Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 612 Georgia (3)

In fact, news of the attacks on military camps across Georgia had long been conveyed to Moscow through secret channels.

After receiving the news, Stalin just cursed "These idiots!" and didn't take it to heart. He believed that the local military region would handle the matter.

As for who is so bold and dares to attack military camps everywhere, no need to ask, it must be the reactionary forces in Georgia who are against Great Russianism and are causing trouble again. This is not once or twice.

In the era of Tsarist Russia, the Tsarist government advocated that the Russian nation was superior to others and that other non-Russian nations must be dominated by it. In order to allow the Russian nation to enjoy privileges, the tsarist government tried every means to discriminate, oppress and ravage other ethnic groups. To this end, it did not hesitate to sow ethnic relations and instigated ethnic groups to kill each other. This is Great Russianism, also known as Great Russian chauvinism.

After the October Revolution, the Soviet government promulgated the Declaration of the Rights of the Peoples of All Nationalities in Russia, proposing: “Abolish the policies of ethnic discrimination and oppression adhered to by the Tsar and the subsequent bourgeois provisional governments, and replace them with openness and voluntariness of the people of all ethnic groups. The policy of the Alliance." At the same time, it also gave the basic principles for solving ethnic relations issues: ethnic equality; the right of ethnic self-determination; the abolition of ethnic privileges; and the free development of ethnic groups. After this, ethnic relations in Russia improved greatly.

After Lenin's death, Stalin came to power. As a minority Georgian, during his administration, he always adhered to the policy of giving priority to the Russian nation and pursued Great Russianism to suppress his hometown.

Because Stalin often displayed Great Russianism, Lenin severely criticized him when he was still alive: "Some non-Russians are more Russian than Russians!" In fact, in addition to Stalin, Dzerzhinsky was also criticized by Lenin for Great Russianism. Yes, and Dzerzhinsky was a Pole by descent.

However, Stalin also had his own difficulties in pursuing Great Russianism. Since the beginning of modern times, nationalisms in various countries have experienced a vigorous revival, and the desire to seek independence and establish a country is also very strong. For this reason, they will not hesitate to launch wars or terrorist incidents to achieve their wishes. At that time, the Soviet Union had not been established for long, and foreign powers were eyeing it, trying to strangle this new regime in the cradle.

There are also many ethnic separatists in the Soviet Union who demand the establishment of a country and break away from the control of the Soviet Union. In this case, the best method Stalin could adopt was to rely on the majority ethnic group, that is, the Russians, to suppress the separatism of the minority. If the country is governed entirely according to local forces or based on the interests of a small number of people, the country will be scattered and have no cohesion. When a crisis occurs, it will fall apart instantly.

Although there are other reasons, it was precisely because of Stalin's insistence on pursuing Great Russianism that the Soviet Union was able to maintain a high degree of unity across the country when it was attacked by Germany and jointly fight against the Fascists.

But what awaited was not the success of the suppression of these reactionary forces, but news of a large-scale invasion of German aircraft and bombings of Georgia, Namenia, Azerbaijan and other places.

"What?! How dare they!" The Germans' sudden attack was completely beyond his expectation. According to the analysis of high-level Soviet troops, the Germans would have to take action in April or May next year. "Why didn't the Transcaucasus Military District report it in time?!" This kind of thing was actually learned from secret channels. The commander of the Transcaucasus Military District was simply derelict in his duties! ! Stalin's eyes turned red with anger, and he roared through gritted teeth.

"I heard that the rebels have occupied the headquarters. Commander Levandovsky and Comrade Political Commissar are probably in danger."

"!!" The military district headquarters has been occupied? The muscles on Stalin's face twitched violently several times. "Who are the rebels?"

"The 47th Infantry Division of the 3rd Army of the Transcaucasus Military District, the division commander is Lomonosov."

"You mean the entire division has rebelled?! These damn bastards!" Stalin crushed the big pipe in his hand and trembled all over. "This idiot Levandovsky doesn't even know that there is a division of rebels hiding in the military area? Damn it..." Halfway through his words, Stalin felt that he could not waste time on this idiot whose life or death was unknown. "Pass my order to hang those family members of the 47th Infantry Division! No need to interrogate! Hang them all!" Stalin was originally full of disgust for his compatriots in his hometown, but now he heard that the rebels were all Georgia soldiers, and who else might they be. The Germans colluded with the rebellion and were even more furious. They wanted to strangle these bastards themselves!

"Well, Comrade Stalin, the 47th Infantry Division is a native of Georgia, and their family members are also in Georgia." Unless Georgia is "recovered", they will not be able to hang those people. "And those rebels must have handed over the military deployment of Georgia, Namenia, and Azerbaijan to the Germans. The Germans' precision bombing has basically lost the combat effectiveness of these three republics."

"Send reinforcements immediately! Order the North Caucasus Military District..." Just when he was about to order the North Caucasus Military District to send troops into Georgia to wipe out the rebels, Stalin paused.

The North Caucasus has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times. In history, the Persian Empire, the Arab Empire, the Mongol Empire, and the Ottoman Empire all waged wars here, which were full of repression and resistance. From 1817 to 1864 AD, Tsarist Russia finally conquered the North Caucasus after more than 40 years of war. Chechnya was also included in Russian territory in 1859. The North Caucasus covers an area of ​​approximately 250,000 square kilometers and has a population of more than 10 million. It includes the five autonomous republics of Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan, North Ossetia and Kabardino-Balkaria, as well as the Krasnodar and Stavropol Krai. There are dozens of ethnic groups here, with stubborn and brave national characters and complicated ethnic relations. There are also many religions here, with various sects such as Orthodox Christianity, Islamism and Judaism intertwined together. The barbaric conquests of Tsarist Russia and the ethnic conflicts and religious disputes in the region have accumulated a variety of conflict factors in the North Caucasus, and its historical grudges are numerous and deep.

After the victory of the October Revolution in 1917, the Soviet regime established many ethnic autonomous entities in the North Caucasus, including the "Chechen Autonomous Oblast". Since then, major changes have occurred in the North Caucasus. The collectivization of agriculture from 1929 to 1935 caused strong protests here, and 268 violent activities occurred in Chechnya alone.

If the North Caucasus Military District is mobilized now, there may be some trouble.

"Order the North Caucasus Military District to enter a state of first-level combat readiness to strictly prevent such incidents!! Also, have the German ground forces attacked?"

"Not yet, but they dropped a lot of paratroopers into the Greater Caucasus Mountains."

"Paratroopers?" Stalin thought for a moment and guessed the German army's intention.

They want to rely on the Greater Caucasus Mountains to block the Soviet army from reinforcing Georgia!

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