At the end of World War II in the original time and space, B-29 "Super Flying Fortress" began to appear in groups over Japan, and more and more cities and industrial areas were bombed.

In order to resist these terrifying bombers, Japan built a 150mm anti-aircraft gun in 1945. During the test, the muzzle velocity reached 930 meters per second, the maximum firing height reached 20,000 meters, and the firing speed also reached 15 rounds per minute.

However, due to high manufacturing requirements and insufficient wartime conditions, only two 150mm anti-aircraft guns were manufactured until the surrender, all of which were permanently deployed around Tokyo.

On the morning of August 2, 1945, the 150mm anti-aircraft gun ushered in its first and only actual combat. After precise observation and calculation, the fire was fired at an elevation angle of about 50 degrees. 15 seconds later, smoke from the explosion appeared in the middle of the US military aircraft group. It was later confirmed that only one shot damaged three US B-29 bombers flying at an altitude of 9,800 meters, causing the fleet to turn. Since then, US aircraft have never passed through this area again.

Therefore, an interesting theory later emerged, that is, if Japan can manufacture 150mm anti-aircraft guns in advance and deploy them around the home islands, it can prevent the B-29 fleet from air attacks on the homeland.

Not to mention whether Japan had enough resources to manufacture such heavy anti-aircraft guns under wartime conditions. Even if they were actually manufactured and deployed, the US Navy's carrier-based aircraft could already attack any area of ​​Japan at will, and heavy anti-aircraft guns could deal with low-altitude missiles. The high-speed assault tactical aircraft lacked sufficient response capabilities. Even if they were not destroyed by the B-29 fleet, they would be attacked by these mobile and flexible carrier-based bombers; defeat was still doomed.

Hearing Arnold's proposal to build a 150mm anti-aircraft gun, the Vice President of Ghana couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Just hearing this caliber felt that its power was very impressive. But the question now is, "How long will it take to build it?"

Arnold thought for a moment. "About two years, maybe a year and a half at the fastest." They have no experience in manufacturing such a large-caliber anti-aircraft gun and need to start from scratch.

The Vice President of Ghana couldn't help but roll his eyes. It seemed that he didn't have to worry about it. "That means we can only watch the German bombers bombing Washington?!" The most terrible thing is that although the population of Washington at this time is less than one million, there are not many air raid shelters, even those that can temporarily serve as The air raid shelters are not open to the ground. "Let people try to hide in underground passages or basements."

The funny thing is that they had no experience in handling this kind of crisis and directly spread the news that Washington was about to be bombed.

As a result, the entire city fell into panic.

People were scrambling to escape the city that was about to be bombed, and the most convenient means of transportation was naturally their own car. At this time, the United States still has the largest number of civilian cars in the world, and almost every household has a car. As a result, so many cars poured onto the road at the same time; the road was crowded with vehicles, and no one was allowed to pass. Soon the city's traffic came to a standstill.

Just when most people were stuck on the road and unable to move, a group of bombers flew over Washington.

Thompson, who "escorted" the German bomber group all the way to the skies above Washington, felt his heart almost beating out of his throat. The frantic prayer in his heart was just as Miller said, the Germans just flew over Washington for a few turns and then left.

Unfortunately, there is a saying that things backfire as expected. He suddenly saw the bomber in the sky slowly opening its bomb bay. "God! They're going to drop a bomb!"

Miller also noticed the movement of the bomber group and couldn't help but exclaimed. "How is this possible? How can their bombers fly such a long distance and still carry bombs?!"

Thompson finally realized that the Germans did not want to bomb a specific target, they just wanted to bomb the city. For a target as big as a city, the Germans didn't even need to lower their height, and the bombs they dropped would definitely fall into the city.

The bombers dropped one bomb after another, but Thompson also noticed that Miller was still right. Although the Germans dropped bombs, each bomber dropped only a few bombs. Judging from the size of the bomb body, it should be a 500 kilogram bomb. In other words, the bomb load of each bomber does not exceed 3 tons.

Just when he was worried about how much damage the thirty-ton bombs would cause if they fell, he suddenly saw the shells of the bombs cracking open one after another, and countless black balls scattered down, and the shell of the ball was divided into two pieces. From a distance it looks like an oversized butterfly.

Miller's voice trembled slightly. "God, what is this?"

During World War II, Germany invented the world's first cluster weapons bomb, the SD-2 bomb. Because its shape resembled a butterfly after being dropped, it was also called the "butterfly bomb." After the war, the Americans developed a similar bomb based on this - the M83 "Butterfly Bomb".

The United States has made more new developments and improvements in the structural design of small anti-personnel bombs. The new small-caliber anti-personnel bombs have removed the traditional fletching or box-type fixed stabilizers and adopted retractable stabilizers, thus greatly reducing the size of the bombs. The geometric size of the anti-personnel bomb makes it a small aviation anti-personnel bomb.

After the butterfly bomb is released, because the two unfolded wings are at a certain angle, the shell will open under the action of air resistance, and the two rotating wings (butterfly wings) hinged by the spring will pop up to stabilize the missile during the fall. The center rotary wing will gradually release the safety of the warhead and reach combat status. The fuze detonates the bullet charge and produces fragments, killing the enemy's effective forces and destroying weapons and equipment.

The fuze of the small bomb is located in the center of the missile body. The mechanical delay and reverse detonation time of the fuze are set at the factory. Different fuzes can be selected to meet the required delay and reverse detonation requirements. It can kill up to 100 meters. people within the scope.

And now the German bombers are dropping M83 butterfly bombs, which are improved from Germany's previous SD-2 bombs. The 20,000 butterfly bombs dropped by ten bombers are falling like flowers from a goddess. It seems that there is even a way to say no. Out of beauty.

However, for the people on the ground, this kind of beauty is the fire of hell that brings death and the arrival of death.


A butterfly bomb happened to land on the hood of a Ford that was blocked in the middle of the road and could not move. Along with a series of loud noises, several cars crowded around seemed to have a chain reaction, and one after another was detonated.

Needless to say, the occupants of the car had no need to say anything. The surrounding crowd was swept away by the shock wave of the explosion. The screams and wails of one another frightened the surrounding people. They screamed, rolled and crawled in all directions to escape.

Another butterfly bomb landed among the panicked crowd.


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