The Soviet Union is very happy to receive aid from the United States. After all, the 560 tons of gold will not come back. It is a little bit of a scam, and it should be compensated with aid supplies. And more importantly, Germany is indeed a strong opponent. One more helper will increase the chance of winning.

The ambassadors of the two countries held several rounds of negotiations and roughly finalized an assistance plan.

However, this aid package is only a verbal draft and cannot be launched immediately.

Roosevelt was so disgusted with the Soviet Union that he would not approve the aid bill. And Wendell Wilkie didn't want to get into too much of a stalemate with the Democratic Party, so he could only wait until two months later, when he officially took office, to discuss the aid package. And he was not an idiot. He could not just send a large amount of aid supplies to the Soviet Union. He had to wait until the Soviet Union declared war on Germany and the two sides exchanged fire before launching this aid plan.

On the German side, Yannick already knew about the flirting between the United States and the Soviet Union, and even learned about the Soviet Union's preparations to develop a second Baku.

"Just go ahead and develop it." Yannik sneered. When the Soviets invested a lot of manpower and material resources to develop the second Baku, he would send bombers to blow it up when it was about to be completed, which would make Stalin cry without tears.

Lundstedt said worriedly. "Your Highness, will the Americans send troops to the Soviet Union to fight us?"

Yannick replied casually. "Probably so."

Lundstedt said to himself. "The Soviet army currently has about 5 million troops, and the Americans have killed 3 million. In other words, we must defeat these 8 million enemies to achieve final victory."

"Hahaha!" Yannick couldn't help laughing.

Because he remembered the Soviet-German war in the original time and space. Before launching Barbarossa, the German high command fully believed that they could easily win by annihilating all Soviet troops west of the dividing line formed by the Dnieper and Daugava rivers.

Then the German army did complete this seemingly arduous task.

In the first hours of the war, thousands of German aircraft violently bombed Soviet airfields, and countless Soviet tanks and artillery were destroyed before they could even be transported from their warehouses. In the first few days of the war, entire Soviet divisions and entire armies were surrounded and destroyed by the Germans, and even entire armies were not spared.

However, facing the endless team of Soviet prisoners of war, the sober-minded German generals began to feel helpless.

A German general even wrote in his diary: "We underestimated their strength. After careful screening of prisoners, we have now discovered and identified 360 divisions!" The German army added 153 divisions. There are only 190 divisions in total among the 37 divisions of the subordinate countries. Even if the war situation is the most favorable to them, they cannot destroy the entire Soviet Red Army. On the road to Moscow, the Soviet army seemed to be killing them endlessly. As many as they killed would pop up untouched.

Rundstedt was confused by Yannick's sudden laughter and was a little at a loss. "Did I say something wrong, Your Highness?"

Yannick smiled and nodded. "You are absolutely wrong, Marshal, you underestimate the Soviet Union's mobilization capabilities. Believe me, the war cannot be won by defeating these eight million enemy troops."

In the original World War II, the Soviet army was one of the largest armies in World War II. During the entire Soviet-German war, the Soviet army suffered 70,000 deaths, 60,000 people were captured or missing, and 18.32 million people were injured or injured. The final death toll was 60,000 (including dead prisoners). The above data includes the internal affairs troops and border guards, but does not include recruits on the way who have not yet reported to their units. If recruits are included, the death toll will be approximately 7.37 million, and the final death toll will be 30,000.

Throughout the course of the war, the number of Soviet troops remained at more than 6 million at any time. At the end of World War II, it reached its peak of 12 million, making it the largest army in world history. Judging from the losses of the Soviet Union on the Soviet-German battlefield, the Soviet Union mobilized approximately 30 to 40 million people during World War II.

"Thirty to forty million people?!" Lundstedt gasped, obviously shocked by this number. This is a normal reaction. Any country marshal or general will tremble in his heart when he hears this number. If Germany could mobilize 30 million people, Stalin and Roosevelt would probably sue for peace immediately.

The U.S. military was an army that developed rapidly during the war. It grew from less than 2 million people before the war to 12 million after the war. It was the only armed force that could compete with the Soviet army after the war. Unlike the Soviet Army, which had a dominant army, the U.S. Army also established an unprecedentedly powerful navy in addition to the army, which was unmatched by any country at the time. The U.S. Army also has a powerful armored force, with 28 armored divisions, 15 independent armored brigades and other independent armored battalions, with a total of 13,000 tanks and self-propelled artillery. It is worth mentioning that the US military also had the most powerful strategic air force at the time, with very powerful long-range strike capabilities.

"Coupled with the more than 20 million people that the Americans can mobilize, it means that the enemies we have to face will not be less than 50 million."

"..." Lundstedt felt that his heart couldn't bear the stimulation. "Your Highness, are you trying to scare me?"

"I hope I'm trying to scare people, but unfortunately that's the reality. But Marshal, you don't have to worry too much. We don't need to wipe out all 50 million people. I think we only need to wipe out 10 million Soviets and 5 million Americans." People; then they probably couldn’t bear it and asked for a ceasefire. Although it’s a bit difficult, it should be possible, right?”

During World War II, Germany's total mobilization force reached 17 million (not entirely combat personnel, a large part of which were logistics and civilian personnel). The number of troops accounted for 5% of the country's total population. They were almost regardless of men, women, old and young. One in every five Germans join the army. However, Yannick seems that this kind of oppression is too crazy. In his plan, the German Wehrmacht will expand to 7 million, and the main front-line troops will not exceed 5 million.

The remaining troops must be supplemented by foreign volunteers and allies.

During World War II, Germany had many foreign legions, and many elite troops would emerge among these legions. Take the Viking Division, for example. This legion was mainly composed of Germans scattered throughout Europe. In addition, because of the ideological issues of the Germans, they believe that friends of friends are friends and enemies of enemies are friends. Germany also recruited a large number of foreign volunteers during World War II.

As for the strength of the allied forces, Italy has a population of more than 40 million, and the current army has expanded to 2 million. German instructors are responsible for training. The combat effectiveness should be much higher than that of the spaghetti army in the original time and space.

Because Vichy France stipulated in the armistice treaty that "100,000 armistice troops should be retained on the mainland", it was impossible to send any troops on the surface. However, secretly, Prime Minister Pétain had sent more than 300,000 troops to the German Foreign Legion. This number was still will increase further.

Spain can provide 1 million troops, and the main force is veterans who have experienced the civil war. Their combat effectiveness will not be much worse than the German army.

Romania sent 800,000 troops, Hungary sent 500,000 troops, and Finland sent 300,000 troops.

In this way, the number of troops attacking the Soviet Union can easily exceed 12 million, and the combat effectiveness of most of these troops is guaranteed.

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