Transmigrated as the Crown Prince

Chapter 568 Operation Greenland (2)

At five o'clock in the morning on June 6, the US military fleet, to be precise, the US-Canadian combined fleet arrived in the sea more than 200 kilometers away from Greenland.

As mentioned earlier, Canada seized British warships and gold under the instigation of the United States. As a result, Germany simply declared war on the United States and also declared war on Canada.

Now Canada is miserable.

The King of the United Kingdom is the "nominal" monarch of Canada, but this does not mean that Canada is a dependent country of the United Kingdom. It has constitutional, diplomatic, economic, monetary and other autonomy. Therefore, Canada's currency is not the British pound but the Canadian dollar.

However, although it has its own currency, as a member of the British Association, Canada naturally has a large amount of sterling foreign exchange, as well as the foreign exchange of many European countries.

As a result of this declaration of war, the pound sterling and European foreign exchange in the Canadian treasury will soon become useless paper and cannot be exchanged for the newly issued euros in Europe.

Canada is completely panicked. You must know that the value of that gold is not even one-tenth of the foreign exchange. Isn't this a huge loss? The Canadians secretly contacted Germany through neutral countries such as Switzerland and expressed their willingness to return British warships and gold.

Naturally, Yannick wouldn't agree, but it's not impossible to exchange it. Hasn't this already declared war? Since you are showing weakness, then pay war reparations.

Of course Canada is not happy. If we haven’t fought this war, why should we pay war reparations? After hearing the amount of compensation offered by Germany, the Canadian ambassador to Switzerland almost lost his temper on the spot. This is Chi Guoguo's robbery! If they really paid this amount of war reparations, the entire country would go bankrupt.

The negotiations have been in a stalemate for more than half a month, with still no progress. Germany officially announced that the euro exchange work has been successfully completed and will no longer conduct exchanges. At this time, Canada's foreign exchange was really a pile of waste paper, the domestic economy was greatly affected, and Prime Minister William Leon Mackenzie King was almost forced to resign.

As for the United States, because it really could not mobilize more warships, Ernest could only contact Canada to jointly send troops. The Prime Minister of Canada hesitated and agreed to cooperate with this operation. After all, if he just did nothing, he would be the only one who would suffer. Maybe by following the United States and taking a few bites of meat from Germany, we can recover some losses. Moreover, once the Greenland airport is built, major cities in Canada, including the capital, will be exposed to the combat range of German bombers. This is not good news.

Canada did not have any warships to take action. It could only send out the impounded British warships, the aircraft carrier Glory, the battleship Ramillies, the battlecruiser Repulse and several cruiser destroyers.

The combination of a battleship and an aircraft carrier seems very cool, but these are antiques from the First World War.

The HMS Glorious fleet aircraft carrier was originally a light battlecruiser of the British Royal Navy. Construction started in 1915, entered service in 1916, and was decommissioned and mothballed in 1919. It was converted into an aircraft carrier in 1924 and returned to service in 1930. It carries a total of more than 40 "Sea Fighter" carrier-based fighter jets and "Swordfish" torpedo planes, and its combat effectiveness can be imagined.

The USS Ramillies is the third ship of the Revenge-class battleships and was built in 1913. Although it is the third ship, it is the latest to enter service among all five completed Revenge-class battleships. It was officially commissioned in September 1917. By the time it became combat effective, the First World War was almost over, so the ship had no chance to participate in the war.

In 1926, the battleship Ramillies underwent its first modernization modification. During this modification, the ship made minor improvements to the power system to improve reliability; the ship's side guns were removed and replaced with A turret-mounted secondary battery. Before the outbreak of World War II, the Ramillies once again underwent modern modifications. This modification focused on strengthening its air defense capabilities. Brand-new air-to-sea search radars and fire control radars were installed on the ship, as well as a large number of small and medium-caliber anti-aircraft guns.

By the outbreak of World War II, the Ramillies had been in service for more than 20 years. Although they were slightly younger than the Queen Elizabeth class, the original speed of the Revenge class was slower, and the speed dropped again before World War II. , the speed of the Ramillies has long been unable to reach 20 knots.

The battlecruiser Repulse was built during World War I and was the second ship of the Prestige class battlecruiser. It was launched in January 1916 and entered service in August of the same year. It began modernization in 1933.

Such and such are all antiques from the First World War.

The man in charge of the operation was Rear Admiral Frank Jack Fletcher of the United States Navy. "Strange, why haven't we encountered a German patrol ship yet?" In the original time and space, Fletcher was the commander of the Battle of Midway. He sat on the "Yorktown" and directly commanded Task Force 17. Together with Task Force 16 commanded by Rear Admiral Raymond Spruance, he sank the Combined Fleet in one day on June 4, 1942. With four main aircraft carriers, the Pacific War ushered in a turning point.

Commander Fletcher actually did not agree with this surprise attack plan. This plan was full of uncertainties and had too many unknown factors. The danger of the plan is immeasurable. But President Roosevelt insisted on taking Greenland, and he had no choice but to carry it out.

From the time I set out until now, the uneasiness in my heart not only has not faded, but has become stronger. For example, right now, this place is already 200 kilometers away from Greenland. It stands to reason that we should have contacted the German maritime patrol long ago.

Could it be that the Germans are lazy? Commander Fletcher instantly rejected this ridiculous idea. If the Germans were so lazy, how could they conquer most of Europe.

Maybe there is some conspiracy among them, and the Germans have already learned about their action plan this time?

Just when his mind was filled with random thoughts, the adjutant next to him asked for instructions. "Commander, is it time to take off the carrier-based aircraft?"

In their combat plan, the aircraft carrier's carrier-based aircraft provide air defense for the battleships. It's not like flying hundreds of kilometers away to fight. Although Germany's aircraft carrier operations have shined in the European battlefield, the Americans have not yet had time to change their combat habits.

At this moment, the outer destroyers suddenly sounded a rapid siren, followed by a clear and tense report. "80 degrees to the left of the fleet, enemy ship found 30 kilometers away!"

Fletcher was startled and asked hurriedly. "Is it the enemy fleet?!"

After a few seconds the destroyer reported again. "Five destroyers and 10 speedboats."

Fletcher frowned slightly. "Patrol?"

"Need to sink them?"

"That's just a waste of time, the fleet is moving forward at full speed!" There is no concealment at all now. Even if this patrol was sunk, Greenland should have been alerted. "Take off the carrier-based aircraft and start air defense operations." According to intelligence, there are less than fifty German fighter jets in Greenland, and there are no feared attack aircraft. However, even fighter jets can carry torpedoes to launch attacks, so strict precautions are required.

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