Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 615 Georgia (6)

"These idiots!"

Rutte looked at the Soviet fleet not far away through the periscope and sneered. "Do these guys really regard the Black Sea as their own inland sea?" This Soviet fleet just moved forward with its navigation lights on, without even using the most basic anti-submarine formation. The fleet's speed was only 20 knots at most. It was simply A real target.

It is not that the Soviet fleet does not want to sail at high speeds. The three heavy cruisers in the fleet, the red Caucasus, the Voroshilov, and the Molotov, and the two light cruisers, the red Crimean and the red Ukraine, can reach speeds of up to three meters. Ten knots or more than thirty knots.

But the problem is that the flagship battleship Paris Commune has a maximum speed of only 20 knots.

The maximum speed of the battleship Paris Commune when it was first commissioned in 1914 was 24 knots, which was 2 to 3 knots higher than its contemporary opponents. But after nearly 30 years of ups and downs, the current speed has dropped to about 20 knots. This is a speed that can only be achieved by fighting for one's life.

It was impossible for other ships to abandon the flagship and run away. They could only adapt to the speed of the flagship, and the fleet sailed at a speed of 20 knots.

Lutte ordered loudly. "Launch No. 1 and No. 2 sound-guided torpedoes!"

Commander Oktyabryski on the battleship Paris Commune was also troubled by the speed of the fleet. The speed of this battleship was too slow. If I had known earlier, I might as well have taken the red Caucasus or the Molotov and let the Paris Commune take the rear.

Just when he was hesitating whether to change the flagship, suddenly, there was a loud bang, and everyone on the bridge staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"What's going on? Is there something wrong with the boiler?" Feeling the warship's speed drop suddenly, Commander Oktyabryski's first thought was that the boiler exploded! After all, this is an old ship that is nearly thirty years old. The boiler was repaired not long ago. At that time, the technician said that the boiler was completely aged and had to be replaced with a brand new one, otherwise major problems may occur at any time.

But there is no military budget to replace the boiler with a new one, so it can only be repaired and used until now. It was originally planned to replace the boiler after the military budget is allocated early next year. Unexpectedly, the German navy ran into the Black Sea, and they could only pull it out to support the scene. .

Is it possible that a malfunction occurred at this time?

However, this battleship can be described as old and strong. During World War II in the original time and space, he also received a commendation order from the Supreme Command of the Soviet Union and was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

"In the shameless attack launched by the German Communist Party and its lackeys in June 1941, in the difficult days of the Great Patriotic War from 1941 to 1945, the "October Revolution", "Marat", "Paris Commune" The officers and soldiers on board the battleship "exerted superb combat skills, calmly faced the battle with extremely strong fighting will and firm determination, effectively supported the battles in the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea, and defended Taman, Leningrad, and Odessa. and Sevastopol, dealt a ruthless and heavy blow to the Japanese invaders, because your glorious performance and brilliant military exploits are enough to become a role model for the entire army, and you are specially awarded the Order of the Red Banner!"

shouted the captain of the Paris Commune. "Damage control, hurry up..." Before he could finish his words, "Boom!", another explosion came.

Commander Oktyabryski vaguely felt something was wrong. It was not like a boiler explosion, when news came from the damage control. "Report, it's not a boiler failure, a big hole was blown out in the stern! It can't be blocked at all!"

"What?!" Commander Oktyabryski was shocked, and instantly realized that the practice team had been attacked. The watchtower found no signs of firing on the sea, so the attack could only have come from underwater! "There is a submarine nearby, enter anti-submarine operations quickly!"

There are 3 destroyer leaders, 13 destroyers, and 2 frigates in the fleet. There seems to be a lot of anti-submarine power, but the detection equipment on many battleships is hydrophones from the First World War. I want to use these things to find underwater objects. German submarines are simply a fantasy. Historically, almost all Soviet sonar was provided by the United States. Before sonar was equipped on a large scale, the best way for the Soviets was to drop bombs to try.

Therefore, these ships could only play with searchlights, and the dazzling bright light swayed on the sea. Some destroyers simply threw depth charges blindly.

The captain of the Paris Commune quickly advised. "Comrade Commander, please change the flagship immediately." Now the battleship is paralyzed in place and cannot move, and it can easily become a target for German submarines.

As soon as he finished speaking, the lights in the bridge suddenly went out. Not only the bridge, but the entire ship darkened. The water came in so fast that it flooded into the engine room and the generator stopped supplying power!

At this time, even orders could not be conveyed in time. Commander Oktyabryski also knew that if he continued to stay here, it would delay the war situation, so he ordered. "Use your flashlight to send a message to the Red Caucasus."

But before Commander Oktyabryski could walk out of the bridge, boom! boom! Two violent explosions suddenly came from under my feet.

What better target than a large, immobile battleship? Naturally, Rutte would not miss such an excellent opportunity and immediately launched two torpedoes, hitting the middle of the ship.

Commander Oktyabryski was violently shaken and fell, and the back of his head hit the hard floor. His eyes suddenly went dark. Before losing consciousness, he felt his body slowly sliding to the side.

This old battleship was broken into two pieces with the harsh sound of steel bars being torn apart. In less than a few minutes, the battleship sank into the sea.

Seeing the flagship sinking into the sea, the Soviet fleet suddenly became a mess. The three heavy cruisers Red Caucasus, Voroshilov, and Molotov were arguing about whether to advance at full speed or to find this damn submarine. There was a loud bang, and the side of the Voroshilov Two jets of water shot up from the side.

At this time, the fleet was completely panicked. All the warships fired wildly at the surrounding sea and fled the sea area as quickly as possible. But this is a quite correct choice. After all, no matter how fast the German submarine is, it is impossible to catch up with the warships running at full speed on the water.

"Report, No. 1 and No. 2 sound-guided torpedoes have been loaded!"


Two torpedoes rushed towards the retreating fleet, hit a destroyer, and easily sank the old destroyer.

"Come up! Send a report to the command center! Sink the Soviet battleship 'Paris Commune', a Type 26 cruiser, and a destroyer."

The Paris Commune was sunk, and news that Commander Oktyabryski's life and death were unknown reached the Sevastopol headquarters. Sergey Georgievich Gorshkov was stunned on the spot after receiving the report.

Aren't we trying to lure the German fleet into an ambush? How come he was ambushed by the Germans? !

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