Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 594: Blackmailing Money

The White House lost its external power supply, and its own emergency generator immediately came into operation. The maintenance staff were about to replace the light bulbs in the President's Office when the secretary hurried over with a panicked look on his face. "Mr. President, the motor of the ventilator is burned out. It won't be repaired for a while. You have to leave quickly." The basement needs to continuously transport fresh air to discharge the turbid gas inside and keep the air flowing. Otherwise, the basement inside People can easily suffocate.

Fortunately, the German bombers had already left at this time. Not long after the group returned to the ground, Arnold hurriedly walked into the President's Office. "Mr. President, the Germans left these things behind." He said and placed a few thin black wires in front of the president. He picked them up on the way here and they are everywhere.

President Roosevelt looked at these threads, which were thinner than hair, and asked in confusion. "What's this?"

Arnold shook his head. "I don't know the specific ingredients, but I guess this thing is very conductive. The Germans used this to attack our power grid. Now there is a large power outage in Washington." As soon as he said this, his expression suddenly changed, and he finally thought of Why did the Germans split up a mere 30 bombers to bomb multiple cities?

I'm afraid other cities are also dropping such highly conductive filaments, right?

On the other side, the German ambassador to Sweden approached the ambassador to the United States. "Mr. Anderson, I don't know if you have heard the news from home. Our army has launched another air attack on your country. However, this time your country's losses may be a bit heavy because our army has invested in a new type of bomb."

Seeing the German Ambassador feeling triumphant and having a triumphant look on his face, the American Ambassador Anderson really wanted to punch him in the face so hard that he wouldn't even recognize his mother.

Just listen to the German ambassador continue. "It's not a solution for your country to keep being beaten like this. How about you simply surrender? Our Highness is a kind-hearted person and has no interest in ceding land or anything. We only accept a small amount of compensation from your country, such as 10,000 tons of gold. "

Ten thousand tons of gold? Ambassador Anderson laughed angrily. "Mr. Abel, if you talk about these useless nonsense today, then please forgive me for not accompanying you. I have business to attend to."

Ambassador Abel clicked his tongue twice. "It seems that Mr. Anderson really doesn't know what losses your country has suffered. Otherwise, he wouldn't have said this. If I guessed correctly, the industrial zone in the northeast of your country has been severely damaged. Next, we will bomb your country. The western industrial area and the southern industrial area." Speaking of this, a proud smile appeared on Ebels' face. "If your country is willing to pay money, we can postpone the bombing. For example, if you want to postpone the bombing for one month, you can pay 500 tons of gold, and half a year is 3,000 tons of gold. One year is 6,000 tons. It's a good deal, right?"

Seeing that fire was about to burst out of Ambassador Anderson's eyes, Ambassador Abel stood up and left. "I'll give you five days to think about it. After five days, we will bomb the western and southern industrial areas of your country. We don't know how much gold the losses are worth. What a coincidence, that day is also your country's election day. , it can be regarded as our small kindness, wishing your country's general election to be completed smoothly. President Roosevelt has no hope of being re-elected. I don't know which unlucky guy will take over this mess." After saying that, he bowed and turned to leave.

Roosevelt in the White House was suffering from a headache. The losses caused by the German special bombs were simply astronomical.

In addition to Washington, nine cities including Boston, Providence, Hartford, New Haven, New York, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, and Baltimore were visited by German bombers. Every city suffered a large-scale power outage. Power plants and industrial parks were severely damaged. In addition to directly scrapped electrical appliances, there were countless fires caused by short circuits. The losses were simply immeasurable.

At this time, the ambassador to Switzerland sent a message conveying the meaning of the German ambassador.

"These damn Germans!" President Roosevelt cursed fiercely. "General Arnold, how long will it take for us to intercept the German bomber formation?!"

"The development of the 150mm anti-aircraft gun will take at least a year, and as for fighter jets..." "Happy Arnold" has long turned into "Sad-faced Arnold" these days. "To be honest, Mr. President, with our current fighter jets, there is no way we can intercept German bombers."

At this time, the U.S. Army Air Forces has several aircraft that are about to enter service or have just entered test flight; such as P-39 fighter, P-40 fighter, P-43 combat reconnaissance aircraft, P-47 fighter, P-51 fighter, etc.

The P-39 "Sky Snake" is a single-seat, single-engine, straight-wing piston fighter developed by the American Bell Company. It has extremely powerful firepower and a top-notch communications system during World War II. In addition to the above two advantages, the rest are shortcomings. Therefore, the P-39 is not popular in the US military and is only used as an auxiliary model. However, as the main model leased to the Soviet Union, the P-39 is widely used by Soviet pilots. Created its own glory in the hands of the Soviet Union, the P-39 became the plane of many Allied ace pilots, of course they were Soviet pilots.

The P-40 "Tomahawk" is a single-seat, single-engine, straight-wing piston fighter developed by the American Curtiss Company. Its performance can only be regarded as mediocre.

The P-43 "Lancer" is a single-engine, all-aluminum alloy, low-main-wing reconnaissance aircraft developed by the American Republic Aircraft Company. It is mainly used for high-altitude reconnaissance.

The P-47 "Thunderbolt" is a single-engine straight-wing piston fighter developed by the American Republic Aircraft Company. It was one of the main fighter jets of the U.S. military in the middle and late stages of World War II. It was the largest single-engine fighter jet of the Allied Forces at that time, with a total of more than 15,600 produced. . The P-47 has been put into use in the European and Pacific battlefields, especially in the Asian and Pacific battlefields. The U.S. military finally has a large number of models that can compete with the Japanese Zero fighters. In the competition between the Japanese Zero fighters, the P-47 finally takes the lead. Got the upper hand. Throughout World War II, the P-47 created a brilliant record of 6:1. The many records it set will probably be difficult to break in the future. The P-47 fighter played an important role in the victory of World War II. .

Finally, there is the famous P-51 "Mustang" fighter jet.

But among these fighters, even the P-51 fighter, which engineers had high hopes for, could not climb to an altitude of 14,000 meters, let alone intercept the opponent's bombers.

"Can't we design a high-altitude fighter?"

Arnold sighed helplessly. "I believe it is possible, but this is just like the 150mm anti-aircraft gun. It cannot be achieved overnight and takes time." Launching and successfully developing a new fighter aircraft is not easy said than it will take a year anyway. During this year, the airspace of the United States is undefended. The Germans can drop these special bombs every day. By then, the United States may have to return to the Stone Age.

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