Under the cover of darkness, the two torpedoes rushed straight towards the oil tanker not far away. With the turtle-like speed of the oil tanker, it was impossible to avoid the incoming torpedoes even if they discovered it.

One minute and ten seconds later, two torpedoes accurately hit the unfortunate oil tanker. What was even more unfortunate was that it was not carrying heavy oil, but a full 50,000 tons of crude oil. Accompanied by an earth-shaking loud noise, a large fireball with a diameter of hundreds of meters suddenly appeared on the sea, illuminating several kilometers in radius with red.

A passenger ship that happened to pass by the oil tanker was overturned by the shock wave of the explosion. If it had only been overturned, the passengers inside might have been saved, but then tons of water poured out of the oil tanker. Crude oil covered the surrounding sea area, and the sea instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Other nearby ships could only watch helplessly as the ferocious flames engulfed the passenger ship. Heart-rending screams came from the passenger ship, but they were helpless. All the ships even made a tacit agreement to move back a certain distance to avoid catching fire.

Listening to the panicked shouts of other captains coming from the radio, Kretschmer shook his head speechlessly. "These fools haven't even realized they were attacked?" Some ships were calling the Coast Guard for help, but they thought the oil tanker had exploded due to an accident, and they didn't realize that there was a terrifying person lurking in the sea. Killer in the sea.

At this time, the first mate walked into the control tower yawning. "Captain, please go and rest. Did you sink another ship just now? I seemed to hear an explosion."

Kretschmer nodded. "Sinked an oil tanker, at least 50,000 tons."

The first mate suddenly perked up. "Great! That's already over 100,000 tons. When you return to Hong Kong this time, you can at least get the Knight's Cross of Iron Cross with Oak Leaves!"

"Hey!" Kretschmer didn't have a happy look on his face, but sighed depressedly.

Seeing this, the first mate couldn't help but look puzzled. "Why are you sighing?" Then he suddenly realized. "By the way, you won't be able to go to sea after returning this time." Because of the regulations issued by His Highness himself, any captain who has sunk more than 100,000 tons of tonnage cannot go to sea again. Just like Gautprien, he was transferred to the rear to train and command a new submarine force.

Kretschmer had previously accumulated more than 40,000 tons of sunk tonnage, and this time he sunk more than 100,000 tons. According to regulations, he could only be transferred to the rear to train and command a submarine force. "You are going to be promoted."

Kretschmer smiled bitterly. "Instead of being promoted, I would rather be on the battlefield to kill the enemy."

However, His Highness has said before that a person's power is limited after all. A submarine sank a hundred enemy ships, a tank destroyed a hundred enemy tanks, and a fighter jet shot down a hundred enemy planes; perhaps their achievements It is breathtaking and unmatched by others, but it has no impact on the strategic level and cannot change the outcome of the war.

But once this kind of talent is placed in the position of a commander, he can rely on his own experience to educate more soldiers who are familiar with war. For example, a fighter pilot can shoot down 100 enemy planes, but after he shoots down 50 enemy planes, he is transferred to the rear to train new recruits and educates 100 pilots who can shoot down 10 enemy planes, which means he has caused 1,000 aircraft damage to the enemy. .

The U.S. Army Air Forces did a great job in this aspect during World War II. Their outstanding pilots will be replaced at the rear for recruit training when they reach certain missions. Since October 1942, the average training time of American pilots has surpassed that of German pilots, and has exceeded the level of the German military at its peak (1939-1940). Due to the rotation system, almost no super aces were born in American pilots. However, in terms of the technical level of pilots in the entire World War II, the average training level of American pilots was the highest, and the overall level was also the highest.

On the other hand, the average level of German pilots has been declining. The German army does not implement a rotation system, and excellent pilots fly until they die, otherwise they must participate in the war. For example: Garland flew from 1936 to 1945. As a general, he had to personally participate in air combat (you can imagine how rich this guy's flight time and combat experience are, which also shows that the German Air Force lacks reserve forces), so Germany emerged There are a large number of super ace pilots, but the end result is that there are fewer and fewer such excellent pilots, and the proportion of rookies is increasing, and the overall level has dropped significantly.

In the end, American air power completely broke the backbone of the German Air Force in Europe during World War II.

Kretschmer yawned. "Go find the supply ship. Since this is the last time, let's fight to the fullest." Maybe the number of sinkings in this trip can exceed that of Gautprien.

President Roosevelt has woken up in the ward. The first thing I did when I woke up was to have General Ernest called in. "How come the outer defense circle didn't notice the German submarine sneaking in?!"

General Ernest sighed. "Sorry, Mr. President, the number of patrol ships in the outer defense circle is still far from enough. It is inevitable that there will be loopholes. We can only make up for it after the ship production capacity is increased." In the past few days, more than one outer patrol ship has been sunk by the Germans. More than a hundred ships. There are only more than a hundred new ships that can be added, which means that the originally not so tight defense circle has not been substantially improved. However, the United States is entering a wartime system, and more and more ships will be launched. By then, the defense circle will be considered a real ironclad wall.

President Roosevelt also knew that because of fear of being attacked by German flying bombs with a range of 1,200 kilometers, the U.S. maritime defense circle has now been advanced to 1,500 kilometers. There will definitely be some loopholes. But as General Ernest said, these loopholes will gradually be filled over time when the United States' production capacity increases.

So instead of pursuing the matter to the end, he asked about another matter. "What about the German submarine? By the way, is it a submarine or a 'wolf pack'?" He was worried that it was not just a submarine that had slipped in, but a "wolf pack". He is well aware of the horror of the "wolf pack". After all, even the former maritime overlord, the British Empire, suffered heavy losses in front of the "wolf pack".

General Ernest also didn't know. The North Carolina formation that was attacked only sent news that it was attacked by a submarine. The specific situation was not detailed. "It must be a wolf pack?"

President Roosevelt asked. "Have you found any trace of it?"

General Ernest looked ashamed. "We have stepped up our search efforts." But now more than ten hours have passed since the attack, and there is still no trace of the other party. I'm afraid they have escaped long ago.

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