Cooling water was added to the radiator to cope with the military parade the next day.

These huge and terrifying monsters fully demonstrated the powerful combat power of the Soviet Red Army Air Force. The Soviet high-level officials intended to use this to create a consensus around the world: the Soviet Red Army was extremely powerful and invincible.

Soon after, the Soviet Revolutionary Military Commission adopted the "On the Organizational Principles of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army Air Force", emphasizing the need to establish a powerful heavy bombing corps. In 1933, the Soviet Union began to form a long-range aviation force, and by 1935 it had 400 TB-3s. In May 1938, three special mission aviation groups were established. Each group army was equipped with two heavy bombing aviation brigades, and each brigade had TB-3 aircraft 150-170. It became the largest heavy bomber force in the world at that time.

But a few years later, as the purge of counter-revolutionaries expanded, the main leaders of the Air Force were purged and aircraft designers were imprisoned. The Air Force's operational guiding ideology has changed from independent operations by the Air Force to mainly supporting ground force operations, and there is no new model of heavy bomber to replace the TB-3.

Just imagine, if the Soviet Union had a strategic bombing force of hundreds of advanced heavy bombers in 1940, it would obviously be much more advantageous for the Soviet Union at the beginning of the war. In 1942, Stalin realized this problem and admitted that "we did not establish a bombing aviation force. To a certain extent, we ignored this problem." However, the consequences could not be corrected.

The TB-7 was developed on the basis of the ANT-42 prototype. Production began in 1939 and was given the official designation Pe-8 in 1941. M-30B/AcH-30B diesel engines were used, but their performance was unreliable. After the AM-5A engine was discontinued, the M-82 and M-82FN radial air-cooled engines were used. Since the Soviet military had little interest in heavy bombers, the Pe-8 failed to continue development. After the war, the remaining 30 Pe-8s were in use until the late 1950s.

It can be said that both TB-3 and TB-7 were unsuccessful models in terms of production and use.

Stalin was worried that daytime bombing would be intercepted by German fighter planes, so he decided to carry out night bombing. However, the Soviet aviation lacked experience in night bombing, and it was hard to say whether it could succeed.

Beria on the side said respectfully. "Comrade Stalin, our people will light fires on the ground to guide the position at night."

Stalin smoked his big pipe and did not speak until he finished smoking a pot. "Can we bomb Berlin?" Using his own bombers to bomb his own country, especially the oil fields that were regarded as his lifeblood, made Stalin furious and eager for revenge; and the best revenge was to bomb Berlin!

Bomb Berlin? I'm sorry you figured it out. Everyone was looking at each other, and Kuznetsov stood up suddenly. "Comrade Stalin, our naval aviation will definitely be able to complete this arduous and great mission!"

"!!" The people around him looked at Kuznetsov in shock. They wondered why he suddenly went crazy. How could he handle such a thing?

Starlin also seemed surprised, raised his eyebrows slightly and nodded. "Very good, Comrade Kuznetsov, then work out a plan to bomb Berlin as soon as possible. That's it for today's meeting. Let's break up."

The meeting ended and everyone left the conference room.

After walking out of the Kremlin, Khripin grabbed Kuznetsov and questioned him. "Comrade Kuznetsov, did you have plans to bomb Berlin?"

Kuznetsov sighed softly and said helplessly. "I have no plan, but I can't make up for it." The commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Oktyabryski, sank into the sea along with the battleship Paris Commune; the deputy commander, Gorshkov, was attacked by German attack planes. The headquarters building was blown to pieces; he, the commander-in-chief of the navy, was naturally responsible for the defeat of the Black Sea Fleet.

Khripin scolded. "Are you crazy?! Even if your aviation force can really drop bombs on Berlin, have you ever thought about the consequences of bombing? German bombers can even bomb Washington, USA. Moscow is less than 2,000 kilometers away from Germany. , if we make this move, it will inevitably lead to crazy revenge from the German army, and Moscow will never have peace in the future!!"

Kuznetsov couldn't help but open his mouth. He was so eager to make up for it that he didn't even think of this level!

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